Rise and rise of Catherine


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Yeah I reckon she'll move into guest presenting at some point. I don't mind her but sometimes it would be nice to see other models on a lola rose show.
I recall Simon Wilson saying something along the lines of a new rule that the models for the shows weren't to be used in the brand promos ???
Certainly that rule doesn't apply to Lola Rose.
Just wish she would lighten up on the mask like makeup & the awful gold glitter on the body & not so much fawning over the products--the odd comment is OK but that's enough.
Here is a link to Catherine + her annoying mother's website. https://www.oneyou.co.uk.
They know how to promote themselves don't they?

Oh for God's sake ! well, according to them the sun is shining, and spring has sprung ! how world shattering. Its another QVC blog promoting their products. I'm not a user of social media, and if this is an example of what's out there, then its a waste of my time !
I do agree with you QVC, but I hardly call it entrepreneurial to have a web site stating the bleeding obvious that the 'sun is shining' and 'spring is here' !!! the website did not 'inform' me, and appears to be a satellite site for QVC whom, I wonder, sponsors it !
I do agree with you QVC, but I hardly call it entrepreneurial to have a web site stating the bleeding obvious that the 'sun is shining' and 'spring is here' !!! the website did not 'inform' me, and appears to be a satellite site for QVC whom, I wonder, sponsors it !

But that's how many personal brands are built. Lots of the YouTubers who are raking in thousands in advertising revenues and endorsements reviewing cosmetics, clothes or diet tips also build their online presence with a fluffy website. They're flogging a bit of "me" no matter how fictional or idealised that may be. It has worked for plenty of people. As I said, I wish them well.
I can take her of leave her tbh but recently I find she has a constant Cheshire Cst Smirk which is rather irritating! Not a big fan of her mother either, can't put my finger on that one! :mysmilie_14:
Just come out declaring her love and has to get the top she's wearing as she absolutely loves it.
If I loved a top and was going to get it I would have looked at myself in it.
Yet one of the sleeves was worn all wrong, all twisted inside itself.
They must think we're all a sandwich short of a loaf, if they're of the opinion that we believe they're in 'love' with everything they model or try to flog. Franks must be literally wading through the stuff that she 'loves' and uses every day if she is to be believed. I don't think so.
So much for the 'stylists' sending out the models correctly dressed then ! In the Simon Biagi C Wonder hour, Rachel was sent out with an undone zip at the back of the dress, so clearly visible that Simon commented on it !
So much for the 'stylists' sending out the models correctly dressed then ! In the Simon Biagi C Wonder hour, Rachel was sent out with an undone zip at the back of the dress, so clearly visible that Simon commented on it !

Missed seeing that but that Rachel is a very attractive lady in fact stunning,but she is at risk of being squashed in a bit.

Did hear a bit I think it was, these won't show your knickers :mysmilie_13:
Catherine has so many irritating ways, the hair is so dated and has so much spray and it never moves. The face has so much heavy makeup on, she is never on the makeup shows, she obviously hasn’t got good skin. The permanent fixed grin as she looks at the presenter as they are talking about the garment and nods as she waits to give her opinion about every single thing she wears and wants, have you noticed the size of her hands? they are huge as she strokes the bags or jewellery, then she used to have long pointed nails, but now they are shorter. The nails and faux tan and glitter are so distracting. When she first appeared, I was so shocked at the fog horn voice! it was horrendous. She has tried to soften the voice now and has lost a lot of weight, so doesn’t have to place her arm to hide the thigh on the forward leg. I remember Julie Roberts telling another model, that she didn’t have a speaking part, that was her job. I agree with that unless they ask the model how a garment feels, trouble is Miss Know it all would take ages, and completed take over. As for the Mother, OMG
Catherine and her mum do seem to get preferential treatment compared to other models.

To be fair, they both have more relatable body shapes than some models.

I detest the "chum-fest" which is the Lola Rose shows, especially when Jill Frank's AND Catherine are involved. It is so excluding for the average consumer.
Tanya always got a mike and asked her opinion but she was very friendly with AY.

Then QVC dropped her out of the blue and she went on their Facebook to have a major rant about being dropped. I think a lot of the models back in the day did have friends in the production team or presenters and kept on for a long time. Then QVC had a major cull and the new younger your opinion is not needed being hired. Catherine's mother seems to have disappeared now too.

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