Rivitalash question


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Mar 7, 2011
Despite me poking fun at Dolly Daydream ... and I still stand by everything I've said. She is a dippy mare ... I thought I'd try it as everyone is getting good results. She speaks bunkum but you lot don't.

Anyway I've had little or no effect on my top lashes. They're naturally long, black and reasonably curled but they're a bit sparse. Well they still are a couple of months in. I do think they're a bit longer. I haven't noticed them getting darker but they're black so that's flipping unlikely I'd have thought.

The main positive result has been on my lower lashes. Which is great because I prefer not to wear mascara on em as then I don't get smudges.

So my questions are:

Has everyone got thickened lashes in time? Or am I unlikely to get that result after two months of it not happening?

Has anyone else had uneven lash growth? My lower lashes on my left eye have grown but it's far from even.

I'm using it about five times a week and always have done.
I have been using revitalash for over a year. It is one of the best purchases ever from QVC. I used it every day for the first tube - now I use it every other day for maintenance.

It took around 6-8 weeks for me to notice a difference. I could see a difference at first when wearing mascara as it went on better and no matter what mascara I could always get a good finish. Probably after around 3 months other people started to comment on how long my lashes were. After 3-4 months they started to curl naturally and I didnt need to use an eyelash curler anymore. Also around this time they started getting darker and thicker. Now without mascara they really do look like I am wearing it. With mascara I get asked all the time 'are they really my own lashes', shop assistants etc are always commenting.

I have read on here about others getting uneven growth and most people put it down to putting it on the same side each night - therefore you are putting more of the lotion on when you first take the applicator out of the bottle. I now change which eye I do first. I have never done the bottom ones though - I only put it on the upper lashes.
I've been using it since it was first featured on QVC and it has had a definite effect on my lashes. They are now a lot longer (top and bottom) than they used to be and each actual lash seems thicker, which in turn is what probably makes them look fuller.

I'm blonde and so my lashes didn't really show up unless I wore mascara but, despite using Revitalash every night (I'm not bothering with the maintenance programme at the moment,) the lashes are still blonde when they grow out of the follicles - in fact they're blonder than ever!! However, in my opinion, this product has really worked for me and although I still need mascara I only need one coat now rather than two or three as Revitalash has given me the length. The growth is a little uneven but I'm hoping that, over time, the shorter ones catch up with the others and I'd love them to go dark so I don't need mascara any more - but thereagain dark eyelashes would probably look a little odd considering the colour of my hair and my eyebrows.
I've been wondering whether to try revitalash but it just seems so much money and takes longer than 30 days! My eyelashes are quite long and darkish but I'd like them to be thicker and curlier. One lash on my right eye, right in the middle, grows super long on its own and I'm not sure what would happen if I started to use anything on it, I have to trim it occasionally anyway.

In my local TKMaxx the have got a copycat brand for sale at 7.99 and I keep looking at it debating if it would be worth a try.
Why does Natalia call Revitalash the Rolls Royce of all the brands that are out there?
Lots of people seem to have had very good results with cheaper versions,even Rimmel are bringing out there own one not sure when but noticed it when Iwas in America.
I do wonder if there is a limit for everyone. A bit like how long you can grow your hair I mean. Mine never grew much longer than a few inches above my waist as a child. Others have hair a lot longer. Perhaps our eyelashes have a limit too.

I think I'll keep going for another month but if they don't thicken up I'll just keep going on the lower lashes. It'll last forever if I only do my lower lashes. I'll try changing the direction I do my lower lashes too in case that's what's causing some to grow longer than others.

I think my upper lashes have improved but I've got longer lashes nit thicker. It would be worth it for thicker lashes. Longer is easy with mascara.

I've never really used eyelash curlers. I have tried but they look shorter when u curl them as they seem to go too far back over if you see what I mean.

I could get away without mascara when I was younger. I can now for length but as I keep saying they're a bit sparse.
Hi, I was tempted by revitalash even had it in my basket then I heard Natalia say that you shouldn't use it if you have recently had laser eye surgery. I had this done a few years ago so didn't bother buying. Has anyone who has bought this seen this on the instructions or does anyone know any more about this?
Thank you
I had really good results with Rivtalash but am too skint to re-purchase, can anyone recommend a more purse friendly alternative?
Hi, I was tempted by revitalash even had it in my basket then I heard Natalia say that you shouldn't use it if you have recently had laser eye surgery. I had this done a few years ago so didn't bother buying. Has anyone who has bought this seen this on the instructions or does anyone know any more about this?
Thank you

OK it says on their website that if you have "dry eyes" or have had LASIK you should consult your optometrist before use. Nothing mentioned about how long after surgery. Does that help?
I'd love to try it but the thing I really worry about is how safe it is ? If it's strong and powerful enough to make your eyelashes grow more, could it cause other cells in the eye area to grow ? Sorry this is a morbid question but I really worry about cancer and eyesight.

any ideas please ?

