Random musings and general banter.


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I watched the Lumio light thing and felt Shaun's desperation in trying to flog it! It's almost painful to watch his expression, almost pleading, sad eyes. I think they well overstocked for the POD. He was saying it's not just for Christmas, what about when you have a barbie in the summer? Would you even see it? Apart from the desperate feel, it's very annoying to watch. The constant interruptions for stock updates and busy phones/web seems to be all they care about. It got to me in the end and I turned over!
I agree Mommabear it was painful, I thought Shaun might shed a tear at one point and the forced laughter (or I should say shrieking) from Angela made me switch off.
I have to say the lights are not for me. They look a bit common and I think the lights would probably trigger a migraine!

When I was a kid I remember getting disco lights for Christmas (it was 1980 I think and I was 13 - that is the case for the defence m'lud!). I loved playing music in my bedroom and dancing with my mates to the music. But I have grown out of that now being 48. Maybe if you had young children they might enjoy it but personally I can't see the point of them. I didn't see the desperate selling of this product but I can imagine it. They are always virtually sold out, everybody else has got theirs.

I love the sales tactic that "everybody is buying them" so obviously I must be missing out. My comparison is that lots of people watch the X-Factor but I don't - I wouldn't start watching it because "lots of people watch it".
Just noticed, don't know if it's right but on the App it says, for the Monday 9th of November, Dave Bradford is presenting, yes Dave Bradford, for one hour. He is one of my favourite, if not the favourite, presenter and the best on shopping channel tv. He's easy to listen to in my opinion so I'm wondering, is this because they might be kicking the perve and Barra Boi into touch?
Yes Greg, but don't forget our friend 'Howard The Bowels' and his co-conspirator Pope Pete are aka "Poward", so with your one we now have a choice of names...(well, apart from the usual ones that we don't put on here, that is).:giggle:

Howard = Bowelward
Yes Greg, but don't forget our friend 'Howard The Bowels' and his co-conspirator Pope Pete are aka "Poward", so with your one we now have a choice of names...(well, apart from the usual ones that we don't put on here, that is).:giggle:

Yes the list is endless of unprintable names. :mysmilie_17:
Got to hand it to them, I don't know how they keep their faces straight, I'd be giggling like mad if I said some of the spiel that comes from their mouths, but I suppose they think of the commission and losing their jobs, so they do manage it. Why is it that "everyone" has bought more than one, no matter what they are flogging? If they sold coffins, Auntie Mabel would have bought 2 for herself. I would love to be able to take a peek in the presenters homes and see whether they have houses full of IW merchandise or whether I could say "you little fibber, you" (or words to that effect).

They've been going right over the top today trying to flog the Lumio laser light ( the thing that can make your living room look like a pole dancing bar at closing time ).
Angela is claiming that 'We've all bought it !' and that she personally has bought two !
Shaun apparently 'bought it instantly' Can we all come round and see it in your house Shaun ?
Caught a bit of His Holiness earlier on the same product ' When I was a lad we had to make do with what we had- just a little Christmas tree in the corner with no lights.'
The stock warnings were coming like machine gun fire - 'We never , ever imagined that it would be this popular...' claims Shaun.
It's like the golden age of Bid has returned.
Yes Greg, but don't forget our friend 'Howard The Bowels' and his co-conspirator Pope Pete are aka "Poward", so with your one we now have a choice of names...(well, apart from the usual ones that we don't put on here, that is).:giggle:

Ah yes. I need to get with the programme - had forgotten about that.

Had IW on earlier in the day on low volume in the background then suddenly I heard some screeching, clear as day, sounding like a seagull being stepped on multiple times....yup, it was Sally!
I knew there was something missing from my life, and haven't needed my eardrums fixed lately....I've not tuned in when Sally "The Shrieker" Jaxx has been on. I used to think it was a neighbour with an electric drill going when she was on.....a voice that could cut through anything.

Ah yes. I need to get with the programme - had forgotten about that.

Had IW on earlier in the day on low volume in the background then suddenly I heard some screeching, clear as day, sounding like a seagull being stepped on multiple times....yup, it was Sally!
Now Muttley, if you can solve the problems of (a) does he live alone or with Our Bet? and (b) is Mum with us, or not with us? then I think you qualify for the winner's prize of a week spent at Ideal World as co-presenter with Pope Pete and/or Howard "The Bowels". I'm sure you will feel "bowelsed over" by this prize (sorry!), but control yourself and just keep practising....."buy it, just buy it, just buy it", "get on the phones now", "only 20% left". By the way, did you happen to see in one of the newspapers - think it was Saturday's Daily Express - an advert for a Kinkycade Christmas decoration? A Santa's railway type thingy. They showed the tiniest picture of the Great Man himself alongside, and you could just make out one eye and his left nostril.

