SHOCK HORROR Julia has just admitted..


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What is wrong with that woman? Why must she constantly pump herself up at the expense of everyone around her? The words 'narcissistic', 'personality' and 'disorder' come to mind.
Insecurity? If you are happy with yourself is there any need to do a JR?
I am sure there are lots of us who would say we are a size 14 when maybe we are nearer a 16 and so on. But JR is obviously not a size 12 more like a 16+ so that is stretching it a little bit too far (a bit like her too tight tops).:wink2:
I happened to stumble across her this morning while hunting for Bewitched at 7am.

i don't know what she'd done to stuff her baps into the low cut top she was busting out all over, but I reckon several tubes of no-nails were needed to keep everything in place. :11::11::11:
Julia has a large bust and wears clothes that are far too tight, but when you see her in the flesh (excuse pun) she's actually quite small, probably a 12 ish. She looks bigger on the TV as do most people.
Julia has a large bust and wears clothes that are far too tight, but when you see her in the flesh (excuse pun) she's actually quite small, probably a 12 ish. She looks bigger on the TV as do most people.

I dread to think what I'd look like on telly.
Probably the Bissell woman on IW :grin:

why don't the TV people just squish things a bit, then the celebs wouldn't be so obsessed with being size zeros.
I'm glad someone else noticed her comments on the Rockport hour because I thought it was just me being picky because I don't like the woman.

Her constant references to her teeny tiny feet got on my nerves.
julia is very tiny in hieght hence the small feet and a size 12/14 would look bigger on her than a 6' model..
i dont think she looks bad but maybe she should maybe stop trying to draw attention to "bigging" herself up too much
kathy taylor confesses daily she is a size 16 and wears qvc large and she does not get a ribbing for her size maybe its julia roberts attitude that she gets a bit of stick.....
i like julia though as a presenter as she is quite informative and funny sometimes but i remember back in her earlier days that she would boast about her sons very blonde hair and sophie had to take the back seat but he well......he hasnt much hair nowand sophie has come into her own...oh well tis life!
Oh Julia. I don' think you should worry about your weight or feet, or hair or anything. Hey for goodness sake you're a lucky woman.
In my opinion she makes it an issue by repeatedly saying that she is wearing a size small.

so what? from time to time everyone says a little white lie about their looks, size, etc. i don't, but i hear plently which only give me a giggle.
there is one problem with julia. for a 50+ she looks better than many 30+ and that doesn't sit well with people. simples. :flower:
Gawd, give the woman a break. So what if she says she has small feet in a show about shoes. She has to waffle about something for an hour. She may well be a size small in some clothes, I can be a small to medium in some ranges but a large in others. She is a good presenter, usually very informative about the products she is presenting and I like her.
Gawd, give the woman a break. So what if she says she has small feet in a show about shoes. She has to waffle about something for an hour. She may well be a size small in some clothes, I can be a small to medium in some ranges but a large in others. She is a good presenter, usually very informative about the products she is presenting and I like her.

Agreed, I find her to be pretty enjoyable

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so what? from time to time everyone says a little white lie about their looks, size, etc. i don't, but i hear plently which only give me a giggle.
there is one problem with julia. for a 50+ she looks better than many 30+ and that doesn't sit well with people. simples. :flower:

She does look good for her age so why the need to tell porkies?

When she gets it right she looks great but so often she wears things that don't do her any favours.

As someone else pointed out Kathy Tayler doesn't get this type of comment as she doesn't bring it on herself by her own behaviour.
She does look good for her age so why the need to tell porkies?

When she gets it right she looks great but so often she wears things that don't do her any favours.

As someone else pointed out Kathy Tayler doesn't get this type of comment as she doesn't bring it on herself by her own behaviour.

no one claimed that jr is the sharpest tool in the box!
Its soo bad now that even my hubby laughs at her when she is professing to be a size small or whatever, and he even notices her too tight clothes - when men notice anything like that its got to be bad !!!

I agree for her age is aint too bad but her self image is very different from her real image.
IMHO I dont think it matters whether Julia is a 10 12 14, I think that as long as there is no rolls of flab hanging which does not look good with figure hugging dresses and tops IMHO thats what matters, also think going to the gym to shift extra rolls of flab so you can wear these figure hugging things makes more sense to me then kidding yourself and wearing slim and lift, you may be likely to pile on the pounds more and more and then you may need to keep buying larger slim and lifts IMO anyway..
julia is very tiny in hieght hence the small feet and a size 12/14 would look bigger on her than a 6' model..
.....sorry but I don't consider 5 foot five to be small in height and size 4 is not a small foot size, and a size12/14 is not going to make someone of that height look large
The dress she was wearing lastnight did look awful. She supposedly hadn't been able to fit in to it for years. Even with the slimming knickers she was still bulging all out of the middle :smirk:

Must be difficult when you have been such a looker to accept that your body will change with age. I'm still determined to get into a 30 inch waist despite jibes that I'm beginning to display a muffin top! Julia still looks good for her age, but she just needs to accept that she is no longer that bikini-clad dolly-bird that strutted across the beach in an episode of Citizen Smith all those years ago. :tongue2:

Dont think age had anything to do with her putting on weight, its down to the fact that Julia eats more and does not exercise. You can perhaps get away with looking good when you are young with minimal effort but you need to do something about it if you wish to maintain it.
The only clothing I have ever found that covers two sizes is knickers ie.12/14. All other clothing is usually in the one size so why doesn't she just say I am a size 14. She makes herself look foolish coming out with I am wearing a small etc.

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