Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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Some of their Posts are full of mistakes! Not very bright when you play with make up all day! :mysmilie_61::mysmilie_458:
I know on other forums I belong to, well mainly the moneysavingsite. Posters will get ripped apart for all capitals(Do not shout its rude),no punctuation and no paragraphs just a wall of writing. The latter is awful as it is very difficult to read.
I know on other forums I belong to, well mainly the moneysavingsite. Posters will get ripped apart for all capitals(Do not shout its rude),no punctuation and no paragraphs just a wall of writing. The latter is awful as it is very difficult to read.

Dammit, my post was meant to be in all capitals!

Exactly, capitals and/or no punctuation makes for a breathless read - I do feel for some of the poor souls who post on Q's FB page as they don't seem to be the sharpest knives :(
Someone has posted about "the letter" and has not been jumped on from a great height! Indeed comments made say what we always say on here, that this conflicts with presenters actively encouraging you to try the stuff as you can always return under the MBG!!! Hurrah! No response from Q though.

Re the lack of grammar, punctuation etc I personally think this could be because FB posting is perceived as being closer to text speak. Now I hate a lack of punctuation etc even in texts but accept that is a minority view! And as for things like gr8 and be4, well..... Mind you, allowance must these days be made for ****** auto correct which drives me nuts. By the way, has anyone noticed the incredibly large font which seems to be popping up a lot.
Re the lack of grammar, punctuation etc I personally think this could be because FB posting is perceived as being closer to text speak. Now I hate a lack of punctuation etc even in texts but accept that is a minority view! And as for things like gr8 and be4, well..... Mind you, allowance must these days be made for ****** auto correct which drives me nuts. By the way, has anyone noticed the incredibly large font which seems to be popping up a lot.

Mazza, I think that's some stupid FB thing, so however short your post, it enlarges the font so your comment fills up the space - I've had some of my comments do that but you don't know until after it's posted and then it just looks like you're shouting or really keen, the shame!
No excuse for ignorance and you can type Posts and reviews without mistakes! Not difficult to do! As someone said on previous thread, not the sharpest tools in the box! :mysmilie_1:
Del Boy, inbetween promoting the Devon retreat, started on about blogging about her daughter's upcomming wedding only to say she wouldn't be allowed to blog. Hurrah, I thought, only to find it was the daughter and not Q which wouldn't let her give preview of her plans.

Something to look forward to ..... not!
I agree, it also gets on my chesticles when someone starts a sentence with "am" "am going the shops" "am going to buy a bag" "am!" "am!" "am!" It's "I am"or "I'm" for goodness sake! :mysmilie_13: annnnnd breath.

This AM is used all the time! Another one that gets my goat is Your and You're! Simple English really, Arrrrgghh! :mysmilie_13:
My friend text me today asking if I'd had a quite day in the office. Grr!! It took all my willpower not to correct her!
Del Boy, inbetween promoting the Devon retreat, started on about blogging about her daughter's upcomming wedding only to say she wouldn't be allowed to blog. Hurrah, I thought, only to find it was the daughter and not Q which wouldn't let her give preview of her plans.

Something to look forward to ..... not!

I find Debbie Flint unbearable these days. On the love rocks show our cackling presenter "jokingly" said Charlotte, the model should lose her microphone. Why? Because she had a different opinion to Debbie about how to wear an item. It would seem her mantra is "when I want your opinion, I'll give it to you" !!!

When one of the two has form with having poor taste and judgement on fashion matters, I would instinctively head in the opposite direction to any advice or opinion Debbie had to offer.
There is one post that has slipped through the net saying Katy Pullinger looks like a vampire. Not one of the easily offended has spotted it yet.
I shout at the screen when the presenters incorrectly use :
-Me, Myself and I
-Amount or Less instead of Number or Fewer

Beyond QVC I get really irritated by the phrases - 'a breath of fresh air' and 'it's refreshing' to describe something that's different and better than the norm. Then there's 'different to'. I was taught that it's 'similar to' and 'different from'.

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