It makes me laugh when presenters claim to have bought this stuff. I would love to check who had an i-phone rather than what they selling on the day. Or check how many Kinkaide "artworks" (I use that term loosely) are in Pope Pete's humble abode that he either lives alone in or with Our Bet...
I had a terrible dream last night. I started working in a superstore full of secondhand junk owned by none other than Peter Simon. He was being neurotic saying we had to "sell, sell, sell...". I was going round the store with one of those brushes that auctioneers use to clear the dust away from items. I broke some very fragile perfume bottles and Peter Simon went ape-sh*t about it. After my shift ended I pulled up a computer monitor and Peter had given me very low scores and the level of pay I got was based on that.

Can anyone interpret the meaning of my dream, please?

I know that I should stop watching Ideal World (and Bargain Hunt). It's worrying to me Peter was in my dream :sad:
I had a terrible dream last night. I started working in a superstore full of secondhand junk owned by none other than Peter Simon. He was being neurotic saying we had to "sell, sell, sell...". I was going round the store with one of those brushes that auctioneers use to clear the dust away from items. I broke some very fragile perfume bottles and Peter Simon went ape-sh*t about it. After my shift ended I pulled up a computer monitor and Peter had given me very low scores and the level of pay I got was based on that.

Can anyone interpret the meaning of my dream, please?

I know that I should stop watching Ideal World (and Bargain Hunt). It's worrying to me Peter was in my dream :sad:

Dream? Sounds like a nightmare! It could mean you was working at a branch of Bid TV, it was ancient history but apparently it's to be revived (hence auctioneer) and PS was your boss, the perfume breaking was because we've called it crap and PS would be angry about that having waxed lyrical about it and took it as a slur against his friend, that's why he gave you low scores and pay, getting his own back for you breaking the perfume.... I wouldn't read too much into it though, just take things easy for a few days, must've been an awful shock. :mysmilie_17:
Now Muttley, if you can solve the problems of (a) does he live alone or with Our Bet? and (b) is Mum with us, or not with us? then I think you qualify for the winner's prize of a week spent at Ideal World as co-presenter with Pope Pete and/or Howard "The Bowels". I'm sure you will feel "bowelsed over" by this prize (sorry!), but control yourself and just keep practising....."buy it, just buy it, just buy it", "get on the phones now", "only 20% left". By the way, did you happen to see in one of the newspapers - think it was Saturday's Daily Express - an advert for a Kinkycade Christmas decoration? A Santa's railway type thingy. They showed the tiniest picture of the Great Man himself alongside, and you could just make out one eye and his left nostril.

Ha ha! I will try to solve the puzzle (my hobby is crosswords, won a £10 Sainsburys voucher two weeks ago!) but I am not sure I want to claim my prize... I didn't see the Kinkykade advert, I feel deprived not seeing the Great Man. However, I did see an article on the top toys this Christmas and nowhere was the toy that Pope Pete claimed was "going to be the number 1 toy this Christmas"...
I had a terrible dream last night. I started working in a superstore full of secondhand junk owned by none other than Peter Simon. He was being neurotic saying we had to "sell, sell, sell...". I was going round the store with one of those brushes that auctioneers use to clear the dust away from items. I broke some very fragile perfume bottles and Peter Simon went ape-sh*t about it. After my shift ended I pulled up a computer monitor and Peter had given me very low scores and the level of pay I got was based on that.

Can anyone interpret the meaning of my dream, please?

I know that I should stop watching Ideal World (and Bargain Hunt). It's worrying to me Peter was in my dream :sad:

That is even more disturbing than the dream I had two nights ago (genuine, not a lie or a joke) - I was about to be executed!
isnt it amusing watching the presenters selling the sofas or recliners as soon as one of the colours is selling less well allegedly they say how much they love that colour it does make me chuckle, so predictable :mysmilie_14:
isnt it amusing watching the presenters selling the sofas or recliners as soon as one of the colours is selling less well allegedly they say how much they love that colour it does make me chuckle, so predictable :mysmilie_14:

You are a naughty cynic!!! Are you suggesting our much loved presenters are less than honest?

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