Oh, I have so much to post about

Thank you for making me laugh out loud all of you.
The other day when the Body Fat monitor was on, i was so appalled that NONE of them knew what BMI was, and kept showing the body FAT chart when referring to BMI.
Christ on a bicycle do some research!!!! Body FAT and BMI are completely different things and have different charts!!! I was seething the whole day.
Wirral, although it is not nice of Guy to be rude about 'larger ladies', I do wish Peter Simon would stop with the "my voluptuous, generous size 20, 22 ladies".
The sooner, as a nation, we stop the ******** that 'larger ladies' are just; "more to love" "cuddly" "generous" "voluptuous" and many more friendly words for overweight,
then the sooner we can get down the hideous figure of over 50% of our country being overweight! When I was a lardarse (speaking about myself only) I really bought into
that rubbish and until I realised one day my BMI was 38, I was medically obese and pretty much lucky to be alive, it genuinely did make me feel ok about my size

Andrea, andrea, andrea, please go and find a career you are actually any good at. I have sadly been watching lately and she is just worse than dreadful

Not knowing the
products at all, reading off sheets whilst pretending to be winging it, prices, numbers, details wrong, demonstrations that look like a parody of shopping telly, and worse, she's
gone back to the hideous makeup, for goodness sakes, she beautiful without the slap, just makes her look cheap

Peter Simon using floods to sell anything, what a pile of **** he is as a human being