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Maybe they wanted a lot of OTOs to clear stock - but seems v odd to me.
my thinking exacTly
Maybe they wanted a lot of OTOs to clear stock - but seems v odd to me.
now youll be tempted by the oto's redt!:54:
hehe, i think I'm resisting too! To be honest when I tuned it on this morning I was tempted but I know I have these colours already, the lip pencil thingy was very drying when i tried it before and I have enough glowy products to last me a life time. Plus I have to say AY completely put me off, her rabbiting is now getting beyond ridiculous. Did you hear her saying that other powders can have a 'talc-ing' effect?! She's just making stuff up! Apart from anything talc has been used in powders for years with no adverse effects, she's just latching on to the whole BE thing of making out that talc is the devil. talc-ing? Whatever.
PS the models name is Funda. :1:
I think QVC need to be a lot clearer when they say which colour of foundation is suitable for who. I am not as pale as Nina but I use fair - light looked dirty on me (too yellow/gold). The problem is they tend to stick the darker colours on the models and claim they are universal shades that will suit all fair/light people - Debbie, for example, could probably use halo fair, rather than light (although maybe light looks better on her in the studio under all the lights) and Amanda, IMO, does not need LG BnB regular unless she is fake tanned! Hope you like your TSV when it arrives.
my thinking exacTly
Ah ha! the model's name is Funda!,thank you.Her parents obviously went for the cockney pronounciation of Thunder.:3:
I'm drooling at none of the Smashbox items today,however I am drooling at Nina's watch,I do believe she wearing my most coveted Chanel watch, it's gorgeous.
I have the Gossip "tribute" version which only cost me 20 quid as opposed to 5 grand,lol, and I still get compliments about it nearly a year on since the TSV.
I noticed that too! Nina always wears that huge heart-shaped ring too and I LOVE that! I do have a similar oval one but I would love one like that!
lol Emma - are you doing an impression of the lovely Nina:14:
Very impressed - mine's here already!!!!:11:
That has got to be a record for QVC!!!
Have to say, however, that this is the 1st time I'm not overly impressed with the overall content..:20:
However, I'll give it go again & see if I change my mind??