Random musings and general banter.


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If you remember QVC used to say "no credit checks" but that changed years ago, now their credit checks are so stringent, it puts a couple of days on your delivery, IW on the other hand check with your bank instantly and if verification is granted that the funds are in your account, then your delivery is on its way.
If you remember QVC used to say "no credit checks" but that changed years ago, now their credit checks are so stringent, it puts a couple of days on your delivery, IW on the other hand check with your bank instantly and if verification is granted that the funds are in your account, then your delivery is on its way.

I know someone who worked at QVC in Finance, you're right that they don't take payment straight away and it does often cause delays.

They don't actually run 'Credit Checks' per se as EasyPay isn't really 'Credit' in the same sense as buying something from say Argos and paying in installments is, there's no Credit Agreement. But they do run Identification, Electoral Roll & Fraud Checks with Experian, particularly on newer customers ordering higher value items on EasyPay.

But whatever they do or don't do their delivery is too slow and way too expensive :mysmilie_59:
I know someone who worked at QVC in Finance, you're right that they don't take payment straight away and it does often cause delays.

They don't actually run 'Credit Checks' per se as EasyPay isn't really 'Credit' in the same sense as buying something from say Argos and paying in instalments is, there's no Credit Agreement. But they do run ID, Electoral Roll & Fraud Checks with Experian, particularly on newer customers ordering higher value items on EasyPay.

Yeah Wirral you're right that's what I meant, fraud checks etc.
Yeah Wirral you're right that's what I meant, fraud checks etc.

The way they talk on air you'd think anybody qualifies for EasyPay and it's simply not the case, then again I think it's rather naive if anyone thinks otherwise.

You can just see them letting any old person buy an iMac or a Miele Washing Machine on EasyPay can't you?

I don't know about Ideal World but I remember payment was always taken there and then, even with FlexiPay. It's been a while since we bought anything from them :mysmilie_59:
The way they talk on air you'd think anybody qualifies for EasyPay and it's simply not the case, then again I think it's rather naive if anyone thinks otherwise.

You can just see them letting any ok'd person buy an iMac of a Miele Washing Machine on EasyPay can't you? :mysmilie_59:[/QUOTE

Nope, they also check apparently for any people they've banned from shopping with them, just incase anyone slips through the net.........why anyone would want to shop with QVC after being banned is anyone's guess. :mysmilie_17:
The way they talk on air you'd think anybody qualifies for EasyPay and it's simply not the case, then again I think it's rather naive if anyone thinks otherwise.

You can just see them letting any ok'd person buy an iMac of a Miele Washing Machine on EasyPay can't you? :mysmilie_59:[/QUOTE

Nope, they also check apparently for any people they've banned from shopping with them, just incase anyone slips through the net.........why anyone would want to shop with QVC after being banned is anyone's guess. :mysmilie_17:

That's right, they check for people who have returned 'too many items' and people who didn't pay off previous EasyPay balances but in both cases may have changed address :mysmilie_59:
That's a lot of checks, no wonder the goods are stuck in process before they let the item go hey.

Apparently they only do it for newer customers with orders of a certain value or for orders that fall in a certain product category.

You'd think it would be automated at the time of ordering though wouldn't you? So they don't Credit Check as such but they may as well check your inside leg measurements :mysmilie_59:
Dirty Peter says of 'Chef' William:-

'And because Will is not only in leading Magazines and The Broadsheets'.

There was absolutely no context to it whatsoever, he was talking about cold weather and cheap cuts of meat :confused:
Dirty Peter says of 'Chef' William:-

'And because Will is not only in leading Magazines and The Broadsheets'.

There was absolutely no context to it whatsoever, he was talking about cold weather and cheap cuts of meat :confused:

I might be wrong but I wouldn't call "oh just buy it!" "oh it's lovely" "10, 20, 30, 40 per cent of the stock has gone!!" a description of an item they expect you to part with your money to buy, yes he's definitely got something on some one at IW, him and nasty Gollum, I'm convinced.
I might be wrong but I wouldn't call "oh just buy it!" "oh it's lovely" "10, 20, 30, 40 per cent of the stock has gone!!" a description of an item they expect you to part with your money to buy, yes he's definitely got something on some one at IW, him and nasty Gollum, I'm convinced.

It's just utterly spurious drivel. And his pathetic, crass innuendo about 'Pork' and 'Liking Italian Sausages'.

