Random musings and general banter.


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Hi everyone hope all are well

First time watching this "new channel" tonight and tbh it has pissed me off, watched for 20 minutes

Ryan has said 15 times (yes I counted) WE ARE SO BUSY..... I know I trust a man who said that constantly for the past 5 years for a channel where they palpably were not always busy or would still be here

Adam the Gardener "I wouldn't have sold these cordless tools 5 years ago"....

Errrr you did on Ideal World mate?

Grow some balls and show how many items you are selling in real-time as a start

Why have they kept all the graphics and presentation theme almost identical where are the fresh ideas?

I dread to think what somebody who is still waiting for money back/refunds from Ideal thinks
I noted he said that. I did think, though, he said 10 years ago, rather than five, but I might be mistaken. Regardless, I think he said on the current presentation that he’d been working with Ryan for 15 years or there or thereabouts. Assuming that previous time has all been with Ideal World, then that would take us back to around 2008, when I am sure Greenworks cordless products were already in production, and certainly would have been for the years to come he was on the channel.
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My Name is Den thanks Paul Wright et al. for allowing the return of: “Proper Shopping TV.” I have seen absolutely no difference whatsoever so far in the style of presentation of this channel to the style of presentation of the channel it seeks to replace. Very similar if not identical products for sale, also, and very similar, If not identical sales techniques. If I’ve missed any startling differences, somebody tell me and I’ll correct what I’ve said.
He's coming...He's coming...They like to reintroduce these people like unwanted nasty surprises at will..
I heard Dennice earlier this evening talking to the girl Kelly (E-Bikes) that it was like a school reunion (with all the ex IW people coming on) and then she said (off the cuff) everyone is here except the nasty ones. I wonder who she meant???
Why would former customers trust them?
Not one of them has apologised for letting former customers down,goods sold and not delivered,and people fighting to get their money back.
Same selling techniques as before,it’s laughable nobody in their right mind would believe any of them.
6 months is to long it’s a shambles already!
As someone else has said start putting the actual amount of items sold on screen,if you’re so busy you have nothing to hide?
Go on be honest and upfront for a change 🤔
Why would former customers trust them?
Not one of them has apologised for letting former customers down,goods sold and not delivered,and people fighting to get their money back.
Same selling techniques as before,it’s laughable nobody in their right mind would believe any of them.
6 months is to long it’s a shambles already!
As someone else has said start putting the actual amount of items sold on screen,if you’re so busy you have nothing to hide?
Go on be honest and upfront for a change 🤔

You would need a long in-depth reply explaining the many quirks in human psychology to give a detailed answer to that question, but in short stupidity, easily manipulated, bias, idolisation, hypocrisy etc are all traits which will be included within the answer. ;)
My Name is Den thanks Paul Wright et al. for allowing the return of: “Proper Shopping TV.” I have seen absolutely no difference whatsoever so far in the style of presentation of this channel to the style of presentation of the channel it seeks to replace. Very similar if not identical products for sale, also, and very similar, If not identical sales techniques. If I’ve missed any startling differences, somebody tell me and I’ll correct what I’ve said.

They haven't been using the never-ending "check out your baskets" pleas yet.
It all seems very low rent. Does the gallery (whatever that is) even have that type of current sales position information yet? Just the usual ‘we are very busy’. I’m very busy looking after three dogs and keeping the house clean, but it doesn’t really equate to what ‘very busy’ actually means in the greater scheme of things. Very Busy, therefore, is meaningless without accompanying stats.

They are working in a very limited space and not the main studio. If they want also want to focus on kitchen type stuff, then as last night illustrated - there is no actual kitchen to work in - just the main worktop they use. It is not a dealbreaker of course, but it just gives an impression of not very much spent to present the items in a realistic home setting. Psychologically, I guess, it also helps to see an item you might be considering buying for the kitchen in the kitchen setting rather than a counter.. Also, is there anywhere outside they can work? Like the garden area at Ideal World?

You wonder if this is very much a trial period by the people who own Create & Craft. Keeping start up costs to the bare minimum - a tiny spare studio, not kitted out for anything in particular, very small crew in number working on broadcasts and some in-house promos shot and logos created. Are the presenters even being paid a full fee at present until it becomes clear if Shop Extra will be a success or not? It’s not even particularly easy to find and then stay tuned to the channel if you are not shopping telly obsessives like ourselves. You wouldn’t really know it was there to find if you just rely on Freeview..

What they sell is the key, obviously. The E-Bike last night looked a good deal (without me doing any price comparisons). Greenworks gear? I don’t know - would people in it buy that brand? But they won’t sell in number surely with the channel not having its own easy to find, dedicated channel slot on all platforms. There seems to be a lot of in-house expectation that their crafting customers will come over and become Shop Extra ones, too. If that expectation fails to become a reality, I don’t see a long term place for it..Does a loyal crafter buying lower priced related goods, automatically switch over and buy a big ticket item like a bike or a mower - particularly with the even colder days looming and darker nights? Not the best timing to sell that type of item.
I sent them a lovely email earlier asking them if they were going to sell rattan furniture on the channel, and also welcoming back resident expert in stickiness, Peter van Dubbleveelbase. Did they read it out? Did they buggery…
They did read it out, when they were doing the orange sticky stuff

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