I've said it before and I'll say it again, yes I know they're there to sell and they have to sell a variety of items and buyers all want different things etc etc ... but:
we'll sell you a polti (iron) and tell you it's great ... then we'll sell you a steam press and tell you ironing is soooo last century and only for idiots.
we'll sell you 'amazing' creams and show you before and after pics where the afters show VERY little improvement ... if any ... and exclaim 'WOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!'
we'll sell you a power washer so you can use up gazillions of water to power wash a plastic garden chair when a quick rub with a damp cloth will achieve the same result. oh yeah and then we'll sell you waterless wax stuff and tell you only idiots still use water to wash things down.
we'll sell you mediocre clothing and exclaim as if you're getting top end designer items.
we'll sell you HIDEOUS watches and exclaim how they are designed for 'real men.' I think by real men they mean men that still splash on original brut, have a ring on every finger and a MASSIVE gold chain around their neck.
ok I'll stop