Ruth Langsford


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In the promo Ruth says " if you think you know QVC fashion ,think again and be prepared to be surprised"

Unfortunately for you Ruth we do know.........
In the promo Ruth says " if you think you know QVC fashion ,think again and be prepared to be surprised"

Unfortunately for you Ruth we do know.........

Yes I really don't get what she means by that, if you think you know QVC? what else is there to know? It's a shopping channel, and an expensive one with pretentious shopping channel presenters at that. Yes thanks for the heads up Ruth. :mysmilie_48:
I thought ruth would be the anchor of the show, so far Kabler hasn't shut up she is so hyped up, what on earth is ruth there for
What a load of rubbish. Anyone could have been the guest standing there saying they loved the outfits. I found the whole show cringe worthy.
I seen literally ten seconds of it, and I must admit, there's something about the likes of Ruth that makes the likes of Princess Jackie look like an amature, and blatantly obvious why Jackie is a shopping telly presenter.
Oh Gawd, Chloe Madeley....I think her parents have left no stone unturned in an attempt to get her on to the TV. In my opinion it's a pity they can't accept she has no talent and tell her to get a proper job. What is it with these slebs, that they are never satisfied until they have got their sprog(s) on the box too, regardless of whether they are talentless?...

I never watch ITV in the mornings, but Eamonn and Ruth must have some sort of financial contract with most of the weekly womens magazines because they are never out of them (boring), which is how I'm aware of her. The hair (like another poster said) is like a flat helmet, why doesn't she have it restyled? QVC is just another money making exercise for her, she's probably never heard of the 'designers' - she would never wear QVC fashion to a family wedding like Kathy did.

That other awful pair I've only seen in magazines are Schofield and Willoughby. How long before Willoughby gets her snout in the QVC coffers, she's done so many other money making deals from hair colour to bedding, that its only a matter of time, and will see what sort of returns Langford gets and then her agent Jonathan Shalit will lunge forth. Then of course there's the dreadful Chloe Madeley (another regular in the magazines), I'm surprised she hasn't been on for the fitness hours.

Cynical ? of course I am. And as for Victoria Beckham (as someone mentioned), is she still around ? who knows, she may well end up on qvc after last week's revelations.
Only saw a few minutes as watching The Mafia with TM! Heard JK say that it's on same time every Thursday for 4/6 weeks, interesting! Do think Ruth is a natural on TV but not sure about her role on QVC! Time will tell :mysmilie_7:
The Mother/daughter combo Jane & Katherine were wheeled for this fashion fest. Not a fan of Jane very OTT & fat knees. Sadly Katherine has inherited mummy's knees which is a shame in that profession. It's especially distracting when they model the DG jeans. As for RL it's gonna be a loonnng 5 weeks...boring!:mysmilie_490:
I didn't watch the prog, but did see the video presentation on the w/site on the Helen Berman coat. For the first 2 mins Kabler rabbited at 100 mph on ways to buy and pay, and then another minute on Langsford feigning faux shock/horror/surprise at the 30 day mbg; my reaction was 'oh stoppit you cretin, everyone in the sodding world knows about the 30 day mbg' and if not, then it would have been drummed into you when taking the job ! Then they finally got onto the coat - looked nice but clearly the upper arms were super narrow so no good to me with my flabby jobs.

(I'm still having a wet flannel on my forehead in a darkened room at the thought of Holden appearing with a homewares range)
I didnt watch the whole show but saw the trench style Centegrade coat. It looked OK I wondered what was going on with the older lady on the catwalk. seemed a bit chaotic.
Ruth seemed to be doing what all ambassadors do,talking from the sidelines.They read out several tweets saying how wonderful it all was. Back to Corrie catch up for me....
I switched on half way through and Ruth was just standing there agreeing with everything JK suggested. In fact Ruth was just another guest presenter, in true qvc fashion it was ... much ado about nothing, and what a waste of money...
Q clearly are in awe of these minor slebs, and in their bird-brain world believe that their audience of a certain age are going to be persuaded to buy anything because they endorse it !

I'm also fed up (being part of an audience of a certain age) with the promos showing lithe and beautiful young women dressed wearing clothes that only teens and twenties could get away with wearing. Its bad enough in weekly magazines and weekend supplement fashion pages seeing models draped in 'stuff' that no-one over 30 would dare to be seen in. Lithe, beautiful, young models and women do not watch QVC. The youngsters who are employed at Q are probably the youngest in the country and would maybe buy a Lulu Guinness bag, but bugger all else.

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