Linda xx
Use it very sporadically (usually forget), anyway my eyelashes do slightly curl nowadays, they are long naturally but poker straight. Will look for a cheaper version when this runs out. I could quite happily punch Dolly what sit in the face when she starts!
I decided to try the Talika version £28 a natural brand going since 1948(that is a good sign for sure), I had used the conditioner before. The lengthening one is Expert, and I admit I did have a £10 on my InDulge card so saved money.

Okay, I wasn't expecting much, but about two weeks ago after using for say 2 months I did suddenly notice my lashes are actually longer. :happy: I have this idea one eye has shorter lashes than the other, I think because I sleep on that side. Now others have said they look the same, but hey ho. Anyway same mascara as usual and I really did notice on my shorter lash side it was much longer. Still blond/very light brown coloured lashes and no curl, but longer for sure.
The TalikaLipocilsExpert is 10mls and I get mine from SlapItOn for £24. Free P&P, RoyalMailFirstClass. Telephone order placed with Sophie on Friday afternoon, confirming email received within 5 minutes, and product received next morning! Friendly and efficient, two things Snarly likes. x
I've been using the Rapidlash bought off Amazon. My lashes were very blonde, very small and very sparce. After about a month I noticed they had really grown, although still blonde and probably at the length most other people start at. I've started using mascara for the first time ever - no point before!
This isn't for me, but that's just a personal thing. In all honesty, the more preachy the presenter, the less willing I am to believe their waffle. I have my lashes tinted every month or so and the first time I went to the salon the therapist said to me that I have the longest lashes she's ever seen - I've never used anything on them or done anything to them. I was quite taken aback as I assumed that most people have lashes that are pretty similar and had never considered that mine may be long/short/whatever! I always left mascara smears whenever I wore my glasses and had to push them further down my nose and again assumed this was just normal. Considering how many people are buying Revitalash I'm starting to think I'm a freak!!

I've never looked at a friend, colleague or family member and thought 'wow, your eyelashes - do something about them'!! I've never looked at anyone and seen abnormally short lashes. Every time I go to the salon she still says, I'd forgotten how long your lashes are which still baffles me because no Natalia, my lashes although long, don't turn the corner before I do. I always look at the person selling the stuff to see if how they look in said area is something I think is worth the money. Natalia waffle-bag's lashes are nothing special - they just look like average Joe lashes. I hope this isn't coming out wrong. What I'm trying to say is that I'm sure most of us have lashes of similar length, they can only grow a matter of one or two millimetres or they'll look ridiculous and at the price it just seems such a con. How can they say that lashes brushing against sunglasses is annoying and then use that as a selling point?! Yes, it is very annoying, and it's not something I'd pay to achieve.

It seems like Revitalash is all QVC have in their warehouse at the moment as it's on every single day, which is another thing that bothers me. This must mean that at that exhorbitant price, they are making an absolute killing by flogging it daily and relentlessly and are rubbing their greasy little palms. None of their eyelashes look any different to normal eyelashes and aren't powering wind-farms! Remembering that beauty products are sold at an average 95+% profit you know just how much they are raking in. I know loads of people are happy with their results and that's great. But I also think what they have (incredibly successfully) done is to create a buzz around a product. It's the buzz that sells the product and it goes on for a year or two and they flog as much as they can, get to market saturation, then create a new 'buzz product' and start all over again - it's never ending and it's a very clever marketing tool. But it is just marketing - telling us we need something when most of us don't, creating a problem that for most of your life you never knew you had and now you're convinced you need to fix it. I hate that!

I know we can all buy what we want and that's cool. I just object to being spoon-fed utter tripe by these presenters - all the quips about 'turning a corner before me' and 'creating a breeze with our eyelashes' are as amusing as a thong trapped under tight jeans on a sweaty day. Honestly, if they came on screen and said 'ok this might add a mm to your eyelases but it ain't gonna change your life' I'd have so much more respect for them.

