Received this today


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Beautiful necklace Lady D :)

Sorry the test didn't go well. You're dad sounds like me - I get cross with my kids when something goes wrong for them and I know they would otherwise have done well - and then I feel awful because I know it wasn't their fault, and I'm cross with what happened, not with them. :( They're too young for a bottle of wine, so I give them lots of hugs and drink the wine myself :D
Aw sorry that it could have gone better, hope it is just your nerves getting the better of you and that you did better than you thought!

V pretty pretty necklace
:) the necklace is lovely and suits you so well
as for the job I'm a great believer in fate if your meant to have the job you'll get it,
if not something much better will come along for you and you'll be glad you did'nt get it .
something happened to me once at the time it makes you feel c**p.
but that'll pass
good luck what will be will be but in the mean time enjoy your bling:):)
Awwww Darls im so sorry hunny .I have everything crossed that it will be good news for you .xxxx

Guess what? i received my 1st order and one of the items is this very necklace...i am on the hunt for the matching bracelet ,Anne has one doesnt she??? But i keep missing them ...:(

Chin up hun.xxxx
Darlene stop beating yourself up sweetheart, you did your best it wasn't your fault the way it turned out. You may be totally wrong and done OK in the test and if you haven't it will be fate and there is something better round the corner for you.:big hug
Lovely pictures Darls of your new necklace, it does look very nice on you.
I received the very same one yesterday, but I won't spill the beans on the cost! ;)
I thought the packaging was rather splendid also.

Sorry to hear that a blinking computer let you down in your test and hopefully the results will be better than you think.
Fingers crossed......
awww thanks ladies, am philosophical about it now lol que sera sera and all that.

BJ it was ME letting a computer get to me lol but ta for the hug, sending one right back at ya xxxx

Sacha I agree about the packaging, those boxes are a bit special I think, I usually put my jewellery in wooden boxes but the rocks boxes are so lovely I keep the items in them.

They put Gems boxes to shame.
Darls, the necklace is gorgeous!!!! :D

Sorry the test didn't go as well as you hoped. :hug:
I received this today and its absolutely lovely.

It was a 'well done' gift (for something I don't think i've done very well at so feel carp about) but its beautiful.

Purple and cobalt blue Chinese pearl necklace, have no idea how much it cost though.



Absolutly stunning Darls, and suits you so well and its very unusual. what a lovely thing to do for you xxxx

chin up - I am sure you done better than you thought - I bet you did you know - and even if you didnt keep trying however long it takes xxx
the pearls are glorious colours lol

thanks sweeties mwah am glad its Friday tomorrow and some days off, its been a rough old week lol xxx
:coolpics: Beautiful pearls Darls. They suit you and you look very tanned as well. :)

Sorry that the test didn't go well.:sadsmilie: I hope you did much better than you thought and if not, then maybe you could sit it again? I'm a great believer in fate too - it'll all work out for the best in the end pet. :hug:
:coolpics: Beautiful pearls Darls. They suit you and you look very tanned as well. :)

Sorry that the test didn't go well.:sadsmilie: I hope you did much better than you thought and if not, then maybe you could sit it again? I'm a great believer in fate too - it'll all work out for the best in the end pet. :hug:

tanned? lol i'm not, it must be the light in the room where I took the pic. I cannot re sit the test but as you say what will be will be, am just so annoyed at myself but not to worry, its done now.
I'm definitely wanting the bracelet to match the necklace, its so lovely, what a shame they don't do a drop earring, just one of the little silver 'cages' with the pearl inside on a shepherds crook would have been so nice.
Hi Darls, love the necklace, must have cheered you up no end. I'm another believer in fate, it its meant for you, you'l get it, if not there's somethng better round the corner. Good luck anyway. xx
aw babe, I'm sure you did alot better than you're giving yourself credit for. if it was a straight typing test, they probably only need a min of about 30 wpm so no worries. you aced the aptitude test so have faith hun.

it was a lovely gesture of your dad. gorgeous necklace and very much like a rose quartz one my aunt gave me years ago. I hope it cheered up a bit and that today you're feeling more philosophical about the tests.

big (((catcuddles)))
ermmmmm it was a well done pressie after all, thought i'd better let you all know lol I passed the test :D

Have an interview, bizarrely the same day and time my dad is having an operation :rolleyes:

Just bought myself some sexy new shoes to celebrate :D
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