Sally Jacks was selling a Pressure Washer recently, it was the best thing EVER.
She's now shilling Williams Waterless Car Cleaner and says that 'most of us will encounter Hosepipe Bans in the Summer':mysmilie_59:
How could anyone disagree with a word she say's? Thanks for the tip IW!
They were (kind of) even bad mouthing Karcher (now on QVC) when selling the Spear and Jackson Pressure Washer. The expert said it was considerably better than the 'market leader'.
This channel really must be getting desperate, it's tactics are clearly becoming more and more schlocky by the day :mysmilie_59:
Has H green anything else in her vocabulary other than WOW
Jaxx was using the old Bid carp of coming close to the screen, whispering, the bosses are away, they have made a mistake with the price. Couldn't make it up could you - but then again, this is Bid Mk2.
Will this channel survive after christmas 2016 ? Me thinks not, it will be like bidtv. Loen Love seems to be having a long break. Don't think she'll be back.
Will this channel survive after christmas 2016 ? Me thinks not, it will be like bidtv. Loen Love seems to be having a long break. Don't think she'll be back.
Nan Nanty Nan was telling us last week how bad his poor old grans matress was and how he wished he had done something about that for her........................well would you believe it....................his poor old gran had an awful chair that she would prop up with old cushions................Jees Nan Nanty Nan doesnt seem like a very caring grandson, he seemed to put the lady through a time of it.
Anyway someone.....anyone going to buy one of these bloody seats that I'm trying to punt:call::sweat:
***WARNING - Do not look at the image below if you are of a sensitive disposition***
Just look at the state of Doddy Flump & The Dirty Peter:-
View attachment 11227
If you think De Knees is a bad advert for Effective Face Potions, or that Nan Nanty Nan is a bad advert for Civilised Mankind then what on earth do these two say about VibraPower?
But back to Nan Nanty Nan, I don't know if you can see it in this picture but when posing on one of those shatty Pleather Chairs with his shoes off it seems he's got holes in his socks. Wouldn't you think his 'Mam' would have noticed that when she dressed him? :mysmilie_59:
View attachment 11228
The fake personal anecdote is a standard part of the shopping telly presenters repertoire. Watch out for them- some are so contrived and ridiculous that they are among the highlights of the whole shopping telly experience.
Nan Nanty Nan was telling us last week how bad his poor old grans matress was and how he wished he had done something about that for her........................well would you believe it....................his poor old gran had an awful chair that she would prop up with old cushions................Jees Nan Nanty Nan doesnt seem like a very caring grandson, he seemed to put the lady through a time of it.
Anyway someone.....anyone going to buy one of these bloody seats that I'm trying to punt:call::sweat:
Jaxx was using the old Bid carp of coming close to the screen, whispering, the bosses are away, they have made a mistake with the price. Couldn't make it up could you - but then again, this is Bid Mk2.
I'm reminded of the rocking chair in "Psycho"....![]()