*goes to sit in corner with 'grouch' hat on* :)
I have had the RapidLash from Amazon, too. It's only £21.73 with free P&P at the moment. I haven't compared the ingredients with those of RevitaLash but the full list of what's in RapidLash is on the product page on Amazon if you want to check. There are over 100 reviews on there with an average of 4 out of 5 stars. I have had good but not spectacular results with RapidLash but I'm not prepared to spend 2-3 times as much on the RevitaLash to see if it's that much better. Too sceptical.
This isn't for me, but that's just a personal thing. In all honesty, the more preachy the presenter, the less willing I am to believe their waffle. I have my lashes tinted every month or so and the first time I went to the salon the therapist said to me that I have the longest lashes she's ever seen - I've never used anything on them or done anything to them. I was quite taken aback as I assumed that most people have lashes that are pretty similar and had never considered that mine may be long/short/whatever! I always left mascara smears whenever I wore my glasses and had to push them further down my nose and again assumed this was just normal. Considering how many people are buying Revitalash I'm starting to think I'm a freak!!

I've never looked at a friend, colleague or family member and thought 'wow, your eyelashes - do something about them'!! I've never looked at anyone and seen abnormally short lashes. Every time I go to the salon she still says, I'd forgotten how long your lashes are which still baffles me because no Natalia, my lashes although long, don't turn the corner before I do. I always look at the person selling the stuff to see if how they look in said area is something I think is worth the money. Natalia waffle-bag's lashes are nothing special - they just look like average Joe lashes. I hope this isn't coming out wrong. What I'm trying to say is that I'm sure most of us have lashes of similar length, they can only grow a matter of one or two millimetres or they'll look ridiculous and at the price it just seems such a con. How can they say that lashes brushing against sunglasses is annoying and then use that as a selling point?! Yes, it is very annoying, and it's not something I'd pay to achieve.

It seems like Revitalash is all QVC have in their warehouse at the moment as it's on every single day, which is another thing that bothers me. This must mean that at that exhorbitant price, they are making an absolute killing by flogging it daily and relentlessly and are rubbing their greasy little palms. None of their eyelashes look any different to normal eyelashes and aren't powering wind-farms! Remembering that beauty products are sold at an average 95+% profit you know just how much they are raking in. I know loads of people are happy with their results and that's great. But I also think what they have (incredibly successfully) done is to create a buzz around a product. It's the buzz that sells the product and it goes on for a year or two and they flog as much as they can, get to market saturation, then create a new 'buzz product' and start all over again - it's never ending and it's a very clever marketing tool. But it is just marketing - telling us we need something when most of us don't, creating a problem that for most of your life you never knew you had and now you're convinced you need to fix it. I hate that!

I know we can all buy what we want and that's cool. I just object to being spoon-fed utter tripe by these presenters - all the quips about 'turning a corner before me' and 'creating a breeze with our eyelashes' are as amusing as a thong trapped under tight jeans on a sweaty day. Honestly, if they came on screen and said 'ok this might add a mm to your eyelases but it ain't gonna change your life' I'd have so much more respect for them.

*goes to sit in corner with 'grouch' hat on* :)

As you said you obviously have lovely long eyelashes. I used to have them too in my 30's and 40's but now I am in my 50's they were shorter and sparse. Which is what makes it worse having had good lashes and the aging process of losing them. Since I have been using the revitilash my lashes are not only back to how they used to be but even better. I regularly get comments from people - amazed at my long eyelashes and asking me what mascara I am using etc. so I know it does work and it is not just me seeing the results.

I agree about all the cr*p that the presenters spout about it and the very heavy sell on QVC - it does seem to be on every five minutes, but it is a product that I repeat buy and I wouldn't be without now. I don't watch the presentations anymore.

As to the comment about creating a product for a problem we never knew we had - we could say that with nearly all beauty products. I mean why dye your hair - is there a problem with grey hair. Why buy anti-wrinkle creams - what is wrong with the odd wrinkle. So these and many more are telling us we need to buy products for something we want to fix but is not really necessary.

I say do what you want that makes you feel good about yourself.
For ages I was too scared to try revitalash. I'd read that it changed your eye colour, caused irritation, caused eyelashes to snap off etc etc. I thought no way was I going to risk those type of things happening to me. However as Rosey says in her post, with age come sparser lashes and considering long lashes were always sadly lacking for me, the downward spiral was far from welcome. So.... I took the plunge and ordered. What can I say? I'm amazed, over the moon, ecstatic!! Suddenly at the age of 50 I've got long dark eyelashes! Ok, I'm still a little worried that one day I'll wake up and my blue eyes will be brown, but the fact I'm taking the risk shows how much it means to me to have flappable lashes! I don't think someone with lovely long lashes can appreciate how someone with short, sparse, stubby ones feels.

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