Random musings and general banter.


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IT Crowd 2006 modern? Some of those others have been around a while too.

Yeah, I mean there are so many current comedy greats, who's that toothy twat Rob summat, Jimmy Carr can tell a joke, er um Keith Lemon, Rosie Jones. Much better than Hancock, Morecambe & Wise, Cleese, Pete & Dud, Connolly, Rossiter, Atkinson, Smith & Jones, Gervais and Merchant, Harry & Paul...

Music too. Adele, Swift, Sheeran. So many world giants. Forget Elvis, the Beatles, Stones, Who, Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Clapton, Bowie, Weller...

Just as there was a golden age of art (the old masters) and classical music (Bach, Beethoven, Mozart) I think this applies also to popular music and comedy. And it isn't now.
Fair enough, I was trying to point to more recent good stuff since the golden era you refer to. Was trying to think of current comedy sitcom or series and couldn't think of recent.

I agree with the current names you mention who are not great, and feature too prominently on C4, but there are other good ones that don't get the airtime or exposure as much.

Agreed we're probably in a bit of a sparse period for top comedic talent and series, compared to yesteryear but there are pearls here and there.

Wonder if current social climate has affected the ability of some comedians to do their thing freely.
I enjoy new comedy, but on Live at the Apollo, sometimes the audience are laughing their heads off at some innocuous pun, passing comment or observation and for the life of me I often can't see what's so funny for them to be falling off their chairs, when I could barely manage a hrmmpphh. The atmosphere and giddiness of being in the auditorium and the event seems to make them laugh at anything.
I might not be popular for saying this, however I do wonder to what extent alcohol has to play. I seem to remember 'when I was a lad' and you went to the theatre, the adults could have a drink at the bar before the show and at the interview ... however not during the show in the auditorium.

That's all changed these days so folk are getting more and more tipsy as the event goes on.

I understand that for venues, selling drink is an important part of their revenue stream, however it doesn't always equate to a pleasant experience in the auditorium, especially depending on the type of show. I was at a play a few years back and a woman a couple of rows back was getting more and more tipsy, resulting in her laughing etc when not appropriate. And I was at another show where a guy behind me put his drink down on the floor, proceeded to knock it over and due to the raked level it ran down to my feet!

It seems to be the norm these days and I personally don't like it. What, you can't have a good time without getting drunk?
Mike M, IWs 'guru' when it comes to diy type stuff fails to mention something very important when flogging the extendible ladder. During his presentation he'll mention how the A frame ladder might have its place, however the inference is surprise surprise the extendible is better.

What he fails to mention is the extendible ladder will be absolutely useless in scenarios where an A frame is needed e.g. changing a light bulb in the middle of a room or anything where you need the height but don't have a surface to lean an extendible against.
IT Crowd 2006 modern? Some of those others have been around a while too.

Yeah, I mean there are so many current comedy greats, who's that toothy twat Rob summat, Jimmy Carr can tell a joke, er um Keith Lemon, Rosie Jones. Much better than Hancock, Morecambe & Wise, Cleese, Pete & Dud, Connolly, Rossiter, Atkinson, Smith & Jones, Gervais and Merchant, Harry & Paul...

Music too. Adele, Swift, Sheeran. So many world giants. Forget Elvis, the Beatles, Stones, Who, Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Clapton, Bowie, Weller...

Just as there was a golden age of art (the old masters) and classical music (Bach, Beethoven, Mozart) I think this applies also to popular music and comedy. And it isn't now.

Two comedians I find funny these days - Ricky Gervais and Peter Kay. ‘Modern’ music current performers I enjoy? Radiohead, Coldplay, Nickleback and Keane…And they have been going for decades now. TV shows and channels I find funny? Question Time…The Antiques Roadshow…Ideal World… All for the wrong reasons. No others come to mind.

So many great bands and solo acts from the past. Absolute geniuses like David Bowie, for example. I would run out of virtual space naming them all. Great comics who told FUNNY jokes with a beginning, a middle and a punch line end, and with classic timing. Not life events analogies you pretend to laugh at to remain PC. Wonderfully scripted comedies back then, with three dimensional characters, and researched and crafted storylines…And…. they actually made you laugh. Visual gags, too…Where have they all gone?

