Random musings and general banter.


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My prediction is if IW relaunches under TJC, Shop Extra will not survive and the presenters may well reappear on IW. It would be a relatively easy thing for them (and any off camera staff who move back to IW) to justify i.e. they're not moving back to the 'same' IW. They can assert it's essentially a new venture in all but name. I'm not saying they'd necessarily make this justification publicly, however that's how they'd justify it to themselves, and you can see the rationale in that thinking regardless if whether you agree with it or not.

Maybe if Shop Extra does cease, the likes of Den will take the opportunity to retire, however I suspect the others would look for another move within selly telly land, and the options for them are gradually decreasing.
When IW folded, I wasn’t expecting to see Den again anywhere, really thought she might have retired

No doubt they will all turn up on new IW, only one I don’t think you will see is Dean, who is back properly on Create and Craft, he seems to be doing 4 days on, and 3 off. I agree about Molly, but why would you go from a Manager to a expert
I’m not sure any of those four would fit with the TJC presenting style - least, from what I’ve seen of their main channel. Plus, they are going to want to put their own stamp on it and freshen it up. Robinson certainly doesn’t fit in my view. Nor Hinge and Bracket. Ryan, possibly, but I doubt we’ll see the other three on there. I think slicker people like Mason and their more hard sell style will feature. Not amiable buffoons…
When IW folded, I wasn’t expecting to see Den again anywhere, really thought she might have retired

No doubt they will all turn up on new IW, only one I don’t think you will see is Dean, who is back properly on Create and Craft, he seems to be doing 4 days on, and 3 off. I agree about Molly, but why would you go from a Manager to a expert
Molly is a producer who has taken shifts as a floor manager and is popping up as a guest on shows they don’t want to foot the bill to pay for an actual guest/model.
The money would be better as a guest, but since those are being used on fewer shows it probably works out wiser to remain taking shifts as a floor manager
Using crew as demonstrators, and in such a small space just adds to the cheap and nasty look to it all. Cheap is fine, as long as it’s cheap goods to buy also. But the prices are average at best from what I’ve seen to date. Much better deals on the old Ideal World at times. For example - a really superb one a year or two back (I remember because I bought one), on the Rug Doctor with a number of bottles of cleaners included. Shop Extra had a Rug Doctor for sale recently, but with just the one cleaner bottle and at a much higher price. You felt at tImes Ideal World was almost giving the stuff away. The fact some products being sold felt too good value to be true probably played its part in their downfall ultimately.
Using crew as demonstrators, and in such a small space just adds to the cheap and nasty look to it all. Cheap is fine, as long as it’s cheap goods to buy also. But the prices are average at best from what I’ve seen to date. Much better deals on the old Ideal World at times. For example - a really superb one a year or two back (I remember because I bought one), on the Rug Doctor with a number of bottles of cleaners included. Shop Extra had a Rug Doctor for sale recently, but with just the one cleaner bottle and at a much higher price. You felt at tImes Ideal World was almost giving the stuff away. The fact some products being sold felt too good value to be true probably played its part in their downfall ultimately.
This is partly why I'd love to know what kind of numbers they're shifting of each product. I don't mean that in a poking fun way, I'd be genuinely interested from a business point of view. We know they by default always tell us stuff is flying out the door, I'd love to know the reality.
Only a suspicion, CC, but I think they are selling not much of anything at all? I mean…how can they be? Actually finding the channel is a hidden retail telly anorak spotter’s dream chase with their Observer’s Book of Shopping Telly Channels to hand, and a strong pair of binoculars round their neck. There is no way I would’ve found it if I wasn’t a participator on this forum. And I’m sure many others who aren’t haven’t found it either. And there is so little found when you have found it to hold your attention. The presenters are dull and up themselves The humour factor is virtually nonexistent as they take themselves so seriously. If they made more in an amusing sense about the comedic limitations of working in a such a tiny studio and a skeleton crew, that would at least make it entertaining. Definitely no fun factor from what I’ve seen.

Initially, I was really keen to watch it, but I’ve drifted away from it in the last couple of weeks or so as it is just so dull and there is so little to try and make funny over it. I honestly don’t see with the news about the resurgence of the old channel in recent days, how it is going to survive? After all, just where is its market?
What they are selling doesnt really help. Tonight you have Weighted Blankets, 2 hours of Metal Craft where even the basic kit costs £500, and then 2 hours of watches, from the Cemetary Set

At least with IW you could have a laugh, often at others expense but ooh well, But you can’t with Shop Extra
What they are selling doesnt really help. Tonight you have Weighted Blankets, 2 hours of Metal Craft where even the basic kit costs £500, and then 2 hours of watches, from the Cemetary Set

At least with IW you could have a laugh, often at others expense but ooh well, But you can’t with Shop Extra

Weighted blankets. What a metaphor for the SE presenters.
It's funny to think back to the launch show — and don't pretend you missed it; they repeated it ad nauseam for 2 weeks 🤭 — when they were smiley and smug, squashed together on that sofa, throwing their heads back laughing at how lucky we all were to have them back in our lives (at least, that's how it sounded lol).

All that guff about deciding to return to put proper shopping TV back on our screens.

What did we actually get?

More Ideal World 🫤.

Same patter, same faces, worse products.

They could've (and should've) used the opportunity to break the mould, drop the dishonesty, and stop trying to sell every trivial item as life-altering — it's a pair of imitation designer sunglasses you're flogging, Den not the elixir of youth.

Imagine honesty, informed purchasing, treating viewers as more than mindless gullible goons to offload more junk on to.
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