Random musings/no argument zone


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Well quite. She really is just 'the girl next door.' I think it would be true to say, she has a certain class about her.....:smirk:

Sally understands her audience and never feels the need to pressurise, I respect her for that.


Is anyone watching Gasper, goodness me he's excitable today. Get him some Oxygen.
Sally understands her audience and never feels the need to pressurise, I respect her for that.

At least with fixed price selling and no displayed quantity there's none of the frantic countdowns that she did (53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43...No pressure or anything...) :mysmilie_59:
At least with fixed price selling and no displayed quantity there's none of the frantic countdowns that she did (53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43...No pressure or anything...) :mysmilie_59:

No clocks indeed but she still favours the demonic, banshee like face pressed against the camera lens technique.
Will there be room for Salleh's own clothing line any more?

Please say yes.......:wonder:

If they have any serious ambitions of survival then yes Momma, of course there will be room for 'Sally Jacks x' Clothing.

And i'm somewhat surprised you have the gall to mischievously suggest otherwise :mysmilie_51:

Ooooooo soz Wirral, let's move on then :mysmilie_48:

There's a real buzz in the fashion world right now (I should know) and that buzz is coming from Burnley.

And you can forget your Westwood's, your Chanel's and your Beckham's. There's a new icon in town and this time it's for real.
There's a real buzz in the fashion world right now (I should know) and that buzz is coming from Burnley.

And you can forget your Westwood's, your Chanel's and your Beckham's. There's a new icon in town and this time it's for real.

Yeah, she's been to college and everything :nod:

Might be just me but I didn't hear her mention that she was at College till she was almost finishing the course and her designs were on their way to Bid. Like I say, might just be me that didn't hear her mention it, like ever. Till the warehouse was full of her stuff. Then. :smirk::bandit:
I like Sally. But I don't like her when she puts her face to the camera and complains that the price is too low for the "quality" she is selling - once she said she was going to stop off at the police station after work and report a daylight robbery. I also don't like it when we, the public are not buying and it is her favourite designer on sale (we are clearly ungrateful) and she starts to get annoyed. That is when I start to get annoyed by her and turn her off.
Yeah, she's been to college and everything :nod:

Might be just me but I didn't hear her mention that she was at College till she was almost finishing the course and her designs were on their way to Bid. Like I say, might just be me that didn't hear her mention it, like ever. Till the warehouse was full of her stuff. Then. :smirk::bandit:

She could have been the janitor for all we know. And judging by her 'collection' she was........
Was it really her stuff or did she just design some labels to stick in saying 'Sally Jaxx Designs', or whatever they said?

(Think I may be pushing my luck at this point) :giggle:

This is a particularly vicious and dare I say spiteful sideswipe at a lady who merely wants to bring a touch of contemporary (and original) glamour at affordable prices to this United Kingdom.

I'm disappointed, very disappointed.
I feel very, very ashamed. I meant it only as a lighthearted joke. I feel the backlash and accept it. *shuffles off, head bowed*

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