Random musings/no argument zone


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i've grown quite fond of bod... he appears dull on the surface but somehow makes it work with the odd burst of crazyness

for example.... last week he rapped about price drop

mr tom I have a confession to make
I've watched Bod several times recently and he's been hilarious!
He's shown a great sense of humour - ok, he's not god's gift to women as Gollum believes he is, he's not god's gift to perfumery as Schlock believes he is, neither is he god's gift to lapidary as Neil believes he is but I've really grown to like him
Wirral is quite right, none of them rock a jumper like Bod does!
Earlier this evening Gollum was selling the in-car camera recorder that you fix to the windscreen and it "records your journies" according to the on-screen text. (They kept showing a short clip of a car suddenly approaching from the left in a car park.) Anyway, he mentioned this cyclist (a woman I think) who didn't see a giant pothole and promptly fell into the hole, falling off their bike. Gollum's alleged response? He couldn't move for ten minutes as he was paralysed with laughter because the cyclist apparently looked like a "moaning zombie" whilst sprawled in a heap (he puts his hands up and waves fingers around whilst moaning and groaning).

Of course knowing Gollum it's probably a complete exaggeration if at all true (and the tale could even be a complete fabrication), but the very fact he would publicly recount such a story and possibly exaggerate in such a fashion tells you all you need to know about him. (Or "everythink" as the man would say himself.)
The staff canteen has had the rebrand thrust on them. Now called Slop@Bid


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Earlier this evening Gollum was selling the in-car camera recorder that you fix to the windscreen and it "records your journies" according to the on-screen text. (They kept showing a short clip of a car suddenly approaching from the left in a car park.) Anyway, he mentioned this cyclist (a woman I think) who didn't see a giant pothole and promptly fell into the hole, falling off their bike. Gollum's alleged response? He couldn't move for ten minutes as he was paralysed with laughter because the cyclist apparently looked like a "moaning zombie" whilst sprawled in a heap (he puts his hands up and waves fingers around whilst moaning and groaning).

Of course knowing Gollum it's probably a complete exaggeration if at all true (and the tale could even be a complete fabrication), but the very fact he would publicly recount such a story and possibly exaggerate in such a fashion tells you all you need to know about him. (Or "everythink" as the man would say himself.)

I hate the way he often does those really shifty sideways looks.

He reminds me of a dog looking to it's handler for instruction.
Earlier this evening Gollum was selling the in-car camera recorder that you fix to the windscreen and it "records your journies" according to the on-screen text. (They kept showing a short clip of a car suddenly approaching from the left in a car park.) Anyway, he mentioned this cyclist (a woman I think) who didn't see a giant pothole and promptly fell into the hole, falling off their bike. Gollum's alleged response? He couldn't move for ten minutes as he was paralysed with laughter because the cyclist apparently looked like a "moaning zombie" whilst sprawled in a heap (he puts his hands up and waves fingers around whilst moaning and groaning).

Of course knowing Gollum it's probably a complete exaggeration if at all true (and the tale could even be a complete fabrication), but the very fact he would publicly recount such a story and possibly exaggerate in such a fashion tells you all you need to know about him. (Or "everythink" as the man would say himself.)

really??? that's absolutely disgusting
as you say, the fact that he would state something like that to the public is appalling, the man continually finds new vile lows to sink to
he knows what we write about him and I appreciate we're not particularly important to him but I would've thought he might want to take some observations on board and, at the very least, try to appear slightly educated, articulate and cultured? no? or is that just me?!!
really??? that's absolutely disgusting
as you say, the fact that he would state something like that to the public is appalling, the man continually finds new vile lows to sink to
he knows what we write about him and I appreciate we're not particularly important to him but I would've thought he might want to take some observations on board and, at the very least, try to appear slightly educated, articulate and cultured? no? or is that just me?!!

He's foul but the good news is it's Thursday, he'll be back off to his digs tonight.

I bet Waynetta can't wait.
Mike still going on about the memory foam mattress ' 'ow did you sleep last night? Was you restless, was you wakened....' He's more Del boy than Del boy......
Mike still going on about the memory foam mattress ' 'ow did you sleep last night? Was you restless, was you wakened....' He's more Del boy than Del boy......

