Random musings and general banter.


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Why do those that hate and derise the channels watch and comment? Would it not be easiest to ignore? I'm curious.

What's the fun is there in that?

Great fun watching the lying shysters making fools of themselves and then taking the mick out of them. Also feel it's a civic duty to prevent potential customers being conned by posting on these forums when they are being lied too or misinformed about product quality/price or brands history/heritage by said shysters.

If I didn't like a high street I wouldn't return.

The high street didn't plunk themselves into my living room.

Any channel (business) that uses space on an entertainment portal in my home and decides to spout their lies and ******** in my face deserves to be hated and derided and i'm only too willing to oblige (BTW same with high street shysters, would let others know about them too).

Personally I'm also curious as to why folks would be happy to support/like the lying shysters con even more uninformed viewers?
Why do those that hate and derise the channels watch and comment? Would it not be easiest to ignore? I'm curious.
I don’t hate, neither do I think anyone else here hates any shopping channel, really not sure why you think they or I do. We merly comment on their hard sell/buy now before you have time to rethink attitud.
They (IW) were trading expensive goods a few hours before they ceased trading. Asking people to buy, as normal, without any warning of impending closure being a strong risk. That, to me, is completely unacceptable and NEEDS to be commented upon. Even Wilkos have closing down posters in their windows - giving people an informed choice to buy or not.
They (IW) were trading expensive goods a few hours before they ceased trading. Asking people to buy, as normal, without any warning of impending closure being a strong risk. That, to me, is completely unacceptable and NEEDS to be commented upon. Even Wilkos have closing down posters in their windows - giving people an informed choice to buy or not.
I’ve had several emails over the last few days from Wilco apologising for letting me/their customers down and thanking me for my past custom.
Email from wiko follows……..

An open letter from Mark Jackson, wilko CEO.
Over the past six months wilko has been very open that we’ve been considering options to accelerate
a turnaround plan given that we needed to make significant changes to the way we operate to restore confidence and stabilise our business. We left no stone unturned when it came to preserving this incredible business but must concede that with regret, we’ve no choice but to take the difficult decision to enter into administration.
We’ve a history steeped in serving customers and communities going back to 1930. Our founder JK Wilkinson started with a single hardware shop in Leicester and for over 90 years busy, hard-working families have come to us to get their household and garden jobs done quickly, simply and at the best value prices possible.
We thrived and successfully grew from one to 400 stores. We did this by listening to our customers – working out what they needed and then making sure we gave it to them. Whether it was recognising the demands for DIY products in the 1950s, creating our first wilko product range in the 1970s, launching online shopping in the 2000s or being the first to sell 100% plastic-free wipes across our whole range.
wilko is a business built on strong values. We started out in the great depression and the Second World War, we’ve been there for our customers through highs and lows, recessions and coronations. Our loyal team members past and present have always been our biggest asset – our average length of service across our stores is 10 years and, in many places, generations of team members have been on hand with advice or even just a friendly smile. We recently remained open as an essential retailer during the Covid-19 pandemic, serving our communities when they really needed us the most.
The turnaround plan included a new Chair, bringing experience in retail turnaround situations, and a newly refreshed and streamlined senior team. Since January, and with the help of retail advisers and experts, we’ve been facing into problems and have seen real progress against many areas of our plan.
We’ve made significant savings across our cost base and have been considering various options based on advice regarding our store costs. Alongside this we’ve continued to move forward with strategically accelerating our omnichannel offer, improving the digital customer experience and opening up new marketplaces for our great value wilko products. We believe that wilko has distinct characteristics with over 50% of sales in wilko brand products (over 10,000), our value, local shopping locations and ever-expanding digital capabilities.
Significant work has been completed to streamline costs and transform the way the business operates, and
our robust turnaround plan, based on annualised cost savings, would have delivered the most profitable wilko ever recorded within 24 months. While we can confirm we had a significant level of interest, including indicative offers that we believe would meet all our financial criteria to recapitalise the business, without the surety of being able to complete the deal within the necessary time frame and given the cash position, we’ve been left with no choice but to take this unfortunate action.
I’d like to take this opportunity on behalf of the directors and the Wilkinson family to thank all of our customers, suppliers, partners and our hardworking team members across our stores, logistics and support centre who remained loyal to wilko. We’ve all fought hard to keep this incredible business intact but must concede that time has run out, and now we must do what’s best to preserve as many jobs as possible, for as long as is possible, by working with our appointed administrators.
It’s been an honour to have worked alongside you all as we fought to realise and to maximise the significant opportunities that existed to re-establish a profitable wilko.
They have moved on. Clearly from their social media stuff it's a case of the shopping channel is dead, long live the shopping channel. I think they genuinely see no moral responsibility whatsoever in participating in the selling processes of a failing company over the last few weeks of trading. Their presentations the catalyst to get people to buy. All well and good if people received their orders, but unacceptable if they didn't. They obviously feel they can just rock up at a new shopping channel and start selling again to the next lot of mu... customers with a completely clean slate.
Nearly comment on attitud. Neither
They (IW) were trading expensive goods a few hours before they ceased trading. Asking people to buy, as normal, without any warning of impending closure being a strong risk. That, to me, is completely unacceptable and NEEDS to be commented upon. Even Wilkos have closing down posters in their windows - giving people an informed choice to buy or not.
But every comment or reply gives them further publicity. I don't understand your agenda. It happened, it is gone. Move on.
I don’t hate, neither do I think anyone else here hates any shopping channel, really not sure why you think they or I do. We merly comment on their hard sell/buy now before you have time to rethink attitud.
Merly. Attitud.
It's embarrassing when someone tries to argue in broken English to complain about a company.
Merly. Attitud.
It's embarrassing when someone tries to argue in broken English to complain about a company.
A couple of weeks back you took offence at a comment I made which I subsequently apologised to you for. Now, despite the person pointing out they have dyslexia, you condemn them with your perceived shortcomings in their grammatical contributions? Therefore, is it okay for you to upset them, but not okay for me to upset you over an issue you care about? If you don’t like threads about people calling shopping channels to account, then as you advise us to do - move on to a different one, perhaps?

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