So what's the plan for New Year's Eve?


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debrajane - nothing odd about the freezer. barbs has werthers vodka everywhere since she discovered it. she's probably hoping she can keep it all to herself by hiding it everywhere but i'll do my best to sniff it out. i'll bring some veggie snacks and the choklit fountain but the xmas party was a bit of a damp squib - capirossi was wrapped in blankies and snarly was snoring by 10 pm.

Us Welsh know how to party eh Snarls?!! lol

I may well join in the festivities tomorrow night, I can't promise that I won't have a blankie though as am ill again today :-( but I may be there in spirit!!

ETS - get well soon Sazza!
I don't normally go out on NYE but this year it looks like I could well be in bed, been in bed all day today as have come down with a virus, it is not full blown flu but symptoms are very flu like! :sad:

Poor you Sazza, hope you'll feel a lot better very soon. I've had these symptoms for over a week now and the pain in my head has been awful. Don't know how I got through Christmas Day to be honest and I still don't feel so great. Been a bummer of a Christmas really but there are people far worse off than me who have pain and discomfort every day of the year.

Happy New Year everyone.....hope 2013 brings you all better health, much joy and happiness.
Well I was supposed to be going to a drinks party but this tonsillitis still has me laid low. Only awake now because I got up late and dropped off on the sofa this afternoon.

And I look dreadful too. I've got a coldsore, I'm pale as a ghost and the spots are having a go at my chin. Unfortunately it's not fancy dress or I could have gone as the Grim Reaper!!

I think it'll be a quiet dinner and a film for me. Heaven help me though I've got a family roast to prepare for NYD!!
eek! hope you feel better soon sazza!


Sorry to hear that Sazza, hope you feel better soon - we'll toast absent friends if you're not around x

Awww bless! I am liable to be around, laptop, phone and wifi is keeping me company!!

Would you believe I probably caught this bug at the doctors surgery when I was there the other day, went in for check up re some medication I am on and so many were coughing and spluttering!!

Yes, hope you are feeling better soon Sazza. Will you be taking a dram?

Aye well maybe a hot toddy will do me good!!! :giggle:
Sazza, hope you're feeling better soon. Doctors surgeries are the worst for picking up 'lergies.
GetBetter y'all :heart:

Capirossi, "Parteee" is our MiddleName, Cariad! DebraJane, had to order CH #103776, LastClicks just now-lipstick/shoes pattern PJs has to be Mine!
Well I was supposed to be going to a drinks party but this tonsillitis still has me laid low. Only awake now because I got up late and dropped off on the sofa this afternoon.

And I look dreadful too. I've got a coldsore, I'm pale as a ghost and the spots are having a go at my chin. Unfortunately it's not fancy dress or I could have gone as the Grim Reaper!!

I think it'll be a quiet dinner and a film for me. Heaven help me though I've got a family roast to prepare for NYD!!

The grim reaper didn't have cold sores and a spotty chin anyway Tinks so that wouldn't do lol. Oh you do sound in a bad way, snuggle up in the warm and get better soon x
Capirossi, "Parteee" is our MiddleName, Cariad! DebraJane, had to order CH #103776, LastClicks just now-lipstick/shoes pattern PJs has to be Mine!

Oh Snarly you are a terrible influence, I've now got these too!! I ordered the nightie for my mum for Christmas and she was delighted (and she's not easy to please). Pattern is really cute.
Am hoping my fella returns from his travels tomorrow after visiting rellies. He should've been home tonight :down:

This will be our first New Year's Eve together and I think it will be romantic and cuddly :heart: just we two playing board games and sipping alcoholic beverages - unless we decide to defrost some party food and invite some neighbours round...I'm up for either!

Whatever you do, I hope you all have a nice time. Let's hope that 2013 is an improvement on 2012. Happy New Year!
My night will be exactly the same as Bluebell's. Been preparing food all day for about 10 of us, everyone has chipped in on the drink so cocktails are planned with some sparkly stuff for midnight. I too use to hate NYE but after getting fed with being woken up at midnight by fireworks every year, decided to treat it as just a good excuse for a night out or entertaining.

I'm really looking forward to it, but I know some are not for many reasons. It's a rotten time of the year to have sad memories. Hope those who are poorly feel better tomorrow, I shall wish everyone well at midnight.

Don't tell Janie and Barbs we're having "Sex on the Beach", it's got vodka in it!! :bandit:
I hope you have a lovely time Frazzled. Don't worry about the sex on the beach, Janie and SparklyBarbs have their own plans for spud juice lol x
Luckily Eric my old moggy is laid back with fireworks - he won't go out while they're going off but he will stand on the doorstep with me.

As per usual my bro and sis have made their own arrangements, "forgetting" to ask me if I'd like to join them (I live alone find it difficult to make new friends - aaahhh !). My mum bless her has invited me to her NYE party. Problem is she is 89 and lives in a retirement complex and their party starts at 6pm. They will probably be tucked up by 9pm, certainly won't be seeing the NY in !

I'm not bothered about staying in, I find NYE very sad anyway. A good friend of mine died from skin cancer at the end of 2011, he was only 41 and I think about him everyday.

I'm bound to log on at some stage during the evening just to see who else is at a loose end !

Linda xx
We will be watching the celebrations on telly at home and then I'll ring my Nan at midnight to wish her happy new year. Then off to bed :) Very rock&roll \m/

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I'll be staying in with my partner but he usually has to be up at six and doesn't do after midnight so I think as soon as we've heard the chimes he'll be off.
Hope Sazza you feel better shortly.

I am on my own well have the cats. Bottle of champy, and if the TV is totally crap might get the AC/DC out with a bit of GaGa and dance around. Now there is a MASH UP!!!

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