Random musings/no argument zone


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We both posted the same thing! Great minds Deedee! Quite literally!

Haha, yes, great minds indeed DW, quite literally if you will!
And how many times is he going to mention his goddess FGS?!
Wirral and LL are quite right, it's predictable and the price comparisons are a complete nonsense
Now MeMike is trying to say that this item is a bargain because if purchased separately on the bid website it would cost a lot more. I am sure the ASA wouldn't accept comparisons with ones own site as one could add anything to it.

Sent from my Vodafone 354 using Forum Runner *meep meep*
Won't be long til the son is mentioned and he goes on how he's proudest dad in the world he mentions the goddess re his son like she's only woman to have ever given birth!
What woman would want to be known as 'my goddess?' I have to say no-one I know would find that flattering! Personally, I find it quite creepy, I think it makes him sound so clingy and needy........

Hmmm, I hadn't thought of it like that but you make a good point.
It doesn't come across as respectful from him - it's seems slightly seedy somehow.
OMG, they're even managing to scaremonger about make up and how harmful chemicals can be absorbed into the skin - I bet that's not mentioned when they sell non mineral make up!
What woman would want to be known as 'my goddess?' I have to say no-one I know would find that flattering! Personally, I find it quite creepy, I think it makes him sound so clingy and needy........

There is a new musical due out soon starring GOLLUM. The younger GOLLUM would be played by the one and only swivel hips BOD. Middle age GOLLUM played by Steve Mack and the older/worn out GOLLUM played by himself.
Hope they're not going into detail they're not allowed have to tell people to google if they want to know more
Now MeMike is trying to say that this item is a bargain because if purchased separately on the bid website it would cost a lot more. I am sure the ASA wouldn't accept comparisons with ones own site as one could add anything to it.

Sent from my Vodafone 354 using Forum Runner *meep meep*

Yes, I did wonder about that PJ.
Surely a company can make their own price comparisons say whatever they want them to say?
I swear to goodness, if he mentions his goddess once more I'm going to scream!
Yes, I did wonder about that PJ.
Surely a company can make their own price comparisons say whatever they want them to say?
I swear to goodness, if he mentions his goddess once more I'm going to scream!

I think if Sally Jaxx said she was going to scream, we would hear her anywhere in the UK.
I think if Sally Jaxx said she was going to scream, we would hear her anywhere in the UK.
No word of a lie she woke me up once fell asleep whilst watching then hear her booming shrieks and made me jump up out of bed

It gives impression she's lovely when like gollum himself she's horrible

Really? and how would you know that? I take offence to your comment, she's a close
friend of mine and she's far from 'horrible' she's dedicated her life to rescuing animals and
is a lovely, kind person. Have you ever heard of the phrase 'opposites attract?
Don't judge people you don't know.

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