Rise and rise of Catherine


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I liked the model who always did Honora. Ralph was always chatting to her about her dad (Jess Conrad?) .

There was a model who Franks insisted in calling by the wrong name just “because she looks like a xxxxxx”. I thought that was the most disrespectful thing and instead of boasting about it she should have been taken up for it.

Was it Beth who was a bit of a gurner? Left to have a baby and returned for a short while. She used to speak a lot, Had a lot of post on arsebook for upcoming beauty shows after she left so I assume it was an amicable parting.
Was she married to some 80’s band member?
There was a blonde model with a Lancashire accent who appeared for Kim & Co, Kirks Folly and Joan Rivers. She left to become a past life regression practitioner. I think she was called Annaliese (sp).
Amica was a sweetheart in real life and on screen (RIP)

That was Andrea Foulkes

I liked the model who always did Honora. Ralph was always chatting to her about her dad (Jess Conrad?) .

There was a model who Franks insisted in calling by the wrong name just “because she looks like a xxxxxx”. I thought that was the most disrespectful thing and instead of boasting about it she should have been taken up for it.

Natalie was model on Honora

Think it is Sasha that JF insists on calling a different name
I liked the model who always did Honora. Ralph was always chatting to her about her dad (Jess Conrad?) .

There was a model who Franks insisted in calling by the wrong name just “because she looks like a xxxxxx”. I thought that was the most disrespectful thing and instead of boasting about it she should have been taken up for it.

Was it Beth who was a bit of a gurner? Left to have a baby and returned for a short while. She used to speak a lot, Had a lot of post on arsebook for upcoming beauty shows after she left so I assume it was an amicable parting.
Was she married to some 80’s band member?
She was married to the Hair cut one hundred guy.
Here is a link to Catherine + her annoying mother's website. https://www.oneyou.co.uk.
They know how to promote themselves don't they?
A desperate pair those two, It’s all look at me,me, me, it’s lovely not having to watch them during Covid.

I used to like Catherine the model. So why do I feel irritated by her now ? is it because she's turned into a bit of a 'know-all' ? or is she being groomed for a permanent presenting job ? Anyone else feel like this ?
Oh god help us, she loves to talk about herself and all her followers!! And how she looooves what ever she is wearing. BORING phoney woman.

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