Erm, can I ask why the new studio is being so hyped?
Not meaning to be snarky (well, maybe a bit

) but it's not exactly… flashy, from what I can see?
I appreciate there's more room behind the cameras, but what's the point of the extra space if they're sticking with the "presenter against a wall, behind a desk" setup?
I was expecting something more like the Shop on TV set: big, spacious, no desks, room to move around, multi-camera angles (not just 1 fixed on presenter, 1 doing close ups).
It's just a more dingy version of the old set — and now Pedro has his hose out *sticks tongue in cheek*
Do check out Pedro's hose, btw. He says this is the hose you can take everywhere (maybe take it on the bus with your fan?) and if you've got dexterity issues this is a delight and a must-have as it doesn't kink (but looks like an absolute hassle to gather together, but hey - that doesn't involve dexterity). They've run cars over this and it's "quite probably indestructible".
No, don't be a snob - a Chelsea award winner from the Royal Horticultural Society told Pedro (last they brought these to air) that "all the pro gardeners use these cos they're so effective from back door to front door", and they've had electricians, plumbers, and decorators texting in to say how good they are cos if there's plaster on the floor … these ones don't lose pressure (?!).
And yes, he's made lots of 1970s innuendo about trapping your hose, getting your hose out, etc
So go and AV A BUY - this should've been £79.99!