Should we be insulted?


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Nov 9, 2008
Well I don`t know about anyone else but when I`m told that a `celebrity` (George Clooney`s wife) uses something they are selling... Phillip Kingsley in this case...... if its good enough for her its good enough for us!!! I find that quite insulting!!
They do that all the time. Cheryl uses Elemis according to AY. Its the sad affair of the sheep who follow the celebs, then think if they use the same products they will be the same.

Same as the celeb perfumes they churn out, when in fact the celeb has nothing to do with their creation and is just paid to put their face and name on the box. Personally I couldn't give a flying sh*t whoever uses what.
i like philip kingsley shampoo but only because i like the results. hate celebrity endorsement
It doesn't sway me one way or the other. I remember reading that Kate Moss uses PCMC, but that's not why I used it, I used it because I liked the texture and the way it moisturised my skin. I now realise it didn't make me look any younger, so I don't go out of my way to buy it any more. It wouldn't matter to me who used a product, if it appealed to me and I was happy with the price, I would pay it, try the product out and if I felt it was really good I would buy it again. So far, I haven't found any product anywhere that has made me look younger, I have however found products that moisturise nicely, so I pay what I am prepared to pay and that is it. The next time I need a moisturiser I am going to buy one from Sukin from Lookfantastic, it's an Australian brand, all natural. I like to use natural products as much as possible.
I'm not insulted, more amused by the citing of this celebrity or that celebrity uses X. Desperate selling tactics... and usually someone I have either never heard of or find mediocre in what they do. Yes, it's tiresome, and I'm cynical enough to think X probably uses it because given it free for the endorsement. I doubt that they would be doing it if they put their hands in their pockets to buy it. Plus there's the small matter of the other interventions they are likely to be having...

I'm more likely to feel insulted if a presenter suggests that I'm stupid or ignorant because I don't like a brand and won't buy it. Never a good sales move in my book.
It doesn't insult me because I'm not into the celebrity thing.I am also a cynic..........Nothing they are selling or endorsing would persuade me to buy something I didn't want to.
Seeing Anthea Turner being publicised as yet another ambassador for one of the many Lotteries certainly wouldn't make me buy a ticket !!! Last chance celebs grabbing every crumb of publicity is so demeaning (now I've heard Peter Andre is on Strictly ! barrel scraping bottom springs to mind)
I never know who these so called celebs are, so it has no impact.

However, i have always thought name dropping is poor taste.
Plus, the celebs probably get their cosmetic products for free, so it becomes totally pointless.
it was the implication if its good enough for them it is for us .... as though they are better than us !!
I think the worst one for that kind of "you should be so lucky" attitude is Chloe. the number of times she bangs on about how privileged we lesser mortals are to be able to buy such a prestigious brand really gets on my wick! If I want it and can afford it I will buy it, thank you! Q products are not exactly Roman Abramovitch prices are they????? Well OK I know some are dearer than others (calming down a bit now!) but I do not need to be told that I am lucky to be within touching distance of a particular perfume, cream or handbag.
I'm not a big celebrity follower at all, and never have been. I dislike Philip Kingsley's products as none that I've bought have made the slightest 'promised' difference to my hair.

As for being insulted, I totally agree, also when they are talking about makeup colours, they constantly say for example, this is what Cheryl 's colour would be, so if you're Cheryl's colouring this will work!" They do this constantly with different celebrity women's skin tones, and I'm sitting thinking, they're all made up to the hilt, and have stuff done to them all the time, also they have all the time in the world to pay for luxury spa treatments, which I know for a fact many of them do, who the hell cares, and besides how can you possibly know what their makeup colour is, as they don't show us their naked faces. phewwww glad I got that off my chest, seriously it bugs the life out of me.
Well I`ve yet to hear them say Celebrity X or Celebrity Y was wearing a Kim top, an Anthony skirt or a YK dress and how lucky we are to have them lol
Lovein, I was about to post the same as you! Heck, she looks awful, thin and drawn-looking, her legs are like sticks, certainly no role model or body image icon. Get the Fudge and Pies guest presenters on there, I say, and fill her a bag with freebies!!:mysmilie_14:

She needs a good meal along with Angelina.
I think the worst one for that kind of "you should be so lucky" attitude is Chloe. the number of times she bangs on about how privileged we lesser mortals are to be able to buy such a prestigious brand really gets on my wick! If I want it and can afford it I will buy it, thank you! Q products are not exactly Roman Abramovitch prices are they????? Well OK I know some are dearer than others (calming down a bit now!) but I do not need to be told that I am lucky to be within touching distance of a particular perfume, cream or handbag.

You mean your not going to "get excited!! get very excited!!!!" Oh wait, it's an Antthony top, I agree she is beyond annoying, if I come across her whilst channel hopping, I can literally only stand her for seconds before I turn the channel back over. As for celebrities, if I like it I buy it, if I don't I don't, a celebrity doesn't even come in to it, mind you I don't shop with QVC now and I can see how hilarious it is when they make out that well, if it's good enough for them............
I don't really feel insulted per se, but it is rude and patronising. As in none of us have any worth as human beings because we're not these sainted celebrities. Ha! Oh woe is me, I'm not as worthwhile to the world as a vapid, moronic Kardashian... Forgive my arrogance but I rather think I am...
Perhaps insulted was the wrong choice of words ... maybe annoyed is more apt ..either way I do take exception to being thought something is good enough for me because some z lister either uses or has endorsed it!!

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