Random musings and general banter.


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Wanderer, you beat me to it. Is it me or does she look more shiny tonight?

And she needs to cut down on the lip gloss, it's doing her no favours and draws our attention to them.

There is so much reflection I can't see whats on the screen.

If I squint or cover the left side of the screen it improves the picture no end.

Has to be said the "guest" looks quite normal and the only shine from her is jewellery, specs and nails.
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My mum used to put a couple of hot water bottles in my bed for a while before me getting in. Always had plenty of blankets on the bed, and they were tucked in tightly to keep the heat in. I loved trying a duvet for the first time when I was much older, it felt so luxurious.
I went on holiday to the Swiss Alps with some friends back in the 60s. We had duvets on the beds, first time we’d seen them. We thought they were sleeping bags so undid the ties and got inside. One of the chalet maids couldn’t contain her laughter and put us right how to use them.
They used to call them continental quilts when they first came out, didn’t they? I remember with one of my first wage packets from the early 1980s, I went to somewhere like Timothy Whites and bought one in a large cardboard box. Having only ever slept under blankets and sheets before then, I couldn’t believe how warm and enveloping it was. Also couldn’t believe how warm the flat became when the Council fitted central heating for the block a year or two earlier. What we accept as bog standard today, that we would have marvelled at not that many years previous.
Is Jacks on a different contract from the rest? One that allows her to pick and choose which items she sells or doesn't sell? For example - I have never seen her sell kitchen or electrical gadgets or canes on this version? Just ‘Fashion’ and beauty aids from time to time.
You are right, don’t think she’s ever done a taf hour.
Is Jacks on a different contract from the rest? One that allows her to pick and choose which items she sells or doesn't sell? For example - I have never seen her sell kitchen or electrical gadgets or canes on this version? Just ‘Fashion’ and beauty aids from time to time.

I suppose she joined TJC before they acquired IW name, so maybe she was enlisted to aid with the fashion, health & beauty side of things rather than a general dog's body presenter.
It's only a few tracks, it hasn't identified Peter Simon's walk on music yet. Not sure it will either.

Track Name: Cringe
Style: Inane; banal; non-descript
Publisher: Elevator Music Holding Inc
License: Royalty Free
Composer: Has asked for name to be redacted after BAFTA® award winning TV presenter with nigh-on 40 years experience bringing leather hold-alls to air began using it as sound bed for mangled Larry Grayson innuendos
Becque seems an intelligent deep-thinker type in his external motivational life coach role. The wurring, double entendres ridden buffoon part he plays on shopping television is just that - a role…If I was getting £1000 or so for a couple of hours work, I would be as wurring, beeping, seedy and ridiculous as they wanted me to be. Like the rest of them - they are pretending to be what they are really not for money most people like us could only dream of.
Completely agree with you DOC.
I wouldn't want to adopt those tactics but they obviously assume that they work.
Strange noises aside, I actually find Becque to be the least annoying of the current (at least in small doses perhaps) presenters . Slime bag Jeremy definitely the worst for me.

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