Well when I`m trying to flog fashion or skincare to the gullible I`ll not worry about looking like the tin man, a sack of spuds tied in the middle, will stammer and stutter, claw my hands, wear mis shapen shoes on my mis shapen feet, will interrupt people continously, will flash my engagement ring and wedding band continously, bore people with tales about my kids, grandkids and pets, buy a motorbike, design a dreadful piece of glass jewellery, fancy myself rotten, write a boring blog full of boring info, lie I`m a size small and then people will fawn over me, writes long loving posts about me, defend me on fb , forums and twitter, twitch with anticipation until I arrive back on their telly screens and polish my pedestal based in La La Land.
Until then I shall remain frightfully imperfect but free speaking and free thinking.