I don't wish to see his "old man" waggling from side whilst bouncing up and down.Eric…Our Tamsin, Our Barbara (in her twilight years)… Trampoline for sale next. All his debilitating mobility-related ailments remarkably then disappear, and he’s now been kept so fit and so agile by exercise on a trampoline that he will now fail to demonstrate.
I always found him very annoying over the years, but I saw a couple of minutes of him earlier today selling handbags and he wasn't being irritating. He was going through the colour names which did not match the colour of the product - a beige colour one was called khaki. He was making a bit of a joke of it, very lighthearted and had a calm approach. No screaming that you have to buy them as investment pieces. Either he's not as annoying as he used to be or I'm mellowing in my old ageI don't mind Becque too much, one of the better presenters on IW.
They should still have found a way to show some output from the projector.
Who has room for this stuff in their homes? Surprised he's wearing a suit to jump up and down on a trampoline. Although I'm obviously relieved we're being spared the crusty shorts...Oh here is a picture…
If I have nightmares I know who to blame
Doesn’t look obese in that video. Yes a bit overweight but no way near obese.His Debbie Reynolds story at around 19 minutes. Comes over as incredibly camp during this appearance.
OBE = over bearing egotist.I see they are showing St Sally feeding the poor again. The only possible reason I can see for her to go over to India is for a photo opportunity. Don’t imagine she delivered or cooked the food. Maybe it will look good on her social media. Help get that OBE.