Random musings and general banter.


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Tony, the American guy with the fitness stuff. Ponytail and baseball cap and ATTITOOD!! I remember him on QVC in the early 2000s... Unless I dreamed it, I also remember him storming off set when I think, a piece of his equipment snapped... His exercise equipment, that is..Re-recorded dodgy compilation CDs shows...Pagers, too. Dale Franklin receiving a 'you wan...' message on one live on air. Happy Days of tat and chaos now long gone- well apart from the tat.
I had a fair few of those, I can tell you. I've still got a few shelves full of cds/dvds including all those. Haven't listened to any for years but I'd have to find something else to put on those shelves, so they're staying 'cause they look quite smart- better than a load of ornaments. I don't want any more books either 'cause we're all kindle/tablet these days. I remember one collection of 70's cds I bought and I loved it - eg; Yellow River, if you want it come and get it etc. I'm almost tempted to give it a listen for old times sake!
The 50p CD by 'renowned' barbershop quartet The Fourmaldihides...Did they ever sell a single copy? God - my entire televisual life has been more or less shopping telly based since I first saw QVC in 1997. The rubbish I remember.
Kara Tritton on her Doll hours, she used to give them voices anybody else remember that
My goodness..Kazza Tritton...Who was that tall, thin woman with short blonde hair and a lisp (not a short blonde one) Early 2000s...Katy somebody or other? Oh and Smashy and Nicey - Glen Thompsett...Last seen reading the graveyard shift news on Sky...
End of an era - When I first started watching shopping channels I bought anything and everything, mostly crap I have to say but thanks to the channels and I include informercials in this I've been left with some game changing products. Anything that was any good went over to the mainstream anyway but the proper crap disappeared into the ether because it never caught on - "Nads" anyone? green gloop invented by some Aussie woman for her particularly hirsute daughter, another hair removal product called spray and wipe away - hilarious infomercial with a bloke who's back could rival Guy the gorilla, one wipe of this miracle stuff and a whole swathe of hair just wiped off onto a flannel in seconds. Yes I bought it and not only did it stink to high heaven, it didn't work at all. All I was hoping for was beach ready legs, didn't happen! The magic bullet soap opera, hilarious. I remember the silly names they gave these products usually ending with the word "pro". Fast forward to today and you're lucky if it isn't a mattress. I remember buying oh a clunky mp3 player Archos? It was absolute crap and cost me a fortune. Sadly Oh didn't admit that it wasn't much cop until it was far too late to send it back for a refund, he invested in an Ipod and the rest is history. Everything's on our phones nowadays. I bought those sunglasses that were impossible to lose due to magnets on the arms, I think they set me back £50 (Whaaat?) yep You guessed it ,I lost! quite possibly because the magnets were stuck in with pritt stick and kept dropping off. Despite glueing them on properly I think I must've left them somewhere.
The trouble is with shopping channels these days, there's nothing new or innovative, nothing you can't buy cheaper or on better terms elsewhere
Hey merryone, I have a cast-iron investment scheme I think you'd like. Only £10k down. Also, a genuine gold (plated) C3R coin and a Crockpot, night-vision drivers glasses, feely-boppers, a Microsoft MP3 player and a Dansette record player I think you'd grab at half the chance... 😜

Do you wanna' give me your money now or on Easypay or via my PayPal?

Did you know they'd removed the word 'gullible' from the dictionary for just you & your spending habits ?!😀
How about IW channel becomes.....

COSTCO discount warehouse TV?!??! 🤪☺️😲😚😁👵👴😜😆❓
And there's a BBC News presenter who might need a new opportunity to restart their career in a new & refreshing direction (and possibly a GB News presenter also now) who might be available one day to host this. A great potential double-act. (Sorry, couldn't resist. I wish him well).

A reminder that the IW eBay outlet site is away until 18th July, so wondering if that's the timescale for a review of a revamped SportsDirect/HoF
resurrection of the TV channel 51, or a decision then on its future, as it is still broadcasting the blue disclaimer as of yesterday. Or if in administration it's now gone the way of the dodo, with no chance of a return and SDI will just liquidate the assets it has a lien(?) on?

P.S. also, I just found that TJC also has an eBay outlet store, with pre-discounted items and free p&p!
Hey merryone, I have a cast-iron investment scheme I think you'd like. Only £10k down. Also, a genuine gold (plated) C3R coin and a Crockpot, night-vision drivers glasses, feely-boppers, a Microsoft MP3 player and a Dansette record player I think you'd grab at half the chance... 😜

Do you wanna' give me your money now or on Easypay or via my PayPal?

Did you know they'd removed the word 'gullible' from the dictionary for just you & your spending habits ?!😀
Nah! You’re alright, I gave up buying $hit off the telly, or anywhere else a long long time ago - but I do know ( not personally) a bunch of people who I’m sure would be interested, you just have to download a little app!
Admittedly I went off on a bit of a TJC tangent as a fan of their site/service, not their mainly jewellery/TV channel per se - and this is a shopping telly forum primarily!

Don't think I've seen & then bought anything I've seen on the TJC TV channel.

Their Gamages watches on screen made me investigate their website and discover their cornucopia of delights! 🤪
This is more like it, compared to IW's "the exquisite art of engineering of a timepiece, a masterpiece of time and a watch in the finest tradition of the science and beauty of horology"...

TJC Genoa watch £35
This is more like it, compared to IW's "the exquisite art of engineering of a timepiece, a masterpiece of time and a watch in the finest tradition of the science and beauty of horology"...

TJC Genoa watch £35
Strangely, i bought a Genoa watch some years back when i lost mine (cheap one) on holiday, it only cost a few quid as i had a good collection at home, but it's still going strong....whilst some of my 'quality' watches have died!
There was a documentary on Channel 4 way back, seems it is on Youtube. It was about shopping channels, showing QVC as the big one and IW as the newbie.

IW had nothing to sell on the first show. Debbie Flint was hated by the wife of the original owner, who called her C U Next Tuesday. :p So the fire happen and when IW returned she was not on air any longer. Paul Layers was held to his contract and not released, but now allowed on the channel. He had to wait until his contract ran out before getting another job.

Debbie Flint was on another channel which was very short-lived before going back to QVC.
There was a documentary on Channel 4 way back, seems it is on Youtube. It was about shopping channels, showing QVC as the big one and IW as the newbie.

IW had nothing to sell on the first show. Debbie Flint was hated by the wife of the original owner, who called her C U Next Tuesday. :p So the fire happen and when IW returned she was not on air any longer. Paul Layers was held to his contract and not released, but now allowed on the channel. He had to wait until his contract ran out before getting another job.

Debbie Flint was on another channel which was very short-lived before going back to QVC.
Ideal Worlds original owner, Is now head of Hochanda Global,

Debbie Flint was a presenter on Children’s BBC way back
There was a documentary on Channel 4 way back, seems it is on Youtube. It was about shopping channels, showing QVC as the big one and IW as the newbie.

IW had nothing to sell on the first show. Debbie Flint was hated by the wife of the original owner, who called her C U Next Tuesday. :p So the fire happen and when IW returned she was not on air any longer. Paul Layers was held to his contract and not released, but now allowed on the channel. He had to wait until his contract ran out before getting another job.

Debbie Flint was on another channel which was very short-lived before going back to QVC.
Here’s a link to that documentary


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