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I thought so Deedee, I could tell it was your style. I bought a few myself, apparently if you look in the glossy mags you will see all the top stars wearing them. Unfortunately Sally said she couldn't name any names. I looked in Gardeners Weekly and didn't see anyone wearing them so I'm not sure if she was telling the truth!

well you clearly have good taste Muttley
I'm enjoying wearing mine (they only took a fortnight to arrive!) and I get lots of comments (most of them unrepeatable!)
we are so on trend you know, this top was worn in an advert for a chemical toilet in Fellwalker Monthly magazine*

*this may or may not be true
Do QVC have a premium rate phone line or a free call?
Do QVC charge £7.99 for posting something that is virtually as light as a feather
Do QVC talk in terms of really heavy gold weight but don't put a gram weight?
Do QVC sell items in quantities of one or two then sell it for a pound to cause many to miss out but get charged £1.53 for a call still?
Do QVC sell tat that is normally seen in Pound Shops knowing people won't send it back because they won't get the £10 of extras from the call and postage.

QVC make mistakes but they are in a different league to bid. If nothing else proves it. The fact that they are selling crap for premium prices, knock off watches as if they are a premium brand but still are heading for administration, you know they are a con.

when you put it like that PJ, there is just no comparison
I think Chad is missing the point about sales tactics, transparency and truth
Bid have used some appalling tactics to sell stuff even resorting to scaremongering, lies and misinformation
QVC just sell the products, end of
All of the above is true. However you fail to recognise the simple point I'm making that people volunteer to buy their crap products on their expensive phone lines and with their expensive postage costs. The same people are completely free to shop at QVC. I had a look at the QVC product range online and interestingly many of their products are also available far cheaper elsewhere. They also stock a range of skin serums and beauty products at ridiculously high prices that have absolutely no scientific evidence to back up their very bold claims. Do I care? Not really. If someone is desperate to spend £383 plus £5.95 p and p on 59 mls of Perricone Neuropeptide Facial Conformer then they're probably beyond redemption. It starts to make the snail serum on Bid start to look like good value doesn't it?

You're right, QVC really are in a different league.

This is where I believe (and of course it is just my opinion) bid presenters play a crucial role (and the producers and directors in their ear). Until they were made to they didn't mention the £10 of add ons. They make out that when you buy you become the star if the show (see Mason on the expensive stuff I will name each and everyone of you) but most of all they bare faced lie about the product, and unless you have read this forum or have not watched much you think well they must be telling the truth or ASA would be on them. You would never see Q talking about the heritage of a brand going back to the previous hundred years but fail to mention they went bankrupt and the brand was bought out by a cheap Chinese firm. As I said before I know most shopping channels including Q have their faults, but in my many years of watching the only other channel to come close is Auction World/Chase It.

Sit-Up are a truly appalling company not only with truly appalling presenters but with products that even a Hoopla Stand at Blackpool Pleasure Beach would be unlikely to give out as prizes.

But the chickens have finally come home to roost, as they always would. They need to go and, in my opinion, sooner rather than later.

They are without any shadow of doubt an abomination.
This is where I believe (and of course it is just my opinion) bid presenters play a crucial role (and the producers and directors in their ear). Until they were made to they didn't mention the £10 of add ons. They make out that when you buy you become the star if the show (see Mason on the expensive stuff I will name each and everyone of you) but most of all they bare faced lie about the product, and unless you have read this forum or have not watched much you think well they must be telling the truth or ASA would be on them.

The point about some viewers still believing that presenters aren't allowed to make untruthful claims about products because they would be quickly punished for doing so is a very important one. Rules relating to selling products on television used to be much tighter than they are nowadays and a fair number of people may not know that in recent years the whole regulatory system (apart from BBC-related complaints) has been relaxed and split between Ofcom and the ASA when it comes to distinguishing between programmes and advertisments/shopping channels.
Sit-Up are a truly appalling company not only with truly appalling presenters but with products that even a Hoopla Stand at Blackpool Pleasure Beach would be unlikely to give out as prizes.

But the chickens have finally come home to roost, as they always would. They need to go and, in my opinion, sooner rather than later.

They are without any shadow of doubt an abomination.

fully agree.

I see Sit-up as like the containment bin such as that for containing all the ghouls/ghosts from the film 'Ghostbusters'.

Should Sit-up (containment bin) be turned off the ghouls/ghosts will escape into the wild (Gaspin, Simon, Heppington, Russell, Jaxx, Gob, Brash, Mason (in particular)).

