Random musings and general banter.


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Basically then, what they are selling or not selling at present doesn’t matter. They will just run it at a loss because getting hold of the name and platform for it was key?
Mr. Sunil Agrawal, Managing Director, Vaibhav Global Limited, said, “We welcome Ideal World to VGL group. Over the years Ideal World has created a unique position for itself in the teleshopping industry. We expect this transaction to create synergies and help us continue market leading growth.

The last sentance mentioned the creation of synergies. A company can create synergy by combining products or markets, such as when one company cross-sells another company's products to increase revenues. This seems to be what is happening at the moment.
re my above post there are times my being dislexic really frustrates me. What I want to say gets disrailed by the time spent googling how to spell simple words and correcting misspellings.
basically I’m trying to say from a purely personal point of veiw is they are taking advantage both of a charity that needs donations and a public whos hearts are easily twitch at the mention of deprived innocent children and leaves me frustrated and speechless.
Interesting…Run it at the bare minimum and any additional sales over and above that minimum met back the owners is a bonus - as long as TJC’s don’t drop accordingly. Probably unlikely, as the two channels seem to have very much separate viewing identities still. Are new studios tax deductible?
I freely admit you would find it had to find someone more died in the wool cynical than me so feel free to discount my view.
it’s a WIN WIN strategy for them.
they get a larger customer base (increase their business), make even bigger profit selling low priced crap at inflated prices which easily covers the cost of the meals they donate with no actual cost to themselves.
Improve their image as a careing alltrusic company get tax breaks for charitable donations. Meanwhile soft hearted customers buy crap that soon ends up in the bin increasing waste we are trying to decrease but hay ho who care They look good because they are feeding children a 27p meal
I agree with you. It is a win-win situation for them. It allows them to allow more air time for jewellery sales, while Ideal World is used for cheap tat and what their beauty channel used to sell.
re my above post there are times my being dislexic really frustrates me. What I want to say gets disrailed by the time spent googling how to spell simple words and correcting misspellings.
basically I’m trying to say from a purely personal point of veiw is they are taking advantage both of a charity that needs donations and a public whos hearts are easily twitch at the mention of deprived innocent children and leaves me frustrated and speechless.
Motormouth Jacks is the only presenter who mentions the free meals. It makes me cringe every time she goes there, which has been happening often recently.
the battery charger is great for a fair-weather motorcyclist so it can be left on trickle charge over winter in situ, at face value 29.99 sounds good but a Quick Look and it can be had for 19.99 on eBay free delivery. there's gotta be easier stuff to shift. I suppose the flexi pay is an added bonus for a few.

what a ******** show for a Saturday morning.
It’s cheap and essentially nasty stuff, most of it. For example, if you have to get a dash cam, if you can, get a decent one. One from a known maker with some expertise in their field and with a good modern day spec. Yes, there are hard-up people who must rely on cheap stuff. But on virtually everything I have seen them sell, it is cheaper elsewhere. Like Poundland TV where everything costs at least double than elsewhere. There is also no structure or theme to the hours. From haemorrhoids cream to headphones…canes to cuddle blankets…dog leads to dattery dargers….
I have never heard Mike say it, although I channel hop a lot. They are probably only doing this free meal to obtain coporation tax relief.
And then there’s the cost of re investment versus profit
ie new studio’s and the tax write offs that can be claimed if you have a good tax adviser
Even the graphics look cheap and tacky…Like the back pages of Titbits come to life…The probably least staff discount used scheme of all shopping channels.
Forget the silly £300 direct price comparison they showed on screen. The Philips website has a price of £244.99, while Amazon has a price of £239.99, as mentioned above. For a change, they have the lowest price I can find for something.
Forget the silly £300 price comparison they showed on screen. The Philips website has a price of £244.99, while Amazon has a price of £239.99, as mentioned above. For a change, they have the lowest price I can find for something.

yep and I found with the one I brought last year air fryers do generally seem to have the best value on there. saved 40 quid on mine from any other place. Brand name - Instant, of course they went bust int he US shortly after !!
This is more like the old Ideal World in terms of price. They were always cheaper than anywhere else by £30-£50.
yep and I found with the one I brought last year air fryers do generally seem to have the best value on there. saved 40 quid on mine from any other place. Brand name - Instant, of course they went bust int he US shortly after !!
Last week, I purchased an Instand Brands air fryer from ebay. For £50, I decided to take the new and unwanted gift. During the early part of last year, when they appeared on Ideal World, I nearly bought one.

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