Random musings and general banter.


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When Mike Mason was flogging handbags and said that he'd 'been out with a few bags', people on this forum were outraged and offended. 'Does he think this is the 1970s' one poster asked.

I'm not surprised your text wasn't read either.

Not having a pop but…

It's kind of ironic you're still around, spending all your time* reading a sub-forum filled with "page after page of moaning".

You used to ask us: "why do you bother watching IW when you hate it?".

I could ask you: "why do you bother reading us talking about IW when you hate it?"

Emphasis on 'could' there; I don't need an answer because what you do in your free time is yours to decide, just as ours is ours.

*You don't spend all your time reading this forum ofc, just as we don't spend all our time watching IW…
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I was flicking through the shopping channels before bed last night and around 10.30 on the JML channel they had Shona presenting a weird prerecorded catalogue type home wares shopping programme. No JML branding but that type of thing (silicone clothes brush etc). Then she introduced the old kitchen demonstrator guy from QVC who used to do all the lock and lock products.
In the 10 minutes I watched there was better quality products than the new Ideal World shite and because it was a prerecord, the show seemed more slick and Shona was more confident and professional. Last time I saw her on IW she had to talk about a notebook and pen for nearly two hours which can’t be good for anyone’s mental health.
Not seen her lately. She is an intelligent woman, it’s obvious. The lack of mental stimulation in being expected to work in a small space with few options, and having to talk for hours at times about the deadliest, dullest products with so little variance would severely test any brighter mind. Plus, for those presenters not living in the London area, the travel to such a dull gig must be wearing. It’s less of an issue for the top three names as presumably they are at least better remunerated than the rest, but even Mason and Simon has spoken at times about long journeys into work and in turn time away from home. Peterborough must have been an easier venue for most of the then presenters. More central for most and with dedicated, bigger premises. This London thing must be difficult for those ex-Ideal World staff to deal with, when they were used to a much less stressful workplace in terms of facilities. I assume the TJC transfers over were more London based or near beforehand?
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Sad to see Jeremy feeling obliged to go down the not a direct comparison route. He strikes me as a very decent and professional seller and takes a pride in what he’s doing. Surely even he must realise that a direct comparison is what people want. And if you ARE going to do indirect comparisons (which in this particular case was regarding their £20 screw in security light), then if you are using a £78 example to indirectly compare - you must surely base it not just on that ‘it looks similar’ but what is the actual spec of the comparison compared to your example. Also, they never put on the graphic, where they have found the not a direct comparisons. Leaving the viewer, unable to check that particular example directly. Very poor and continually disappointing to see.

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