Random musings and general banter.


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She has The Flattery Mirror on later. Designed to simper round massive egos and body frames who think they look very different to the stark reality. Personally endorsed by her.

If I was her boss there, she would be selling and demonstrating used Izal toilet rolls for each shift she could hold out for. Ooh…You’d pay at least £250 for this mucky roll in the hotels I frequent on the Costa Del Bobbi..
OMG. Izal loo paper. How did we ever get by with the stuff we had?

Who first designed Izal?
You can imagine the conversation…
‘Erm, boss, I’ve got a new idea for a product. You know how ordinary loo roll just works? Well how about one that doesn’t absorb anything but is great at, well, smearing it about a bit? People would use loads, just trying to clear up what they just covered themselves in. And we can give it a fragrance.
No, not coconut, or lemon.
How about the smell of Jeys Fluid?
So everyone in your whole postcode will know not only that you just went to the loo, but exactly what you did in there.”

Boss: “sure, Dave. And don’t put it on a roll so it fits people’s house. Put it in a box instead…”

Still, as kids, we used to use it as the world’s worst tracing paper.
Turns out the only thing it does absorb is felt tip pen…
And I’m a mixture, Dad is from India, Mum is from England, they met in India, I was born there, as Mum was over there for Work

So we are a multi culterial little group, Name is Emma so no doubt mum had the final say

Sport wise I prefer Tennis and Cricket but will watch footy
Those vile trinkets.. I wouldn’t even send one as a peace offering to my ex-wife..And she burnt all my Timpo toys in 1998.

I hear, through my ears (14 year old in the Gallery) we can’t sell this ta…trinket again at this price…Gallereh? Gallereh??? They’ve gone for a Milk and Potato Puffs break..
Oh potato puffs. School tuck shop wasn't it? Young lads, jumpers for goalposts
I can’t watch any more of her mouthing off for this car boot bling… At least Mason is a decent watch…Unlike some he flogs on there…She and this watch have obviously just met on air by her lack of competent kinaesthetic skills in demonstrating it. Do some prep, Luv…Back to work…
Sal is just finishing selling her hippie/farmer Giles smocks. Paprika to blend in with the countryside. Phone lines are v v v v v busy again. She compares this to people getting off a bus....

Is she on the cider???
What I would like to know is....

When will Peter be reunited with Kevin, his tv partner of 30, 40 or is it 50 years to sell more vastly overpriced "designer" watches?

They are quite the ultimate BS double act.

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