Random musings and general banter.


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Well, if that's his prediction, Mutts, the toy's probably going to bomb (Official Receiver's phone number, anyone?). Congratulations on your win, well done you!

Cheers mate! I hope you are watching now, Pope Pete is on with the Lumio lights and Angela. They have got Thomas Kinkade tapestries with LED lights and they are so tatty. He actually said they are like the tapestries you see in Castle Howard and National Trust houses!!! i have been to Castle Howard and was a member of the National Trust and thankfully they are nothing like them!!! If you want one they are going quickly, one was 70% sold blah blah. They were dreadful as you can imagine.
Just BUY it......
sorry, got overtaken there.

The latest buzz word to drive me to almost put my head through the TV is Geneveive on Friday Fashion where she must be on commision for every time she manages to say "laaydeees". So patronising the way she comes out with it, and I kid ye not, she's hitting about 2 a minute :( After 2 hours of FF I'm ready for my rubber room, are you LAYDEEEEES? :p
Cheers mate! I hope you are watching now, Pope Pete is on with the Lumio lights and Angela. They have got Thomas Kinkade tapestries with LED lights and they are so tatty. He actually said they are like the tapestries you see in Castle Howard and National Trust houses!!! i have been to Castle Howard and was a member of the National Trust and thankfully they are nothing like them!!! If you want one they are going quickly, one was 70% sold blah blah. They were dreadful as you can imagine.

I watched that show and 2 minutes after it started he said 40% of the stock had sold out - yet miraculously half way through, it had replenished to just 30%! Just proves to me they are nothing but a bunch of shock jocks & fibbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my giddy aunt, Muttley, is this bloke never off our screens? My theory is that all the other presenters have been turned into Peter Simon robots (bit like in the Carry On film "Carry on Screaming" where they turn them into lifelike dressmakers dummies or whatever). Of course they tell me that Buck House buy Thomas Kinkade tapestries and Lumio lights by the crateload, as they are the epitome of taste and when HM entertains the President of Somewhere or Other she always points them out, very proudly, as coming from Ideal World. I'm sure she watches every evening with Philip. If the guff that comes from him wasn't so funny (well, some of it) you could throw something at the screen. Talk about tat passed off as treasure. What next? Antiques Roadshow? Some snooty auctioneer will die laughing.:mysmilie_15::mysmilie_19::mysmilie_13:

Cheers mate! I hope you are watching now, Pope Pete is on with the Lumio lights and Angela. They have got Thomas Kinkade tapestries with LED lights and they are so tatty. He actually said they are like the tapestries you see in Castle Howard and National Trust houses!!! i have been to Castle Howard and was a member of the National Trust and thankfully they are nothing like them!!! If you want one they are going quickly, one was 70% sold blah blah. They were dreadful as you can imagine.
Dave, I love it when this happens - hope their presenters never re-train as accountants!! My theory is that there are constant deliveries of the same thing while on air, lorries drawing up outside IW Towers in a procession, so the backroom staff are constantly replenishing the stocks while the show is on - this is of course necessary, as they are "selling out", "over half stock's gone", yada, yada, yada. A few weeks ago, on one show, we had 60% had gone, followed by 30%, then it was 50% - all in the space of about 30 seconds on air. Arithmetic was never my strong point at school, but even I can tell the figures do not add up. Suspend logic, folks, this is IW, the land that time (and arithmetic) forgot.

I watched that show and 2 minutes after it started he said 40% of the stock had sold out - yet miraculously half way through, it had replenished to just 30%! Just proves to me they are nothing but a bunch of shock jocks & fibbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mutts, he usually says the classic "a watch says a lot about you". Well, I can think of a few things that this one might say about the presenter, but perhaps I should not commit this to public view .....
Peter is on in full cry with the watch woman. They are presenting the so called Delorean watch range. It would be hard to imagine a more vulgar , cheap looking and tacky load of rubbish than these . They are obviously low grade Chinese but Peter keeps claiming they are 'German engineering'. The watch woman is uncomfortable with this and keeps trying to qualify it with 'German designed'.
They are banging on about limited edition , only five hundred world wide , we've been lucky to get a few blah blah!
Really ? Where are the rest of them then ? A google search for these watches yields just one result -Ideal World !!!!!
The word 'German' does not appear in the product description.[/QUOTE

Many of these mega expensive cheap looking watches have so many of the workings on display that you cannot actually see the time cleatly. I thought that was the main aim of a watch, but I could be wrong... Clearly, it is to "show off" your mega classy timepiece to all the adoring ladies you will attract. That is the impression that Mr Mason gives.
Mutts, he usually says the classic "a watch says a lot about you". Well, I can think of a few things that this one might say about the presenter, but perhaps I should not commit this to public view .....

