Random musings and general banter.


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But we might have a different opinion of the Tamsy tents if a model is strutting her stuff on a catwalk instead of just standing there🤔

I'm 100% sure we will. All of us, absolutely. It'll be a revelatory moment. Like, the first time you get glasses after an eye test. I've already cleared my wardrobe out, and shoved all my clothes into a grubby tin charity bin at the local recycling centre in anticipation.

"I know this dress looks ugly and shapeless, and yes it's made from a cheap fabric and has poor quality print that will fade after one wash, Derek," Brenda tuts, "But forget all that and wait until I'm moving - it'll look HIGH QUALITY."
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FYI: This above was a sarcastic way of saying: "sh*t products in a new studio don't make sh*t products any better".

I've never bought into idea that TJC has wilfully chosen to not have "better products" on IW3 until the studio walls are a different colour, the kitchen has a larger counter, there's a catwalk, the bed is big enough to put chairs either side, etc. If branded goods from suppliers made as much profit as white-label stuff they buy in direct from China, they'd do it: it's business.

New studio is great but it'll going to be the same products in a (barely, from what I've seen) bigger space. Maybe we'll get an occasional extra demo, but they were already doing food demos in the old studio, had models for fashion, and put the bedding on an actual bed. I don't see a lot changing.

IW3's new studio is basically: 'the local Poundland got a refit'.
I said before they could present from Pinewood Studios best stage and if the products don't improve it counts for nowt.

However the new positive me is prepared to see how things go ...
Oh gosh, well I take it all back in that case!

If they've built a kitchen set and a catwalk then IW3 is clearly the new QVC! 😂

All those billy-no-brand electrical goods, and Tamsy tents are now stunning, stunning, stunning if there's a bigger kitchen for the grills to catch fire in and a catwalk for the shapeless frocks to look shapeless on.

I was about to buy the same hose Pedro had earlier (but sold with the attachments to actually make it useful) for £12 on Temu, but if IW3 now has a catwalk, well, I better go 'av a buy of it for £24.99 instead!

But we might have a different opinion of the Tamsy tents if a model is strutting her stuff on a catwalk instead of just standing there🤔
If they demonstrate the fan whilst Foghorn is wearing a tent, will she think she’s Maralyn Monroe? That won’t be a pretty sight.
Sounds like he negotiated with Gammon on the price, at least he said he did. 🤔🤔🤣🤣

Yup, can confirm.

Pedro went over to Hamburg(er) to talk to Gammon face to face last week. They wouldn't let him at first, but once they heard he was a BAFTA® award winner and runner up at the Skegness Larry Grayson impersonation contest 1987, he was taken straight to the see big beef in charge.

I'm told he delivered a beautiful, poetic, and rousing speech about the "fragrance of life carried on the winds of time, not only to revitalise and imbue the senses across field, river, and the first of 4 flexis, okay", etc.

It reduced them to tears, and worked: he left with the price he wanted.

What a star.

Bet was made to wait in the car during all this, which caused a right stink. While rummaging for a soft mint in the glove compartment she accidentally opened a Gammon sample Pedro keeps with him…
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Erm, can I ask why the new studio is being so hyped?

Not meaning to be snarky (well, maybe a bit 🤭) but it's not exactly… flashy, from what I can see?

I appreciate there's more room behind the cameras, but what's the point of the extra space if they're sticking with the "presenter against a wall, behind a desk" setup?

I was expecting something more like the Shop on TV set: big, spacious, no desks, room to move around, multi-camera angles (not just 1 fixed on presenter, 1 doing close ups).

View attachment 28995

It's just a more dingy version of the old set — and now Pedro has his hose out *sticks tongue in cheek*

View attachment 28996

Do check out Pedro's hose, btw. He says this is the hose you can take everywhere (maybe take it on the bus with your fan?) and if you've got dexterity issues this is a delight and a must-have as it doesn't kink (but looks like an absolute hassle to gather together, but hey - that doesn't involve dexterity). They've run cars over this and it's "quite probably indestructible".

No, don't be a snob - a Chelsea award winner from the Royal Horticultural Society told Pedro (last they brought these to air) that "all the pro gardeners use these cos they're so effective from back door to front door", and they've had electricians, plumbers, and decorators texting in to say how good they are cos if there's plaster on the floor … these ones don't lose pressure (?!).

And yes, he's made lots of 1970s innuendo about trapping your hose, getting your hose out, etc 🥱

So go and AV A BUY - this should've been £79.99!
The kitchen area needs to be vastly improved. It looks so cramped. I hope the new studio has a more spacious kitchen set
Don’t know how many of you were watching at 10am

But he made a speech, about it being a historic day in Ideal Worlds history in the new studio, and how it was a masterpiece of creation
Jeez, he really does talk a lots of ol’ cobblers!

PS ‘Happy Birthday’ Galesgal and Muttley x

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