So, I'm not a fan of QVC huh?


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I just had a look at the statistics on the bottom of the opening page
As of 10:AM this morning there were

5.390 members

51 members were online
425 were guests .... JOIN lol

Always bin a bit scared to join as VIP but I see no better time, thanks Sparklybarbs and Minim for the push I needed, here we go......
Always bin a bit scared to join as VIP but I see no better time, thanks Sparklybarbs and Minim for the push I needed, here we go......

See you there reflexgirl, i've just done it and minim for giving me the extra push i needed and all you other friends x
I :heart: the way we all argue/disagree on here but when the chips are down we all rally round and unite together to provide a great deal of support for each other.
Always bin a bit scared to join as VIP but I see no better time, thanks Sparklybarbs and Minim for the push I needed, here we go......

Awww - there is nothing to be scared of reflexgirl. Just loads of different sections and interesting chats. The best part is the pets sections. Lots of photos of beautiful kitty cats and dogs.
wow amazed at this thread, QVC thinking this site brings down sales amazed a company as big as QVC think a forum like this (and I am not belittling it) can affect their sales so drastically.

I am an infrequent poster I will admit but, I do read regularly however, over the years have learned a thing or two from here with regards to making purchases etc, Q are their own worst enemies I think their postage charges are the worst thing when so many places offer free P & P or one off delivery charge for numerous items, I recently bought a pair of Emu's from Amazon and with 20% off got them for £66 and yet the exact item on QVC is in excess of £150 on QVC, if Amazon can discount something so much why can't QVC with their "bulk buying power".

Still wondering who CT is though?!?
Awww - there is nothing to be scared of reflexgirl. Just loads of different sections and interesting chats. The best part is the pets sections. Lots of photos of beautiful kitty cats and dogs.

Oh thanks for that Itchy. Have just joined :rock: Like the sound of the pets section - have 4 cockatiels (currently walking all over my laptop :grin:) Really looking forward to it now!
I always try to think (but don't always succeed in) that hate is a wasted emmotion and I think that applies here. Stuff them. We are better than them. Don't let the bar stewards get you down. Amazon and other stores can have a cash instead. Then by ignoring them it will hurt them far more than us.

Graham I know you out blood sweat and tears into this site so if course it is personal when things like this happens but we love you and appreciate you so I hope and pray you will be able to put this to the back of your mind soon my friend :)

wow amazed at this thread, QVC thinking this site brings down sales amazed a company as big as QVC think a forum like this (and I am not belittling it) can affect their sales so drastically.

I am an infrequent poster I will admit but, I do read regularly however, over the years have learned a thing or two from here with regards to making purchases etc, Q are their own worst enemies I think their postage charges are the worst thing when so many places offer free P & P or one off delivery charge for numerous items, I recently bought a pair of Emu's from Amazon and with 20% off got them for £66 and yet the exact item on QVC is in excess of £150 on QVC, if Amazon can discount something so much why can't QVC with their "bulk buying power".

Still wondering who CT is though?!?

One of the ladies off of the qvc Facebook page. I won't say her name as I don't want my wrist slapping. Caused an uproar on here last year when I was here under a different name. Big thread about the angels and loads of them came here for a b***h!

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I am baffled, if QVC think that we here on ST are so bad then do they read their own FB page????
I just think QVC struggle with loads of contradictions.
I think in general they just run around in circles trying to make the next sale.

I watch a lot but I'm a lot wiser than I used to be.

I now buy less than I did, but I guess that may well apply to loads of other companies and their customers.
I have to chip in and say that QVC has had a load of my cash directly because of product recommendations through ST. In fact I was an extremely infrequent qvc purchaser before I joined here. I'm now a very frequent purchaser *gulp* and it's all down to you lot!!! IMO QVC should be thanking Graham and ST for all the revenue it brings in. Yes we have a moan and a bitch ~ quite rightly ~ but we're all still here and still buying. I know without a shadow of a doubt that if ST wasn't here I would buy less from QVC as all the heads up and tips wouldn't point me Qvc's way. They're showing themselves in a very poor light with their behaviour ~ it's petty and quite ridiculous!
Sazza can you explain a bit more about the comment in the sticky from one of QVCs affiliates about "not monetizing links".