That's why he almost starts crying, because the watch told him a few home truths. :giggle:
Lol! :mysmilie_17: Personally, I think the watch should apply for a presenter's job...it's got more personality and talks more sense than they do!!!
Mutts, he usually says the classic "a watch says a lot about you". Well, I can think of a few things that this one might say about the presenter, but perhaps I should not commit this to public view .....

That's why he almost starts crying, because the watch told him a few home truths. :giggle:
Dave, I love it when this happens - hope their presenters never re-train as accountants!! My theory is that there are constant deliveries of the same thing while on air, lorries drawing up outside IW Towers in a procession, so the backroom staff are constantly replenishing the stocks while the show is on - this is of course necessary, as they are "selling out", "over half stock's gone", yada, yada, yada. A few weeks ago, on one show, we had 60% had gone, followed by 30%, then it was 50% - all in the space of about 30 seconds on air. Arithmetic was never my strong point at school, but even I can tell the figures do not add up. Suspend logic, folks, this is IW, the land that time (and arithmetic) forgot.

Your theory is a very interesting one, you clearly have given this subject a lot of thought. My theory is that they are liars trying to pressurise people into buying!
Mutts, do I detect a note of cynicism about IW? Can't think why you feel this way! :giggle: By the way, I've nearly become comatose listening to the Pope on the Stuhrling watches....I think I've been mesmerised by his tie, which from the colour of it looks as though someone's been sick down his shirt front..
Your theory is a very interesting one, you clearly have given this subject a lot of thought. My theory is that they are liars trying to pressurise people into buying!
Mutts, do I detect a note of cynicism about IW? Can't think why you feel this way! :giggle: By the way, I've nearly become comatose listening to the Pope on the Stuhrling watches....I think I've been mesmerised by his tie, which from the colour of it looks as though someone's been sick down his shirt front..

Ha ha. I didn't notice the colour of his tie, clearly I wasn't watching long enough. Or I was too busy laughing at the nonsense he was spouting. And you are right as usual, I am just a little bit cynical about their sales tactics!!!
Mutts, do I detect a note of cynicism about IW? Can't think why you feel this way! :giggle: By the way, I've nearly become comatose listening to the Pope on the Stuhrling watches....I think I've been mesmerised by his tie, which from the colour of it looks as though someone's been sick down his shirt front..

The sick down his tie is probably from anyone who's ever met him, what's funny is, the sick is more endearing than him.
:mysmilie_17:As he's never off screen at the moment, perhaps Bet didn't get time to launder it (the tie that is, not him although he could do with a laundering). If he's being paid overtime for the extra hours he must be making a fortune.
The sick down his tie is probably from anyone who's ever met him, what's funny is, the sick is more endearing than him.
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:mysmilie_17:As he's never off screen at the moment, perhaps Bet didn't get time to launder it (the tie that is, not him although he could do with a laundering). If he's being paid overtime for the extra hours he must be making a fortune.

I know! What's that about?! He's there all....the...time! Maybe people refuse to work with him (and who could blame them) leaving all those free shifts to be covered. :mysmilie_17:
The whole substance of this man is that he just wants to mess about. He can't tell you anything about watches because he knows nothing and isn't prepared to learn anything. He reckons he still knows nothing about computers, even though he's done many hours of shows with them. You'd have thought he'd pick some things up but I don't think he can be bothered to.

He's a useless presenter.

It was very noticeable that Carolyn horologist from Garrards Jones was absent and he was having to go it alone. She's not much better either but at least she gets the watch details right and is very knowledgeable about the straps :mysmilie_13:

He wants to address the amount of spit on his chin before he does close camera work too :mysmilie_10:
You know, I often wonder if Marina (now of TJC) is still in touch with him - probably she's changed her address and phone number. Talk about different on TJC.....wonder if she ever pines for the days of co-presenting with the Pope?

I know! What's that about?! He's there all....the...time! Maybe people refuse to work with him (and who could blame them) leaving all those free shifts to be covered. :mysmilie_17:
Momma, I think the dribble or spit happens when he tries to pronounce the long words (not that he knows what any of them mean and they are mostly irrelevant to what's being flogged). I'm still in therapy from when he tried to say "ergonomically" on a reclining chair hour - the camera lens was like fog on the Tyne combined with torrential rain afterwards.
The whole substance of this man is that he just wants to mess about. He can't tell you anything about watches because he knows nothing and isn't prepared to learn anything. He reckons he still knows nothing about computers, even though he's done many hours of shows with them. You'd have thought he'd pick some things up but I don't think he can be bothered to.

He's a useless presenter.

It was very noticeable that Carolyn horologist from Garrards Jones was absent and he was having to go it alone. She's not much better either but at least she gets the watch details right and is very knowledgeable about the straps :mysmilie_13:

He wants to address the amount of spit on his chin before he does close camera work too :mysmilie_10:

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