Random musings and general banter.


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Surprise, surprise, Dirty Peter has the last of the "hero product" air fresheners :rolleyes:

And he's gobsmacked that Mother Theresa didn't sell out the mumi collagen - he knows how expensive it is because he buys it :rolleyes:

Muriel's in for snuggle buddy pillow :rolleyes:

It's just one whopper after another.

(oh yes, missus, and he has a stiff coccyx!)
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Even by his gutter standards…being particularly foul-mouthed this evening. On the right recycling method for what is flowing from his lower orifice…Born just after the War…We got the price wrong…Lying well, also.

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I just can’t watch that disgusting old man. Pure and utter filth. He should be taken off air.
Absolutely. Even worse - should he be taken on it. You just want Charlie Cairoli to walk into the studio when he is midway through one of his filthy and completely inappropriate 1970s Wheeltappers one-liners and shove an enormous custard pie in his upper face.
Absolutely. Even worse - should he be taken on it. You just want Charlie Cairoli to walk into the studio when he is midway through one of his filthy and completely inappropriate 1970s Wheeltappers one-liners and shove an enormous custard pie in his upper face.
He comes driving onto the set in his clown car, and the door falls off. 🤣
If you are my age (anywhere between 78 and 61) and you live in a grimy bedsit, come four bedroomed well-appointed house with an AGA….And if you sleep in twin beds ( why does he sleep in two beds?)…’AVE A BUY….

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