Back to music…Off to see Pearl Jam in Manchester this month. I can’t name you a better band still going strong.
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I might not be popular for saying this, however I do wonder to what extent alcohol has to play. I seem to remember 'when I was a lad' and you went to the theatre, the adults could have a drink at the bar before the show and at the interview ... however not during the show in the auditorium.

That's all changed these days so folk are getting more and more tipsy as the event goes on.

I understand that for venues, selling drink is an important part of their revenue stream, however it doesn't always equate to a pleasant experience in the auditorium, especially depending on the type of show. I was at a play a few years back and a woman a couple of rows back was getting more and more tipsy, resulting in her laughing etc when not appropriate. And I was at another show where a guy behind me put his drink down on the floor, proceeded to knock it over and due to the raked level it ran down to my feet!

It seems to be the norm these days and I personally don't like it. What, you can't have a good time without getting drunk?
Totally agree. I've been seeing shows in London for years but since lockdown there seems to be a increase in anti social behaviour.

At the smaller Indigo venue in the 02 at Christmas I witnessed 2 40-something couples. The women were wearing 6 inch heels, were very drunk and could hardly walk. Men seemed OK. The women kept getting up to dance drunkenly and the men got up twice in the first half to get drinks (the bar is in the hall). They'd had a couple before it started as the show was delayed for 45 minutes. The women went to the toilet before the first half finished and didn't come back. When I came back for the second half the men were surrounded by security and being escorted out, no sign of the women. No idea what happened.

Also saw a domestic at the Palladium, the man was thrown out but in the interval tried to force his way back in to the venue. Staff were rushing to shut and lock internal doors to keep him out. And a disturbance at the Dominion Theatre that looked like a group of drunk women. Staff managed to sort that out so quickly with no disturbance to the show.

There have been stories of people singing along loudly. If you see something like Grease or Dirty Dancing they ask you to wait till the end when you can get up and dance and sing where they do a medley of the songs.

Things are getting worse sadly. Definitely worse since lockdown in my experience.
Fair enough, I was trying to point to more recent good stuff since the golden era you refer to. Was trying to think of current comedy sitcom or series and couldn't think of recent.

I agree with the current names you mention who are not great, and feature too prominently on C4, but there are other good ones that don't get the airtime or exposure as much.

Agreed we're probably in a bit of a sparse period for top comedic talent and series, compared to yesteryear but there are pearls here and there.

Wonder if current social climate has affected the ability of some comedians to do their thing freely.
I wasn't trying to say "old=good, new=bad", I know it's not that simple.

Today's comedians are operating to different rules and are hidebound by them. Observational humour can be really funny - remember Dave Allen? - but I haven't seen anyone doing it well recently. Too woke and PC. Terrified to say anything mildly controversial or to laugh at it.

As for music, I get a headache when I hear autotune ringing out of the sound system in shops. It is so lazy and metallic and disguises a voice that can't really sing at all. Can you imagine Sinatra on autotune? Or Matt Monroe. I used to perform in folk clubs and pubs and you'd have got laughed off stage if you used anything fake because it's not real music. As for the disgusting racist/sexist lyrics and deafening percussion in rap songs, well I'll pass on that. You know with all the technology available in the 21st century one would imagine we'd be doing much better but it seems to have stifled creativity.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Lindsey reveals she wears versace. This says it all, I wear the top brands, the real thing but I sell you tat.

Has anyone else found IW really stuck in a rut this week, really samey and boring? Never anything different or surprising?
You wonder where it is going to go, that channel? If there is a new studio, there is obviously some sort of major issue in moving to it – that’s if there ever was one in the first place. The goods are so appallingly boring, cheap, and generally with no appeal whatsoever to want me to make a purchase for. The selling techniques particularly those disingenuous price comparisons show no real sign of coming to an end. For me, all they do is mislead, and the very audience base who deserve not to be misled - older people and the non-Internet user types. In truth, it probably isn’t going to go anywhere at all. TJC now have an increased commercial footprint with a second broadcast option to sell non-jewellery low cost to them bought in high volumes, goods at big selling margins under a different brand name.
I wasn't trying to say "old=good, new=bad", I know it's not that simple.

Today's comedians are operating to different rules and are hidebound by them. Observational humour can be really funny - remember Dave Allen? - but I haven't seen anyone doing it well recently. Too woke and PC. Terrified to say anything mildly controversial or to laugh at it.

