Ruth Langsford New Range


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Now that the TV companies have decided to be more diverse, I should imagine all the older white presenters must be getting a bit worried, as they no longer ‘tick the right boxes’ I bet Ruth and Eamonn, and their ilk are sleeping with one eye open at the moment, so Ruth’s QVC involvement may prove to be a life saver!
Now that she has 46 weeks of the year away from TM she'll have lots of time to design for the Q
Well, as I predicted, Ruth and Eamonn are now on very shaky ground, and the cull has begun. Personally, I think they are very good and professional presenters. We take it for granted when a programme runs smoothly,and don’t really notice when it is in safe hands, but when there is a not so professional person in control things become disjointed, don’t seem to flow, and not an easy watch . I fear that we are going to see standards drop on these daytime programmes, with choppy waters ahead
Well now they've been let go from This Morning, Ruth will have more time to design her range and she can cut costs by getting Eamonn to run them up at home on a treadle. One can only imagine the delights we've got to look forward to.
Well now they've been let go from This Morning, Ruth will have more time to design her range and she can cut costs by getting Eamonn to run them up at home on a treadle. One can only imagine the delights we've got to look forward to.
Ruths range and Gok's are way over priced and the quality does not look all that, plus the reviews are not great!
I actually like Eamonn and Ruth presenting, This Morning. It’s a pity they have been dropped but I guess it’s time for a change.
Me too. Prefer them to Phil / holly . But I’m not a great daytime TV fan so tend to only dip in and out.
Ruth’s fashions are similar to all other Q polyester stuff but it sells because of her name.
Perhaps Ruth and Eamonn can turn their hands to writing trashy novels I mean if Flinty and Queen Julia do it then it can't be that difficult.

Both Richard and Judy wrote novels, I think that we had every title in my store they started off at £2.00, didn't sell, reduced to £1.00 didn't sell, eventually went into the 50p sale basket and you guessed it... they didn't sell.

Eventually we got so bored looking at them they got 'lost' in a stock take and ended up in the recycling bin.
Perhaps Ruth and Eamonn can turn their hands to writing trashy novels I mean if Flinty and Queen Julia do it then it can't be that difficult.

Both Richard and Judy wrote novels, I think that we had every title in my store they started off at £2.00, didn't sell, reduced to £1.00 didn't sell, eventually went into the 50p sale basket and you guessed it... they didn't sell.

Eventually we got so bored looking at them they got 'lost' in a stock take and ended up in the recycling bin.

Perhaps they can book some time at a writers retreat in Devon. I believe the owner also offers one to one mentoring, so I’ve heard.
Old Eamon is or was a proper journalist who worked his way up like in the old days Richard and Judy.

Philip ego of the century and giggle at everything Holly are not. They should also be given the boot though I doubt it will ever happen. I had a friend who worked in a beauty spa in London for a while and had a very interesting take on oh so sweet and beloved of the tabloids Holly. Another person who comes across as very dry and not overly friendly was loved by all the staff.
Martin Frizzell the producer of Morning is the husband of Fiona Phillips who used to be one of the presenters, so its all wheels within wheels.
Not wishing to be political but I don't believe in quotas on race or anything else for jobs - it should be the best people. Alison Hammond one of the new incumbents is not a journalist, but a one-time participant on a reality show, and in Brucie's words "didnt she do well". I wonder if she'll be involved with subjects like diets and national obesity though, because being terribly overweight she will easily take up the 2 spaces that Eamonn and Ruth left vacant on the sofa.
Martin Frizzell the producer of Morning is the husband of Fiona Phillips who used to be one of the presenters, so its all wheels within wheels.
Not wishing to be political but I don't believe in quotas on race or anything else for jobs - it should be the best people. Alison Hammond one of the new incumbents is not a journalist, but a one-time participant on a reality show, and in Brucie's words "didnt she do well". I wonder if she'll be involved with subjects like diets and national obesity though, because being terribly overweight she will easily take up the 2 spaces that Eamonn and Ruth left vacant on the sofa.
Wasn’t she ‘the face’ of weightwatchers some time ago? That didn’t pan out well did it. I think they try to market her as as a ‘big over the top laugh a minute’ personality, which is ok (ish) in small doses, but not for a whole morning.
Wasn’t she ‘the face’ of weightwatchers some time ago? That didn’t pan out well did it. I think they try to market her as as a ‘big over the top laugh a minute’ personality, which is ok (ish) in small doses, but not for a whole morning.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. I don’t dislike Alison Hammond but I don’t think I would want to watch the full show presented by her.

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