Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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I really don't understand this need to get offended on behalf of other people. Ok if it's a racist remark (for example) then fair enough, but why get offended by people saying that another person is irritating? We can't all like every single trait of every single person, it's ridiculous.
I do read loads of complaining about JF, but these people need to realize QVC will not listen and do not care. I will say JF never reads or even cares either.

If I was able to post on Q Facebook I would just say, let it go you are talking to yourselves. When her contact comes up for renewal if the money is right she will sign and continue working for QVC presenting. Fact.
Oh also I have now noticed loads and I mean loads of complaining about Kathy Taylor. She who used to lorded as the normal nice ordinary presenter. Now she is called rude, talks over the guests who cannot get a word in etc etc etc.
Oh also I have now noticed loads and I mean loads of complaining about Kathy Taylor. She who used to lorded as the normal nice ordinary presenter. Now she is called rude, talks over the guests who cannot get a word in etc etc etc.

Justifiable complaints, IMO.
Ho Ho!!!! Seems CHuntly has been telling all on air about being on her period!!!:mysmilie_15: Several times during the hour.

Also it seems talking smut with the guest presenter in Lola Rose.

Our we surprised? no.
Ho Ho!!!! Seems CHuntly has been telling all on air about being on her period!!!:mysmilie_15: Several times during the hour.

Also it seems talking smut with the guest presenter in Lola Rose.

Our we surprised? no.

How weird! When I quote your post, it says Lola Rose, but I am seeing in your post #2045 Frank Usher... spooky!

What is it with Selly Telly presenters wanting to tell us intimate details that should either be shared with their nearest and dearest or their doctor? How is this social discourse? I personally would think that information that would only be shared with a small intimate circle is not really the basis for a conversation broadcast to 100's (possibly even 1,000's).
I caught the end of the jewellery show where she simpered about the floor lacky presenting her with the ring like a suitor. Then went on to say he had proposed to her several times but that he was the same age as her son.

Now I know it was all supposed to be a joke but when it is Chuntley simpering and that false laugh it doesn't really come across like that, you just know she wants us all to know she is irresistible to any male in or out of a pair of pants.
How weird! When I quote your post, it says Lola Rose, but I am seeing in your post #2045 Frank Usher... spooky!

What is it with Selly Telly presenters wanting to tell us intimate details that should either be shared with their nearest and dearest or their doctor? How is this social discourse? I personally would think that information that would only be shared with a small intimate circle is not really the basis for a conversation broadcast to 100's (possibly even 1,000's).

Maybe it is to prove to all and sundry that she is still fertile!:mysmilie_11:
Why on earth was she mentioning this, talk about indiscretion.
Didn't she used to go on about bodily functions in the past, toilet etc.? very odd.
Our Cath was explaining that for a few days each month she loses the ability to think straight! More self-deprecating: "I'm such a bimbo, and now I'm a bleeding Bimbo" (my words not hers but you get the gist!).

To think our grandmas' and mothers' generation fought tooth and nail to be taken seriously, get proper jobs and own their own property, and not be dismissed as air-heads at the mercy of our hormones! Mine are turning in their graves!
I'm just waiting to see which QVC presenter will be the new Ellis Ward and confess to wetting themself!!! Or worse :mysmilie_11:
Our Cath was explaining that for a few days each month she loses the ability to think straight! More self-deprecating: "I'm such a bimbo, and now I'm a bleeding Bimbo" (my words not hers but you get the gist!).

To think our grandmas' and mothers' generation fought tooth and nail to be taken seriously, get proper jobs and own their own property, and not be dismissed as air-heads at the mercy of our hormones! Mine are turning in their graves!

So true, Akimbo.

Hang on, "for a few days each month she loses the ability to think straight"?? A FEW days?
Ho Ho!!!! Seems CHuntly has been telling all on air about being on her period!!!:mysmilie_15: Several times during the hour.

Also it seems talking smut with the guest presenter in Lola Rose.

Our we surprised? no.

I simply cannot believe that Chuntley would mention her period on air!!!!! What was she selling, FFS? Tampons? Can you imagine going to a DHS store and being regaled with such information. I am actually shocked!!!!! The woman has no shame. And I agree with Akimbo, how can she expect to be taken seriously as a woman if she simpers that her periods mean she is an airhead for X days a month! Pathetic.
If she is a total airhead when she has her period then she badly needs to seek medical advice as it's not natural to have your period for 30 days per month, every month.
I was going to say I can't believe the daft bugger said that, but it's Chuntley so yes, I really can. It's probably her mating call to all those men out there, so long as they've got a pulse she's probably not too fussy.
Two minutes in to the Aurora show on her Q return, the building site in her 'other' home was mentioned. Mr. Aurora asked if the builders were in...."No,..I AM a builder" she replied. I believe you have to know your way around a tape measure for house can she not put the tape measure on the wall and measure her height, once and for all?
I'm just glad she wasn't counting MY teeth when she was a humble dental nurse!
She really is hilarious.
I emailed them in the style of 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' about her comments so I'll see if I get a reply. A few months ago I moaned about the way some presenters say that they'll do the measurements quickly, as though these aren't important. I know how to accessorise a garment but if I can't get it on they don't get the sale. I was assured that my concerns would be passed on...

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