Season's Greetings...


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

If they had done that here over the past 9 months maybe we could have reduced the number of infections by a significant amount.

Couldn't agree more. They should have shut our borders and escorted those that did come in to designated quarantine venues.................No excuse for all the infections now.
I know it sounds like a massive dose of sour grapes but it makes me mad to see all the people posting photos of them christmasing in foreign places, Dubai and the Caribbean being the favourite. I know that these places are not forbidden but:

Is the trip to and from the airport completely within guidelines?

Surely these places are not totally Covid free so there is still a risk they are beside or becoming carriers themselves.

When returning they are clocked in a confined place with passengers who have been god knows where
And what is it with this compulsion to post their holiday snaps? Boring!
As boring as DF who must have one of the most self photographed faces in the world. When she is not photographing herself, the scene she is photographing has her face in the corner nearly always with her mouth wide open. This is now being copied by the likes of Craigie, Pipa and Chloe. Yuk!
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I've always maintained that mask wearing should have been made compulsory from the outbreak in March. I remember standing in supermarket queues where I was the only one wearing a mask. Yet the authorities maintained they wouldn't do any good, but what happens ? a few months later they're mandatory !!!! God almighty, if medics and dentists wear them all the time, it made sense for us to wear them too. A lot of infection and deaths could so easily have been prevented back then.
Interesting to read the posts from Toril, LATI & Twinkle after coming back from a trip to the fruit & veg shop where someone was so close to me I turned round & said (LOUDLY) " Do you want to get inside my knickers?". It was an elderly man & considering the combo of age & gender puts them high on the list of vulnerable people I think they are the worst offenders for not following rules & being sodding selfish. The boffins & politicians have messed up so many times with mixed messages & have said that in reality wearing a piece of cloth, or in this man's case a filthy piece of plastic, across your face isn't going to prevent minute particles entering your body, at best it stops someone touching their face & transferring anything that way. Expecting everyone to comply voluntarily & consider others was the government's first mistake because that's not how many behave, you only have to see how people act when a plane lands & we're told to stay in our seats - over 50% automatically jump up & open the lockers. I think the message should have been to look after yourself & then the selfish would have done everything they were told to do to the letter.
Why the F are the authorities not ORDERING people to remain home tonight rather than ASKING.

They don’t ask you not to shoplift/not to drive on the wrong side of the road/not to blow up bridges.

Covid rules should have been made law and the bliddy police and courts should have implemented them.

They are quick enough to do so for very minor things.
Manning the door to regulate customer numbers in my store when we were open it was interesting to observe that the majority of people not wearing a mask but wearing a sunflower lanyard (available from most supermarkets) were the worse at not sanitising their hands...and this sounds very 'obese-is't, they were mostly very over weight and smelled of cigarette smoke so if they caught Covid they would be high risk of being seriously affected.

Another thing I noticed is that many, especially elderly people wore vinyl gloves and they just didn't understand that gloves have to be sanitised too.

As my late mother used to say, there ain't no cure fore stupid.

In my local Post Office they are very strict, they wont accept just a lanyard, there has to be an exemption letter from a doctor or hidden disabilities otherwise it's no mask no entry.
I haven't seen those lanyards, but I found it interesting Susie. I agree also about the vinyl gloves. Until hand sanitising stations were installed at the supermarkets, I wore vinyl gloves, BUT ditched them as soon as I left the store, because I didn't want any bugs from the store contaminating my car door handle ! If nothing else, this pandemic has showed how most of the general public has only one brain cell. How they managed the basics at school is beyond me.
It is frustrating, isn't it to see the level of entitlement and stupidity.
The same ones bemoaning having to wear a mask would be straight in to complain if a medical person wa treating them without a mask in pre-Covid days!
If doctors and nurses can endure 8 hour + shifts in PPE the rest of us can manage an hour or so at a time! No, it's not pleasant, but it will seem like a walk in the park compared to having an oxygen hook-up to keep breathing.
Twilight, I couldn't agree more that putting the messaging in terms of self-interest would have worked better for the idiots who cannot see beyond what helps them, regardless of any collateral benefit for others.
I hope that most of us can get through this without joining the ranks of inadvertent killers the virus has created.
We are so close to seeing light at the end if the tunnel, I'd want to come down like a ton of bricks on those flouting the rules...including those intending to party like it isn't 2020 on the beach at Brighton.

More importantly, I wish everyone on this forum a happy new year. Let us hope that the sun will shine brightly, and the vaccine enables us to move towards greater freedom and spending time with loved ones we can touch and hug again. See you next year (less than 6 hours away).🎉🎊🥂🎆🎇✨🍸🍹🍺🍾🍻🍷🤗🥳
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Hello all. I initially logged on to wish if not the usual happy new year but the hoping it's the best possible new year for everyone. The posts on this forum have made me laugh, think and perhaps above all, that the difficulties experienced by others -some brought on by covid but also some that are "permanent" and will still be challenges when covid conquered- makes my occasional everyday difficulties seem miniscule. They have often made me think to myself "get a grip, you have nothing to moan about" . I then see the utter nightmare Vienna has/is going through. But you people still found time to show support as you always do.

Stay safe and well for 2021 🙂
Happy New Year to all my Forum buddies and your loved ones, may it be a healthy, happy and peaceful 2021 (and beyond) with all you wish for coming true. Thank you for all the laughs during this shitty year, and let’s do it again in 2021 (the laughs that is, not the shitty year)...........I truly love you all 🙏❤️🥰😘 xxx
Happy New Year to all my Forum buddies and your loved ones, may it be a healthy, happy and peaceful 2021 (and beyond) with all you wish for coming true. Thank you for all the laughs during this shitty year, and let’s do it again in 2021 (the laughs that is, not the shitty year)...........I truly love you all 🙏❤️🥰😘 xxx
We all love you too Shopps. Wishing everyone a brighter tomorrow ❤️
I've always maintained that mask wearing should have been made compulsory from the outbreak in March. I remember standing in supermarket queues where I was the only one wearing a mask. Yet the authorities maintained they wouldn't do any good, but what happens ? a few months later they're mandatory !!!! God almighty, if medics and dentists wear them all the time, it made sense for us to wear them too. A lot of infection and deaths could so easily have been prevented back then.

The government was panicking about being unable to supply PPE to hospitals so told everyone wearing masks wouldn't be helpful. They even took the masks from suppliers like Screwfix to give to the NHS making people who work laying insulation go without. A few of my OH's mates refused - rightly as far as I'm concerned - to work in dangerous areas without masks. Covid can be serious and really nasty, asbestos is always deadly.

I got so ****** annoyed by Dr Hilary telling us all we didn't need masks when it's not ****** rocket science that we do. Every bit helps STOP THE SPREAD even if it doesn't protect us completely. If you have it you're spreading it when you talk, cough and even breathe, symptoms or not. If we'd been made to wear homemade coverings from the start and that was being properly enforced some people who are no longer with us, still seriously ill or have long-term problems may have been spared catching it in the first place.

Now, of course, Dr ****** Hilary is telling us all we must wear masks...

Well, now that 2020 is just about done I'd like to wish everyone here a Happy New Year and hope it's healthy for you all. Thanks for listening to my rants, helping out when I've needed it, and, most of all, for all your support.

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