As for music, I get a headache when I hear autotune ringing out of the sound system in shops. It is so lazy and metallic and disguises a voice that can't really sing at all. Can you imagine Sinatra on autotune? Or Matt Monroe. I used to perform in folk clubs and pubs and you'd have got laughed off stage if you used anything fake because it's not real music. As for the disgusting racist/sexist lyrics and deafening percussion in rap songs, well I'll pass on that. You know with all the technology available in the 21st century one would imagine we'd be doing much better but it seems to have stifled creativity.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Lindsey reveals she wears versace. This says it all, I wear the top brands, the real thing but I sell you tat.

Has anyone else found IW really stuck in a rut this week, really samey and boring? Never anything different or surprising?
I thought of one: Mock the Week.
And Would I Lie To You has it's moments

MtW deserves a mention as consistently humorous and probably distilled the best of the current crop of 'talent' and extracted some funny moments.

There were some comments earlier of not finding anything from current offerings of comedy, TV, music appealing. Just trying to balance it.
I suppose I'm not an expert as I don't frequent the live comedy scene, but from what I've heard/read there are far better talents doing the circuit than the ones you see filtered down to TV appearances.

Having said that, the ex-teacher crop are pretty second rate: Guz Khan, Greg Davies, Ranganathan. O'Briain!
No stagecraft or showmanship.

Have watched some of the tv broadcasts of their dvd stand-up shows, there seems to be a format of mentioning something funny or observational early on and the denouement is returning to reference it at the end of the set as the clever twist.

Bill Bailey mix of music craft and quality, but his later shows not so much.
Walter, Ronald, or whatever your stupid name is. You can say a toy washing machine with no valid purpose is a ‘Terrific Product’ as much as you like. Bur it doesn’t make it a terrific product, though. Great for using when you’re going camping. As long as you have a 100 mile lead to plug it in with. Don’t say TERRIFIC again…Buffoon. A TERRIFIC buffoon.
Walter, Ronald, or whatever your stupid name is. You can say a toy washing machine with no valid purpose is a ‘Terrific Product’ as much as you like. Bur it doesn’t make it a terrific product, though. Great for using when you’re going camping. As long as you have a 100 mile lead to plug it in with.
He's just said you can wash a pair of jeans in it. I don't think they would fit.
Totally agree. I've been seeing shows in London for years but since lockdown there seems to be a increase in anti social behaviour.

At the smaller Indigo venue in the 02 at Christmas I witnessed 2 40-something couples. The women were wearing 6 inch heels, were very drunk and could hardly walk. Men seemed OK. The women kept getting up to dance drunkenly and the men got up twice in the first half to get drinks (the bar is in the hall). They'd had a couple before it started as the show was delayed for 45 minutes. The women went to the toilet before the first half finished and didn't come back. When I came back for the second half the men were surrounded by security and being escorted out, no sign of the women. No idea what happened.

Also saw a domestic at the Palladium, the man was thrown out but in the interval tried to force his way back in to the venue. Staff were rushing to shut and lock internal doors to keep him out. And a disturbance at the Dominion Theatre that looked like a group of drunk women. Staff managed to sort that out so quickly with no disturbance to the show.

There have been stories of people singing along loudly. If you see something like Grease or Dirty Dancing they ask you to wait till the end when you can get up and dance and sing where they do a medley of the songs.

Things are getting worse sadly. Definitely worse since lockdown in my experience.
It's the same with many of the stories you read re fights breaking out during flights, people arguing etc. What do you think the cause is? I'm by no means anti-drink, however there's a time and place. Call me boring if you like, don't care :)

Yeah I'm not inclined to go to shows any more, I find in some shape or form the experience is usually spoiled to some extent by those around you.

I remember going to a play (tense thriller story) in the theatre and a point came during the performance when everything was silent, including on stage. You could have heard a proverbial pin drop. The actors were building the tension and 'just' as one of them started to speak to expose the killer ... an idiot in the audience decided to choose that moment to open a bag of sweets or something! There were a few audible sighs and one or two 'SSHhhh' from other people.

Some folk are basically thick, selfish or a combo of both.
He's just said you can wash a pair of jeans in it. I don't think they would fit.

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