And that he prefers Czechs to Poles. He really is lame, as is this channel.

That all aside from what I hear he should expect to hear from The Advertising Standards Authority, I wonder if Ideal World even have a Compliance Team? :mysmilie_59:
It's just utterly spurious drivel. And his pathetic, crass innuendo about 'Pork' and 'Liking Italian Sausages'.

And that he prefers Czechs to Poles. He really is lame, as is this channel.

That all aside from what I hear he should expect to hear from The Advertising Standards Authority, I wonder if Ideal World even have a Compliance Team? :mysmilie_59:

I've emailed customer service when he first started and complained about his sexual innuendo, especially before 9pm, they said they'd pass it on but he's still at it. Looks like he was pulled up on just mentioning the first flexi-pay though, he tries then checks himself and adds "flexi-pay!"

I was wondering were all the other presenters have gone and who used to do the shifts because every time I turn IW on, it's one of the Bid Twaterrati.

Message to Dirty Pete, you'll never, ever be Frankie Howard!
I've emailed customer service when he first started and complained about his sexual innuendo, especially before 9pm, they said they'd pass it on but he's still at it. Looks like he was pulled up on just mentioning the first flexi-pay though, he tries then checks himself and adds "flexi-pay!"

I was wondering were all the other presenters have gone and who used to do the shifts because every time I turn IW on, it's one of the Bid Twaterrati.

Message to Dirty Pete, you'll never, ever be Frankie Howard!

Less staff at the moment, longer continuous shifts by the look of things :mysmilie_59:
I've just emailed customer service about him, did you hear him say the graphite colour pans are "coming up the rear" he went to say something else but realised with the tumbleweed he'd gone too far, he got flustered then and just kept stressing about the pans, too late though.
I've just emailed customer service about him, did you hear him say the graphite colour pans are "coming up the rear" he went to say something else but realised with the tumbleweed he'd gone too far, he got flustered then and just kept stressing about the pans,

He's vile, he really shouldn't be there but this is what Ideal World has become.

'Chef' William has just made Egg Fried Rice. He added Coriander :puke:
The Melitta man is still claiming if you replace your daily high street chain bought coffee with one made with the machine 'you'll make your money back within a year'. So:-

Average price of a Coffee according to him - £2.40 so 365 x £2.40 = £876
Coffee Machine - £800 but comes with no Coffee, you also need to buy 5 water filters costing anywhere from £10-£20 each, definitely pay for electricity and water, possibly milk and sugar.

I think he's talking a load of Carpuccino, they need to explain this properly :mysmilie_59:
Caught the last segment of the show with Dennice claiming that 'I didn't know coffee until I tried the Melitta machine'. This reminds me of the time when Chef William referred to a microwave oven saying that 'I didn't know cooking until I tried this machine' (or something similar). Unlike Dennice' claim, this I could believe.
I think either the presenters assume their entire viewership is memory-challenged in some way... or that they have tuned in one time only... so have no idea that the spurious claims are plucked from the less than original minds of the presenters or guests.

They inhabit the mythical advertisers world where every nameless similar competitor product that is not this particular product is expensive/unreliable/inferior/bought by a once-gullible-now-hacked-off friend/spouse/family member of the presenter... The difference is you've got someone telling you live on your telly. Then you have infomercials which bludgeon you with the instant transformation buying their product will give you that no other product has ever been able to give you. Then there are the ads on the telly that convince you that wearing this or that perfume will turn you into a famous (usually impossibly gorgeous) celebrity.

None of these sales people expect us all to be convinced every time by everything, every time... they only need to seduce some of us, some of the time to keep the wheels of commerce turning.
He's just a parody and totally pathetic. I think he sank to the pits with the Royal Commemorative Book the other evening. They could get anybody on there to just keep repeating "wonderful", "fantastic", "will you look at that", "just buy it" and his other slogans. He knows little or nothing about the product he's selling, and just makes it up as he goes along - which anybody could do, and probably for half the salary of that Has-Been of 1970's kids' telly. Larry Grayson did the camp comedy act decades ago, Pete, and he did it better than you ever will.
It's just utterly spurious drivel. And his pathetic, crass innuendo about 'Pork' and 'Liking Italian Sausages'.

And that he prefers Czechs to Poles. He really is lame, as is this channel.

That all aside from what I hear he should expect to hear from The Advertising Standards Authority, I wonder if Ideal World even have a Compliance Team? :mysmilie_59:

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