They will then infect television elsewhere (dear god I hope to god NO ONE ever employs them in television again - they should never be allowed in front of a camera for the rest of their lives). The other staff at Sit-up I wish them well (apart from the lame producers/directors who inflicted the ASA culture by not correcting certain presenters who rode roughshod over them).

Just to add the 18th March 2014 is a date much more important - that's the creditors meeting which will ultimately decide their fate.
fully agree. I see Sit-up as like the containment bin such as that for containing all the ghouls/ghosts from the film 'Ghostbusters'. Should Sit-up (containment bin) be turned off the ghouls/ghosts will escape into the wild (Gaspin, Simon, Heppington, Russell, Jaxx, Gob, Brash, Mason (in particular)). They will then infect television elsewhere (dear god I hope to god NO ONE ever employs them in television again - they should never be allowed in front of a camera for the rest of their lives). The other staff at Sit-up I wish them well (apart from the lame producers/directors who inflicted the ASA culture by not correcting certain presenters who rode roughshod over them). Just to add the 18th March 2014 is a date much more important - that's the creditors meeting which will ultimately decide their fate.

[Comic Book Guy] Best analogy ever [/Comic Book Guy]


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fully agree.

I see Sit-up as like the containment bin such as that for containing all the ghouls/ghosts from the film 'Ghostbusters'.

Should Sit-up (containment bin) be turned off the ghouls/ghosts will escape into the wild (Gaspin, Simon, Heppington, Russell, Jaxx, Gob, Brash, Mason (in particular)).

They will then infect television elsewhere (dear god I hope to god NO ONE ever employs them in television again - they should never be allowed in front of a camera for the rest of their lives). The other staff at Sit-up I wish them well (apart from the lame producers/directors who inflicted the ASA culture by not correcting certain presenters who rode roughshod over them).

Just to add the 18th March 2014 is a date much more important - that's the creditors meeting which will ultimately decide their fate.

The Creditors probably have little choice but to accept their derisory offer, 1% is better than 0% if it comes with some sort of future business guarantee (as laughable as that may seem now) but it's surely only a matter of time before these cowboys ride off into the sunset for the last time.

But I never thought their reputation could become any worse, it most certainly has now. In my opinion they have absolutely no right to be begging for favours, they are utterly shameless.

I'd be embarrassed to be associated with them but I doubt most of the presenters embarrass easily.
The Creditors probably have little choice but to accept their derisory offer, 1% is better than 0% if it comes with some sort of future business guarantee (as laughable as that may seem now) but it's surely only a matter of time before these cowboys ride off into the sunset for the last time.

But I never thought their reputation could become any worse, it most certainly has now. In my opinion they have absolutely no right to be begging for favours, they are utterly shameless.

I'd be embarrassed to be associated with them but I doubt most of the presenters embarrass easily.

I guess that even if the creditors accept their offer the credit rating for the company will be non-existent!

They're in for a rough time unless they sell products allocated to them and are shipped from the supplier direct?
I guess that even if the creditors accept their offer the credit rating for the company will be non-existent!

They're in for a rough time unless they sell products allocated to them and are shipped from the supplier direct?

It's been discussed before that they could merely showcase products on behalf of a supplier (a bit like ebay) and the supplier deals with fulfilment.

It might explain the lamentable delivery times and the eye watering prices as they scrape out a discernible cut but they do really need to be shut down for the sake of the less savvy punters.

Selling £1 Shampoo at those prices really was the last straw, they are a monstrosity.
I imagine their biggest asset is their web address. They could sell that for 6 or 7 figures and pay some creditors off. Surely someone would pay good money for bid.tv?
The appalling Jenny Topp just said of this top 'it is rather Kinghtsbridge isn't it' and 'it's the kind of thing you see in Personal Shopper Department Stores'.

The end can't come quick enough for me.

The appalling Jenny Topp just said of this top 'it is rather Kinghtsbridge isn't it' and 'it's the kind of thing you see in Personal Shopper Department Stores'.

The end can't come quick enough for me.

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My favourite Jenny Gobb claim was when she was selling a dress that had a feeble bit of lurex thread in it that you could hardly see she said 'It reflects the light back onto your face like you have been photo-shopped, people will tell you how well you look.'
I remember Jenny was talking about driving through Chiswick and seeing a "yummy mummy" type lady wearing Hunter wellies. At that time they had sold them the week before. Our Jen got very excited about this saying "I wonder if she got them fron us?" Probably not in my view!

And I once saw her on PD in the morning with Far Mani. Poor boy he couldn't get a word in, he wisely just shut up, he couldn't compete with her!
Apparently, Dirty Peter's doctor is called Tom Earnshaw! Same as the master horologist whose watches he used to flog. Quite a coincidence...

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