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Used to really like that channel. Though the guy who was their technology expert came over as a bit of a tw..buffoon. No, not Lee from QVC...
I don't remember him, can you remember his name? I seem to remember Anthony Heywood being the go to presenter for tech, but I'm not sure you mean him. On the whole I liked all the presenters, as they seemed to have a good rapport with one another and that shone through on the screen, and they seemed more interested in the customer than they were in themselves. I remember Helen the fitness expert, she was great and informative and didn't make us put up with sights such as Julia Roberts dressed in full lycra floundering around on the carpet with her legs akimbo! I remember one of the actresses from Emmerdale demonstrating a gravity walker on a regular basis though, but she wasn't too egregious!
I don't remember any scaremongering, ridiculous price points or p&p being an issue. It's a shame it had to go, but I guess it's better to bow out when before any irretrievable damage has been done. Anyone Remember "Dave's ring"? and Dimanti (their answer to Diamonique). I bought quite a lot from SHOP back in the day, including the gravity walker, a George Foreman grill and a breadmaker. I don't remember being disappointed with anything I bought from them tbh!
No, not Heywood. This guy was an occasional demonstrator tech person. The last time I saw him was on a very early edition of The One Show (You thought want to watch) back in the 2000s.
No, not Heywood. This guy was an occasional demonstrator tech person. The last time I saw him was on a very early edition of The One Show (You thought want to watch) back in the 2000s.
You know that's gonna bug me now lol!!!! can you describe what he looked like and rough age..sorry but I NEED to know - oh dear!!!
I am out walking dogs at the moment (job). I do have some reminiscences of that channel, which I will hopefully post later, when I’m not walking dogs!!
Antony Heywood was brilliant at presenting stuff he was interested in, give him Jewellery or Fashion and he was like a rabbit in headlights. He often done the Christmas Eve shift, when they would stop at lunchtime often dressed up as Santa.
The one who tipped back on a QVC garden type chair and ended up with his arse in the air. Sure it’s on some sort of bloopers video somewhere. Decent bloke. Liked him.
Strict Vacuum Lady... Oh the memories. Never saw her again after that debacle. Unfortunately Brook never went with her!
Some of these QVC presenters have been there longer than the Bayeux Tapestry..
Juila Roberts, Debbie Flint, Jilly Halliday, Dale Franklin. Charlie Brook have been there surely 20 years plus, Ali K has recently left, even Simon Biagi has been there years, and of course there Resident Beauty Expert

I forgot Jill Franks and Catherine Huntley
End of an era - When I first started watching shopping channels I bought anything and everything, mostly crap I have to say but thanks to the channels and I include informercials in this I've been left with some game changing products. Anything that was any good went over to the mainstream anyway but the proper crap disappeared into the ether because it never caught on - "Nads" anyone? green gloop invented by some Aussie woman for her particularly hirsute daughter, another hair removal product called spray and wipe away - hilarious infomercial with a bloke who's back could rival Guy the gorilla, one wipe of this miracle stuff and a whole swathe of hair just wiped off onto a flannel in seconds. Yes I bought it and not only did it stink to high heaven, it didn't work at all. All I was hoping for was beach ready legs, didn't happen! The magic bullet soap opera, hilarious. I remember the silly names they gave these products usually ending with the word "pro". Fast forward to today and you're lucky if it isn't a mattress. I remember buying oh a clunky mp3 player Archos? It was absolute crap and cost me a fortune. Sadly Oh didn't admit that it wasn't much cop until it was far too late to send it back for a refund, he invested in an Ipod and the rest is history. Everything's on our phones nowadays. I bought those sunglasses that were impossible to lose due to magnets on the arms, I think they set me back £50 (Whaaat?) yep You guessed it ,I lost! quite possibly because the magnets were stuck in with pritt stick and kept dropping off. Despite glueing them on properly I think I must've left them somewhere.
The trouble is with shopping channels these days, there's nothing new or innovative, nothing you can't buy cheaper or on better terms elsewhere
Tony, the American guy with the fitness stuff. Ponytail and baseball cap and ATTITOOD!! I remember him on QVC in the early 2000s... Unless I dreamed it, I also remember him storming off set when I think, a piece of his equipment snapped... His exercise equipment, that is..Re-recorded dodgy compilation CDs shows...Pagers, too. Dale Franklin receiving a 'you wan...' message on one live on air. Happy Days of tat and chaos now long gone- well apart from the tat.

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