Far be it from me to give advice to the new owners but it's pretty clear they want Shop at Bid to at least resemble a 'proper' shopping channel.

It's just an observation but have they not noticed the competition don't have any hosts even remotely resembling Gollum?

I suspect there's a good reason for that, it's probably one of the reasons why they're profitable and Bid isn't.
Earlier this evening Gollum was selling the in-car camera recorder that you fix to the windscreen and it "records your journies" according to the on-screen text. (They kept showing a short clip of a car suddenly approaching from the left in a car park.) Anyway, he mentioned this cyclist (a woman I think) who didn't see a giant pothole and promptly fell into the hole, falling off their bike. Gollum's alleged response? He couldn't move for ten minutes as he was paralysed with laughter because the cyclist apparently looked like a "moaning zombie" whilst sprawled in a heap (he puts his hands up and waves fingers around whilst moaning and groaning).

Of course knowing Gollum it's probably a complete exaggeration if at all true (and the tale could even be a complete fabrication), but the very fact he would publicly recount such a story and possibly exaggerate in such a fashion tells you all you need to know about him. (Or "everythink" as the man would say himself.)

and the ironic thing is that if you didn't all take him so literately you'd see
him being the first person to jump out of their car to help the person.
It's pathetic the way you judge people on here, not just Mike but all the
Presenters. None of you know the first thing about them.
When Peter Sherlock said 'we're going nowhere' he's never said a truer word......

Given the meeting that takes place in just a few days time I found his bluster breathtakingly complacent not to mention arrogant.

Nothing new there though.
and the ironic thing is that if you didn't all take him so literately you'd see
him being the first person to jump out of their car to help the person.
It's pathetic the way you judge people on here, not just Mike but all the
Presenters. None of you know the first thing about them.

We know he's a pathological bullshitter, if you want specific examples I'll be delighted to provide them. Pathetic? I'm happy to be pathetic, it's better than being a con merchant.

As for taking him literally? On the contrary, that boat has long since sailed with him Moët. I wouldn't take him literally even if he said he was a talentless blowhard. Well.......

But I admire your loyalty, however misguided.
I understand that Peter Sherlock's Divine Decadence 'Viva La Diva' is known to be an unforgettable fragrance. Try as you may you simply cannot shake the stench from your snout.

Moving on to Gollum sticking his scrawny claws into the mattress, hideous. He's really wiry and hairy.

Like a nettle.

I have heard that Divine Decadence kills 99% of all household germs. I use mine to clean the drains out, works a treat!

And a hairy Gollum? I've got some cream to cure that.
I have heard that Divine Decadence kills 99% of all household germs. I use mine to clean the drains out, works a treat!

And a hairy Gollum? I've got some cream to cure that.

I'd douse him in Divine Decadence.

It also kills weeds.
I love Gollum's fashion advice. We ladies should wear lighter colours, will cheer us up. He was selling a pink blouse strangely. Now he's talking crap about slippers. I'm watching the Hotel Inspector on 5, more entertaining"
When selling the slippers, it led him on to smells. 'Better out than in.' Class with a capital K. That's our Mike.
I love Gollum's fashion advice. We ladies should wear lighter colours, will cheer us up. He was selling a pink blouse strangely. Now he's talking crap about slippers. I'm watching the Hotel Inspector on 5, more entertaining"

Of course The Hairy Gollum has many weaknesses but fashion is a particular sticky wicket for him.

His limitations are emphasised when selling anything for a lady unless he can tell us that his goddess smokes, farts and has fungal trotters.
and the ironic thing is that if you didn't all take him so literately you'd see
him being the first person to jump out of their car to help the person.
It's pathetic the way you judge people on here, not just Mike but all the
Presenters. None of you know the first thing about them.

A clue for those who haven't got one: Not all presenters behave in the same way, and some presenters behave better than others. Some presenters have added credibility and others, well, work it out for yourself.

Anyway, I thank you for giving some unintended endorsement to what I said since I too could have been making things up to cause mischief. Because more often than not we have to be consistently honest when selling things, don't we? :mysmilie_59:

As you were...

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