SHOCK HORROR Julia has just admitted..


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And wasn't it JR, not long after the Rockport hour, who hosted a beauty hour and started off by saying "We've just got to keep Amika quiet. She does love talking about the beauty products, so we'll have to find a way to shut her up, ha ha ha."?

Amika, the model, looked a little startled by this.

I wonder if Julia is jealous of the models, with their genuinely SMALL bodies? She's so nasty to so many of them.
And wasn't it JR, not long after the Rockport hour, who hosted a beauty hour and started off by saying "We've just got to keep Amika quiet. She does love talking about the beauty products, so we'll have to find a way to shut her up, ha ha ha."?

Amika, the model, looked a little startled by this.

I wonder if Julia is jealous of the models, with their genuinely SMALL bodies? She's so nasty to so many of them.

makes you wonder. I dont know why woman have to be jealous all the time of other woman seems pretty pointless to me. I am very proud and happy when I see another woman that looks good and takes care of herself.
I am sure Julia is horribly jealous of the models, all younger than her and attractive to stunning. Also all younger than me but I don't feel the need to belittle or insult them. She gets more Miss Piggy like as time goes by just not as funny as Miss Piggy.
I am sure Julia is horribly jealous of the models, all younger than her and attractive to stunning. Also all younger than me but I don't feel the need to belittle or insult them. She gets more Miss Piggy like as time goes by just not as funny as Miss Piggy.

:lol: That's it I'm bliddy done for now. :D Now every time madam tosses the hair back I shall visualise Miss Piggy's head on her body. :SUE: :pPC:
:lol: That's it I'm bliddy done for now. :D Now every time madam tosses the hair back I shall visualise Miss Piggy's head on her body. :SUE: :pPC:

I soooooooooooooooooooo want to say something, but in the circumstances think I better keep my counsel :thinking2: :4:
I agree Julia can be incredibly rude and cutting with some of the models AND guest presenters,but she's not the only one...Ali Young,need I say more!!

Both need to learn some manners.
Julia is attractive but her dress sense is apalling,her ego massive and she makes herself look ridiculous,whereas Ali Young has great skin is nice and trim but is no looker and they both come over as having "model envy" lol
In the Rockport hour last night, Julia said 'I don't want to mention Tania's feet, but you've got really big feet, haven't you, Tania?', having spent the hour pointing out that her own feet were much too petite for all the gross size 5 shoes they'd given her.

How does she stay upright with size 4 feet and those bazookas!!!

I must say, I like Julia though!
Obviously a "Small" 12/14 for JR and a "Small" Large (Butler & Wilson)! I think JR needs to get a grip with herself - She'll have one flounce too many and fall of her throne.
Julia was particularly mean to the slim attractive model last night, I have noticed she does it it in a sort of backhanded way with a bit of top spin!
It went something like this;
"Do you know what, I think all those lines on your forehead have actually got a bit smaller today".

Why couldn't she just say it about herself why try to belittle the models. She knows she is doing it because she sort of said at the start, this is going to sound horrible, but still went ahead and said it.
Mean mean mean!
There are equally attractive women at QVC. Pippa and Claudia for example, but they are secure in their looks and don't have to make snide comments.

Poor old JR is just a big fish in a small pond and I think that's what makes her act like such a diva.
Julia was particularly mean to the slim attractive model last night, I have noticed she does it it in a sort of backhanded way with a bit of top spin!
It went something like this;
"Do you know what, I think all those lines on your forehead have actually got a bit smaller today".

Why couldn't she just say it about herself why try to belittle the models. She knows she is doing it because she sort of said at the start, this is going to sound horrible, but still went ahead and said it.
Mean mean mean!

I noticed that too! She could just have said that the model's skin looked really good after using the products and not mentioned lines at all.
Won't be long before the models start putting pins on her chair before she sits down.

There's nothing worse than a smart-arse, male or female.

