Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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They are going to have plenty 25th's of each month leading up to Christmas now to enjoy the spirit they are after surely.

Half the time it`s the admin from these groups who get too dictatorial and too precious about QVC. If you were sitting with a group of friends you`d chat about lots of things and not just stick to one subject and afterall it is supposed to be called "social " media. There`s nothing very sociable about people telling you what you can or can`t chat about, especially if it`s all shopping related.
Childish, power mad, pathetic, obsessive and simply no need for it. I`m surprised it lasted as long as it did and let`s face it, it`s hardly the end of the World.

I seriously think the Admin for these Fakebook accounts need to take a good look at themselve! They worm their way into befriend the Presenters and think they are Blogger of the Century! Sad but so True! :mysmilie_12:
I have seen them advertise a 'little game' that they are 'playing' on FB lately by asking people to vote for the product that they would like to see on EP. Now is it just me or am I being cynical to think that this is
a) pointless as they will just put the one on EP as they see fit (I mean a person is not really going to know how many voted, as these things are never properly regulated).
Even if 'a' is false and I am being over cynical then
b) Four products out of the thousands that they flog is not a lot and of course the EP could only be one airing so unless you 'catch' that airing it would be a pointless game anyway.
c) It is a pointless game anyway!
I see from Q's FB that Beth Caterer has ditched Prai and is now pimping herself out for Abi Cleeve's skincare range!
What about the customer who was returning something for the first time and was astounded that she had to pay the postage,

Welcome to our world!
Oh ye gods!!! Someone complaining about the lack of joy and wonder for the Christmas In July crap day. She wants jolly jolly presenters getting excited about the products etc. She takes the day off work every year just for this special QVC day!!!! :puke: Another is saying they should be playing Xmas jingles.

Surely there are better things to do in the middle of summer than wish the year away pining for Christmas?!? The person complaining should remember that nothing about these promotions is about Christmas at all. It's all about the money! Always has been, always will be. More fool her for booking a day watching QVC flogging ancient stocks of overpriced tat... And no extended MBG until they bag the drum even faster in October.
I feel sorry for the poor kids and hubby who have been forced to sit on the sofa and each one of them told to hold a Charlie Bear and like it, whilst having the their photo put on Q`s facebook page for everybody to shake their heads and feel sorry for the poor suckers. One kid in a red T shirt on the edge of the photo looks like he`d love to murder someone. That`s tantamount to child cruelty lol.
I feel sorry for the poor kids and hubby who have been forced to sit on the sofa and each one of them told to hold a Charlie Bear and like it, whilst having the their photo put on Q`s facebook page for everybody to shake their heads and feel sorry for the poor suckers. One kid in a red T shirt on the edge of the photo looks like he`d love to murder someone. That`s tantamount to child cruelty lol.

I agree with you and find a lot of these furry things unbearable, sorry not sorry!
A recent post of the latest 'cute animals' had me running behind the sofa!

Is it just me???? :mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15:
Good to see Q's FB team being as supremely helpful as always - someone posted this question:

"Can anyone tell me if the QVsell page still exist"

This was their response:

"Hi Adejoke, we can confirm this page is not affiliated with QVC UK. Hope this helps, Rebecca x"
Someone complaining about the guarantee of battery operated items bought Christmas In July. Seems they only come with a 6 month guarantee so if give for Christmas they will only have one month guarantee if something goes wrong. QVC told them to open and check the product is working when it arrives with them. Customer saying but its a gift and you want me to open the packaging etc. QVC covering their ***** and sticking to that is their rules, extended guarantee starts in October for Christmas stuff

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