I think I understand how traffic moving from into QVCs website, or any other retailer who advertises here works, i.e i am browsing, I see an ad for QVC, click on it and get taken to QVC. Something in the background counts how many times this happens and therefore how well the ad works. I assume that's what Graham meant by 96% of the click throughs going to QVC?

But how is that converted into revenue generated for the advertiser? Can the technology actually tell if I purchase? (If it can, that's a bit scary) or is the £500k mentioned just an estimate?

What is meant by "monetizing links"?

I'm sure others will be curious too.
I am baffled, if QVC think that we here on ST are so bad then do they read their own FB page????
snap!! Just my sentiments too... like I said in my post, what are they going to do with Facebook?
There were so many negative posts about their new web.
There were even complaints about JF. too.
Friends of QVC? Excuse me? Are they a charity? QVC is a mega huge company and we are amongst its customers. We speak as we find and I'm sure we speak as thousands of other customers find, who have never even heard of the forum. Does that not tell QVC anything at all??
snap!! Just my sentiments too... like I said in my post, what are they going to do with Facebook?
There were so many negative posts about their new web.
There were even complaints about JF. too.

They'll quite conveniently contradict themselves as they always do.
Like with the reviews more infrequently mentioned of late.
With the TSV bra now act all angel like with we have acted on the reviews and made a mark11 version.
Take note the QVC presenters have managed to bag their Ipads, but are now been seen with them less recently.
Facebook and Twitter will serve a purpose for them as long as it's not too difficult, then they will cease to be mentioned much like brands and their reps.
Sazza can you explain a bit more about the comment in the sticky from one of QVCs affiliates about "not monetizing links".

I think I understand how traffic moving from into QVCs website, or any other retailer who advertises here works, i.e i am browsing, I see an ad for QVC, click on it and get taken to QVC. Something in the background counts how many times this happens and therefore how well the ad works. I assume that's what Graham meant by 96% of the click throughs going to QVC?

But how is that converted into revenue generated for the advertiser? Can the technology actually tell if I purchase? (If it can, that's a bit scary) or is the £500k mentioned just an estimate?

What is meant by "monetizing links"?

I'm sure others will be curious too.

I'm not sure of the method used Burlz but with something like web analytics you can see how the browser arrived at your site, what pages they have looked at and for how long and all actions are tracked from page views, buy it nows to add to basket, it also shows what you are browsing the site with running what system software. I'm sure larger companies may use something more sophisticated. Do not track software is getting more and more poplar.
If QVC are worried why don't they make Graham an offer he can't refuse, buy him out and run a forum as part of their website as QVC US do? That's what big fish do isn't it?

Jude xx
Sazza can you explain a bit more about the comment in the sticky from one of QVCs affiliates about "not monetizing links".

I think I understand how traffic moving from into QVCs website, or any other retailer who advertises here works, i.e i am browsing, I see an ad for QVC, click on it and get taken to QVC. Something in the background counts how many times this happens and therefore how well the ad works. I assume that's what Graham meant by 96% of the click throughs going to QVC?

But how is that converted into revenue generated for the advertiser? Can the technology actually tell if I purchase? (If it can, that's a bit scary) or is the £500k mentioned just an estimate?

What is meant by "monetizing links"?

I'm sure others will be curious too.

I will need to leave it to Graham to explain that side of things as he is the one who sets all that up but this link should explain "monetizing links"
Hear Hear Flamenco & their p&p pricing is disgusting.

I have just emptied my shopping basket with three Christmas items in (all from last clicks) when I realised the p&p was more expensive than the items!

How many times have I done just that Marzy! You don't factor the P & P in as much when you order by phone, if you make three phone calls for three items you see onscreen (or at least I don't!) but when you see it before you in black & white, it's a different ball-game!

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