That's true, whenI was young my father said several times to people that I was plain and it was crushing. Now old enough not to care, just make the best of what I have and live with it. Also I had a bad scar (small) on my face as a teen and the way total strangers would comment on it was just unbelievable and damn unpleasant.
I have bad legs and never have or will wear minis, it is as so many have rightly said here all about finding something flattering, and that means not fattening :D
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That's true, whenI was young my father said several times to people that I was plain and it was crushing. Now old enough not to care, just make the best of what I have and live with it. Also I had a bad scar (small) on my face as a teen and the way total strangers would comment on it was just unbelievable and damn unpleasant.

Some people just don't think do they?
Or they think it's a joke and you're supposed to see the funny side (even after you've been told the same "joke" for 20 odd years...and these eeejits are too stupid to realise they aren't the only wit you've come across in your life!)

When you see someone with a scar, or deformity, it can be hard to wonder what to say or whether to ignore.
one of my jobs is delivering and you get so used to saying "oh isn't she beautiful" or whatever when you see a child. Then one day, you'll see one who has a birthmark....I still say ooh isn't she lovely and what gorgeous hair and I totally ignore the birthmark etc!!

I think my hardest delivery was about a month or so ago...
I went to a house and there were 2 ladies there (very elderly mother and middle aged daughter). The mother had a huge birthmark on her face, poor lady and the daughter had clearly been burned very badly all over her face...
I felt for them, but tried my damdest to smile brightly and ask them if they were OK etc etc small talk and tried so hard to look them in the eyes....I didn't want to look shocked, as I'm sure they've had a belly full of that all their lives...and how ironic that the daughter should end up with a similar affliction to her mum....shame.....
That's true, whenI was young my father said several times to people that I was plain and it was crushing. Now old enough not to care, just make the best of what I have and live with it. Also I had a bad scar (small) on my face as a teen and the way total strangers would comment on it was just unbelievable and damn unpleasant.
I have bad legs and never have or will wear minis, it is as so many have rightly said here all about finding something flattering, and that means not fattening :D

I have seen your piccie on here Vampyre and you are not plain! You are very pretty. Just ignore small minded people with their nasty comments you dont need to be listening to those kinds of people like they are perfect or something, I dont think so!!! very true what you say you make the most of yourself and then this makes you look very attractive even more attractive then those who think they are perfect! Then you see a lovely personality shines through as well and you have that too so all in all Vampyre you are special and a sweetie IMHO
Well done Lottie, bet those ladies enjoyed having you around and huggys for Dazzler who has made my day :D
Well done Lottie, bet those ladies enjoyed having you around and huggys for Dazzler who has made my day :D

Oh goody Vampyre and you made mine for me knowing I made yours! I meant every word! xxxxxxxxx
I have seen your piccie on here Vampyre and you are not plain! You are very pretty. Just ignore small minded people with their nasty comments you dont need to be listening to those kinds of people like they are perfect or something, I dont think so!!! very true what you say you make the most of yourself and then this makes you look very attractive even more attractive then those who think they are perfect! Then you see a lovely personality shines through as well and you have that too so all in all Vampyre you are special and a sweetie IMHO

I don't think anyone has to feel "plain" nowdays. We all have a good feature or two (eyes, hair, figure etc) and with the right make up and clothes we can enhance them and play down our not-so-good features. This builds confidence which in turn boosts our spirit, personality and shows in our faces.

But you always get those thoughtless (or nasty) people who can burst your bubble in a few words.
Poor old JR is just a big fish in a small pond and I think that's what makes her act like such a diva.
A big fish in a small pond, that's what it is.:rock: Maybe Julia thinks she’s too good for shopping telly.:cool2:
I have seen your piccie on here Vampyre and you are not plain! You are very pretty. Just ignore small minded people with their nasty comments you dont need to be listening to those kinds of people like they are perfect or something, I dont think so!!! very true what you say you make the most of yourself and then this makes you look very attractive even more attractive then those who think they are perfect! Then you see a lovely personality shines through as well and you have that too so all in all Vampyre you are special and a sweetie IMHO

I have seen that piccie too Dazzler and Vampy is indeed very pretty plus she has a very generous spirit and had lifted my sorry mood on many occasions with her posts and advice. :nod:


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