Saggy knockers and no teeth. Welcome to Pilates.


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Ha ha Debra - nope not an Elemis tsv tonight or a deflection - but it's a tsv on the 3rd and I'm excited about it. Still if it does deflect all the better. Either way I've got my tsv coming very soon and now I know the price (and p&p I think) I'm all ready :)

After the RCM incident lets hope u dont end up with Decleor instead then ;) lol
Im similar to you and sit back and read wot others say, often what puts me off airing my opinion is how as soon as someone dares to disagree with the majority it all kicks off, it would be a pretty boring forum if we just play follow the leader and all agree, i would imagine alot more people disagree with posts on here but they feel intimidated to say there opinions which is really sad.

Totally agree with you Autumn, I just think is it worth my while putting anything at all when someone would "jump on it" so to speak. I envy people who have a way with words and can put their view across really well. I know what I want to say but can never put it down the same 'on paper'. It is sad but I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way that's why I don't join in much I'm afraid
Totally agree with you Autumn, I just think is it worth my while putting anything at all when someone would "jump on it" so to speak. I envy people who have a way with words and can put their view across really well. I know what I want to say but can never put it down the same 'on paper'. It is sad but I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way that's why I don't join in much I'm afraid

Thanks for posting and u did pretty well just then so next time if u have an opinion share it as there will always be at least one person that agrees with you. :hi:
Thanks all.

I haven't laughed so much at a QVC thread in ages! :giggle:

Big hugs Vampyre. :hi:
I'm not sure if that's it Autumn, I think it's more about how you express the opinion. If 'you' (not you personally) try and castigate others' posts I think you end up with a body of people defending their own position. If you just express your opinion I can't say I've noticed that 'you' (not you personally) suddenly get the impact of a gang response.I do quite a lot of people watching but I dont always read all the posts thoroughly as I have limited time so I may have got that wrong.

very well put DJ. there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone. there is something wrong with calling them names.
My issue with Marjolene is not that she's very thin,but that she looks very unhealthy(she may not be ,but she looks it)

Her skin is sallow and slack and lacks any glow and she does not inspire me in the slightest to excercise.
Going back to a remark said earlier in the thread - Yes there possibly would be outrage if someone who was fat, (and I don't mean they've gained a few pounds), I mean proper fat was being pilloried for their looks, because they get a hard enough time in life as it is. Every aspect of the media, especially these days is bombarding us with images of slim women, talking about the "obesity crisis", fast food, laziness, diet this way, diet that way, exercise this, exercise that. In a nutshell, if you're thin, you're okay, if you're fat, you're not...You might be pretty, you might be stylish, but underneath you can't be healthy and you can't be happy. Then you get a picture of a woman who's the "face" of exercise, she's slim, she's over fifty, she can still do the splits even - So she automatically qualifies as "fabulous" however, some of don't believe that looking like a piece of string with a couple of knots tied in it is a particularly good look!

I can't really agree with you merryone - if it's not ok to criticise an individual for being larger then it's not ok to criticise someone for being too thin either. It's either ok to comment on people's personal appearance or it isn't you can't pick or choose depending on who you think is the more maligned group. So if you want say someone looks like a piece of string with a couple of knots in thats fine but you have no grounds to be upset if someone else says an individual looks like a heifer. As Jordan did to Kelly Brook for example ( by the way I think Kelly looks fabulous, its just a recent example).
People say things about other people, some of you need to get over this fact. You are most likely being judged at-least 5 times a day on your daily outings :hi:
I can't really agree with you merryone - if it's not ok to criticise an individual for being larger then it's not ok to criticise someone for being too thin either. It's either ok to comment on people's personal appearance or it isn't you can't pick or choose depending on who you think is the more maligned group. So if you want say someone looks like a piece of string with a couple of knots in thats fine but you have no grounds to be upset if someone else says an individual looks like a heifer. As Jordan did to Kelly Brook for example ( by the way I think Kelly looks fabulous, its just a recent example).

100% agree with you.
People say things about other people, some of you need to get over this fact. You are most likely being judged at-least 5 times a day on your daily outings :hi:

Quite agree with jippyroo.

I'm more of a lurker than a contributor and, just for the record, I preferred having the option to like/dislike a post but isn't the whole point of an anonymous medium like this so that we can have a virtual gossip without being judged or taken to task. I bet you all do it every day of your lives.

No-one does it quite as well as BurlyBear though!
It's like road rage. Some idiots think that they can be as abusive as they like to other road users when they have a metal shield and a steering wheel as a barrier. Likewise hiding behind a computer screen on an anonymous forum lets some behave differently than how they would if they saw a person in the supermarket. If MB or JF were doing a live presentation in a department store to demonstrate a pilates machine, and you would approach them and say these things to their faces then carry on, fair play. It is how you are as a person. But if, as is more likely to be the case, you would be too much of a coward to say what you were thinking then there is perhaps a reason why it should not be said. Of course we all think negatively of some people, that is human nature. Some people, genuinely do put themselves out there such as people in positions of power who abuse it or are corrupt. In such cases not speaking out is the wrong thing to do. But unless MB or JF make false claims about the product or advocate on TV that it is healthy or attractive to be as thin as they are then I don't think it is right to make such cruel comments. If they do start saying " buy this and you too will look as healthy and gorgeous as I do" then fair game.

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I just logged on and-misread the thread title as "Soggy Knickers..." so sorry - think mine are now..! :tongue:
What I .feel uncomfortable with is that people say they have a write to say what they want on a forum in the name of humour yet they are the very ones who tell those who might disagree with them to 'get over it' or get over themselves' as if other people's opinion is of no relevance.
My issue with Marjolene is not that she's very thin,but that she looks very unhealthy(she may not be ,but she looks it)

Her skin is sallow and slack and lacks any glow and she does not inspire me in the slightest to excercise.

Totally agree Lemonsqueezy
A lot of unpleasantness is purportedly passed off as 'humour'. But as said earlier, if you disagree, then suddenly things get serious! Personally speaking, what bothers me more (than MB or JF) is the sight of that 'instrument of torture'......the aero Pilates machine! :eek:
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What I .feel uncomfortable with is that people say they have a write to say what they want on a forum in the name of humour yet they are the very ones who tell those who might disagree with them to 'get over it' or get over themselves' as if other people's opinion is of no relevance.

Very true Kop Girl.

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