Random musings and general banter.


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The man with the upside down head is complaining about unbearded photos of him being shown in the early hours on ITV. I didn’t know ITV still used the Test Card?

He now produces a ‘very useful’ free gift tool. A tool he says that you will be so grateful to have when you need it. Other than measuring your personal bits through one of the slots, or glueing it to your eye as a fixed and stylish monocle, I am struggling to see how very useful the very useful tool will be currently.

Oh Emma's good, she's a fountain of horological knowledge, the reason for the wedge shape on the Reign Asher is because they made it with a wedge so it'll sit slanted on your wrist so it'll be easier to read.:ROFLMAO:

No mention why it's actually shaped like that, ie it's a bullhead watch, with crown being at 12 o clock the case needs to be wider there than normal as it has to accommodate both the crown and strap being at the same position on the case, where as normally they aren't.
Common theme from the presenters today, we're approaching the time of year when we all eat to much and don't exercise enough. Be prepared for a big push on exercise equipment, thinking must be due another marathon spell of treadmill shows, they haven't been on lately.

Also now they flogged the fans to death, soon be time for Peter V to get his temp gun out for the Ceramic heater shows, although with the way the price of energy is going, especially electricity, not sure how they're going to sell the benefits of using a 2 kw heater. Gonna be expensive running one of them, let alone a few, this winter.
Perfectly aligned numbers 🤣
There's a serious side to this in a way.

The make of this watch that IW flog is evidently cheap sh1te, evidenced by the fact the numbers never line up and are sometimes quite significantly out of alignment. Tbh I'm not sure if there are better ones out there (i.e. where the numbers do align properly) however in this context that's almost irrelevant, I'm referring to the make IW flog.

However, even though it's blatantly obvious the watch is rubbish, the presenters and expert have the audacity to sit there and wax lyrical as if it's of great quality and, even more laughable, unique.

My point is this, even when a product is visibly sh1t, it demonstrates perfectly they don't care ... as long as it's selling.

And more to the point, unless you're maybe buying this watch for a child as something kids might go 'wow!' at, who the f**k is buying these?!?

What time is it John?
It's emmmm 10.38 ... no wait a sec it might be 9.28 ... actually wait a sec it might be ...
Common theme from the presenters today, we're approaching the time of year when we all eat to much and don't exercise enough. Be prepared for a big push on exercise equipment, thinking must be due another marathon spell of treadmill shows, they haven't been on lately.

Also now they flogged the fans to death, soon be time for Peter V to get his temp gun out for the Ceramic heater shows, although with the way the price of energy is going, especially electricity, not sure how they're going to sell the benefits of using a 2 kw heater. Gonna be expensive running one of them, let alone a few, this winter.
Oh goody, Peter S wearing his disgusting t-shirt and shorts, belly on show, wibbly wobbling on a vibrating plate doing his pathetic Les Dawson-esque faces ... can't wait!
Some twat emailed in asking if the spin bike can be used more normally for 30 mins or if it can only be used for high intensity shorter bursts.



It's just a friggin' exercise bike. Go very slow, go slow, go moderately fast, go very fast. Do 3 mins do 3 hours. Do what the heck you like on it for goodness sake!!!

Dear IW, I would like to buy one of your excellent watches. But tell me, do I need to wear it 24/7 or can I take it off at night?

Dear IW, I would like to buy your excellent waterless wax. I've seen you demonstrate it on Ford cars. I have a Peugeot, will it also work on that?

Dear IW, I would like to buy one of your excellent air fryers. I've seen you demonstrate it with straight cut chips but I only buy crinkle cut chips. Can I cook these in it as well?

Dear IW, I'm a gullible twat, can I be one of your customers?
I might have typed this before but I think it's time for a refresher :)

When you stop and think about it (which is what viewers should do BEFORE they buy) these presenters flog all sorts of health pills, keep fit and beauty products. The latter especially they'll tell viewers can roll back the years, oh look at all the amazing before and after pics!

So why is it, with access to all these amazing products (many of which they tell us they use), that the presenters still very much look their age ... if not older!

For goodness sake, with no disrespect to them, the brand ambassador for the beauty stuff that's normally reduced from £1,000 to £29.99 has very obviously had work done. But why would this be required if you're using these near magical creams, sleeping on the best mattresses, using the best keep fit equipment etc?

Can you imagine the look on the clients’ faces when they choose IW to sell one of their healthy, rejuvenating products?
’and here we have just the guy to sell your product’
Peter Simon bounces on.
*coughs up a lung*
Client: 😬
Can you imagine the look on the clients’ faces when they choose IW to sell one of their healthy, rejuvenating products?
’and here we have just the guy to sell your product’
Peter Simon bounces on.
*coughs up a lung*
Client: 😬

The most important thing for brands is making money, for most they'll do it in an ethical/moral way, but some brands no such scrupples, make money by any means, and these brands are well aware that quite a lot of the British public are ignorant morons, very easy to con, easily manipulated, easily amused by IW presenters/guests antics to the point of almost idolising them, and these folks will likely be among IW's most ardent/loyal customers. So for these brands, despite the presenters/guests appearance contradicting the alleged healthy benefits the products are claiming, they know that the due to IW having a cult following of brain dead customers the products will sell.

