Spying on Fellow Posters


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Does anyone else, after they sybmitted or replied to a thread, put the cursor up to the names to see if that person
is online, or is it just me who does this weird thing, and maybe i should have kept it secret, or get help for it. Please
please don"t let me be the only strange person who does this on the forum. Answer kindly please :clapping::clapping:
Just you lol.

Actually, the green button tells you & when you open the site - ShoppingTelly.com - who is on-line is at the very foot of the page.
What if you are just using tapatalk on iphone which seems to keep you logged in even if not actually online but doing other "life" stuff such as working?

(how embarassing if you thought I was always online! Lol!)
If anyone wonders why I checked their profile it's because I'm squinting at the tiddly screen on my iPhone and sometimes hit the name if the person starting the thread instead of the thread itself.

But I don't check if people are on line. No idea you could do that.

With the iPhone/being on line thing I'm sure you don't show up as online all the time but I'm sure someone techie will know more/better than me.
Glad it's not just me Tink. I've hit someones profile by accident too because my thumb is too big.
I just meant if you put the cursor on the last message, you can see if that person is still on-line. Not really that computer sassy yet.
But thanks for your hint Minim. Of course i wouldnt be spying, as i seem to be the only strange person on this forum. Its comforting when
you cant sleep and you see someone else is up and youre not the only person who cant sleep. Bit comforting...................
If anyone wonders why I checked their profile it's because I'm squinting at the tiddly screen on my iPhone and sometimes hit the name if the person starting the thread instead of the thread itself.

Glad it's not just me Tink. I've hit someones profile by accident too because my thumb is too big.

Phew, at least I know it's not just me now!
If anyone wonders why I checked their profile it's because I'm squinting at the tiddly screen on my iPhone and sometimes hit the name if the person starting the thread instead of the thread itself.

But I don't check if people are on line. No idea you could do that.

With the iPhone/being on line thing I'm sure you don't show up as online all the time but I'm sure someone techie will know more/better than me.

I am also guilty of this, and when I first got my new phone, before downloading "Tapatalk" I realised I was hitting the "dislike" button by accident as well......
It's an App for ipads and iphone that helps you chat on various forums using these devices. Much quicker and easier than using the web page through safari.
Sorry madaunty! I am getting out of this contract in a few months. I hate Apple. Want a blackberry.
i've clicked the profile by mistake too and i'm on a lappie!

i must have been here for years before i realised the green dot next to someone's name meant they were online but i never really notice who is and who isn't - no doubt i will, now we've had this convo. lol

it will probably show me as online all the time the lappie's on because i never bother to sign out. unless the site is in one of it's moods when it signs me out every few minutes.
Sorry madaunty! I am getting out of this contract in a few months. I hate Apple. Want a blackberry.

you hate apple?? i thought the whole world worshipped apple? not me - i don't have anything but always thought i was missing out. walked past the apple shop in town yesterday and as usual it looked like the first day of harrod's sale in there!
Ues janie hate the fact that they just "do stuff" like put all your pictures on icloud, and then when you disable it lo and behold it's back again in a few days time without even asking if you eant it. I know many features of the iphone are common to sll smartphones like apps continuing to run in the background unless you remember to shut them down twice. If you don't remember to do this and disable 3G when you are out and about you end up usind shed loads of data unwittingly and then getting much higher bills and you have no idea why unless your provider tells you, because Apple certainly doesn'tmake it easy for new users to keep their bills down, they don't even give you an instruction book.

I don't use twitter or facebook either and I hate the assumption that everyone does, and that you repeatedly have to TELL your phone that no, I don't want you to auto tweet thank you very much.

There are many things I love about my iphone that I have got oodles of use out of such as the ebay app but I van get that on any smartphone, and hopefully an instruction book!

I also hate the "cult" of apple, and the almost blind allegiance to a brand. It gives me the creeps, too "big brother" for my liking. A bit like facebook and "Love" QVC. It's turning into a religion and I also am very wary of that (although not totally against....). God. Hslf five in the morning and I sm ranting. I need a sedative. Rant over, sorry.
I usually look at peoples profile when they give me a like or thanks, just nosey really
I have not filled out my profile yet, but promise I will try to do so in the next few weeks. I think it is good to look at profiles, esp but it does require more attentive members than me who actually do fill it out!

To be honest, the reason I have not filled it out is because I am not sure I really appreciated its real purpose and benefit. I have never been a tweeter or a facebooker but I have just started on G+ and realise that it is your profile that is key to everything.

Because this forum is so friendly and welcoming it is kind of easy to just fit in without needing to do the profile whereas on many sites I think you need the profile for others to get to know you and for you to fit in. As a result I think the profile is important on any site but just becomes so much more personal on here and is totally normal to look at...if a bit disappointing if it is empty!!!
Can anyone explain what the little + plus sign means next to a VIP member's star?

Jude xx

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