Random musings and general banter.


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Realistically, the ‘bigger’ names must get at least £250 an hour. The less well known maybe half that. People like Simon aren’t going to drive hundreds of miles for any less. They may even get significantly more, who knows. Say, one of the better paid ones does five shows a week and the money does equate to the example given - that’s £1000 per four hour show x five…£5000 per week - £250k per year. Even if it’s £500 a four hour block x five - that’s still £2500 a week. Gets you a nice drum and a great standard of living to accompany it.

New miracle underwater drain unblocker product being launched this evening - Plumbing the Depths…
Dr. Edwards has an extraordinarily annoying new healthcare assistant with him for his morning scaremongering surgery. God, she is unwatchable. I may have misheard - but did she just say her neighbour was found dead in the middle of nowhere as she had no cheap and nasty video doorbell? No...I must have imagined it. He 'hates' to scaremonger, he says. No he doesn't. He embraces the concept. No depths...No depths..
Peter V's understudy?
Peter, you are a dickhead OK?

Not only because...

You never complete a sentence.

Not only because...

You are a lying shyster.

Not only because...

You talk utter crap.

Not only because...

Nobody believes a word you say.

Not only because...

You have no integrity or conscience whatsoever.

Not only because...

You are crude and vulgar.

Not only because...

You waffle on forever. As could I, listing all your faults which are endless you despicable old rogue.

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