You just need to look around the world at the moment to see how stupid a lot of (not all) the human race is.
Some twat emailed in asking if the spin bike can be used more normally for 30 mins or if it can only be used for high intensity shorter bursts.



It's just a friggin' exercise bike. Go very slow, go slow, go moderately fast, go very fast. Do 3 mins do 3 hours. Do what the heck you like on it for goodness sake!!!

Dear IW, I would like to buy one of your excellent watches. But tell me, do I need to wear it 24/7 or can I take it off at night?

Dear IW, I would like to buy your excellent waterless wax. I've seen you demonstrate it on Ford cars. I have a Peugeot, will it also work on that?

Dear IW, I would like to buy one of your excellent air fryers. I've seen you demonstrate it with straight cut chips but I only buy crinkle cut chips. Can I cook these in it as well?

Dear IW, I'm a gullible twat, can I be one of your customers?

Just confirms what we've said many times, loads of stupid gullible folks with no common sense out there.
And you give 5% of each sale of the Gurkha watch to their charity Kev, is that right?

That's right, 5% of the reduced ex vat discounted wholesale pre imported no duty pre built base cost goes to them, so close is their cause and history to my heart.

These watches are new, so no reduced price yet, so he's probably selling at his max profit margin. IW are selling at same price as his son's site. So 5% off/given to charity won't make much of a difference to Kev, not like it's a bargain/reduced price where he's already cut his profit margin plus there isn't a huge number of watches being sold by him and IW, so this isn't going to be some big 5 figure donation.

There is also the possibility it's just a marketing ploy and the 5% is not a charity donation, but is the license fee charged by the charity to allow him to use the Gurkha logo, a bit like 'all four corners' and his sales pitch of Swiss Military being one of only two brands which are licensed products of the Swiss confederation as somehow making them special, when it's just a license/fee to use a trademarked logo which virtually every other Swiss brand doesn't need or want.
These watches are new, so no reduced price yet, so he's probably selling at his max profit margin. IW are selling at same price as his son's site. So 5% off/given to charity won't make much of a difference to Kev, not like it's a bargain/reduced price where he's already cut his profit margin plus there isn't a huge number of watches being sold by him and IW, so this isn't going to be some big 5 figure donation.

There is also the possibility it's just a marketing ploy and the 5% is not a charity donation, but is the license fee charged by the charity to allow him to use the Gurkha logo, a bit like 'all four corners' and his sales pitch of Swiss Military being one of only two brands which are licensed products of the Swiss confederation as somehow making them special, when it's just a license/fee to use a trademarked logo which virtually every other Swiss brand doesn't need or want.
Yeah there was a serious (albeit sarcastic) point to my post. When Shaun asked him 'and you donate 5% ...? Kev was careful to say something like 'yes, 5% of the wholesale price' or whatever term it was he used. Unless I misinterpreted, it came across to me he was making the point (maybe in the interests of transparency for once!) that the 5% wasn't 5% of the full retail price.

So not 'that' generous ...
Yeah there was a serious (albeit sarcastic) point to my post. When Shaun asked him 'and you donate 5% ...? Kev was careful to say something like 'yes, 5% of the wholesale price' or whatever term it was he used. Unless I misinterpreted, it came across to me he was making the point (maybe in the interests of transparency for once!) that the 5% wasn't 5% of the full retail price.

So not 'that' generous ...

I never saw that part of the show, so can't help with what was exactly said, but 5% of wholesale price sounds more realistic than the retail price which is often inflated a bit to start with. I notice that the Gurkha watches are more expensive (£50-£60) than the equivalent standard VE edition watch without the Gurkha logo.

I'm still thinking that this charitable donation is more to do with licensing the logo than a purely charitable payment on Kev's part. No mention of charitable donations on his son's site, which was done with the Ukraine watch.
On the topic of watches and giving clear and relevant information to the potential customer.

51 watch Brands on IW web site, 44 have appeared on their TV shows.

American 12
Austrian 1
British 15
Chinese 9
German 4
Italian 3
Lithuanian 1
Swiss/Russian (Aviator is a subsidiary of the Russian watch company Volmax) 1
Swiss 5

Austrian Made 1
China Made 42
Lithuanian Made 1
Swiss Made 7

Countries mentioned regularly on IW watch shows by presenters and guests

Russia (although not at moment and hopefully not for a very, very long time)

Country NEVER mentioned on IW watch shows by presenters and guests


That’s despite there being 9 Chinese owned & made brands and a further 33 brands whose watches are made in China.

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