Random musings and general banter.


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’Ave a Buy’….Buy Now…Please…Get All Four…Am I being Prebumptuous? Joolia? How many left, right? Going Left Right Left Right…Department S…Is Vic There? Do you know Vic Burns? Only when you rub on in your boll…Right? Big Fu..Bucks, Right? I rang about my car policy renewal the other day… They declined me, Okay?? I said I’m not ‘avin’ that. You MUST insure me!! £60 a pop… People freezin’ to death in greenhouses in Milton Keynes tonight…Buy 20…PLEASE…PLEASE…Mac…Mac..Some fruit please…An Apple, MAC….£60 a pop…Lumpy…Bumpy…Lumpy Bumpy…Marjorie…Hammy (Fake text)…White Skirting Balls…Mobility Chairs…Lumpy Bumpicus..Emma’s just come…Watch out for her…Get a free watch with every cane sold…
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You MUST do this at the foot of your balls…Balls of your foot… Mac…Throat sweet? This was £2500 we were doing this for, right? Right, Charlie? Dr Lobitioff (who I can’t mention anymore) told me to stick the long massaging probe up in my back passage…But I’m doing it on the top floor of my bungalow …I had to see him again the other day over a shortfall in the you know whats, okay? Our Bet told me to go because she was dissatisfied with my performance (like most of the viewers)… Well, I came back to see him the following week in full evening dress, spats, and a top hat…Lumpy Bumpy…He said to me: “Why are you dressed so smartly, Mr. Peters?” I said well, Doctor…If I’m impotent, I‘m going to look impotent…
Because of the situation in America with one thing and another… You know..several things and another matter.. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN…UNTIL THE NEXT TIME IT HAPPENS AGAIN, okay?? Technical Issues bringing you the price…Windows ME has frozen again….I was picked up by the authorities (gurns at the camera) the other day.. I was told in no uncertain terms by the Metrocomicals…You MUST insure this Rover P6…I said…I pee yellow gold…I don‘t have to do anything….
Because of the situation in America with one thing and another… You know..several things and another matter.. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN…UNTIL THE NEXT TIME IT HAPPENS AGAIN, okay?? Technical Issues bringing you the price…Windows ME has frozen again….I was picked up the authorities (gurns at the camera) the other day.. I was told in no uncertain terms by the Metrocomicals…You MUST insure this Rover P6…I said…I pee yellow gold…I don‘t have to do anything….
Not sure there systems work on Windows ME, more like DOS
Or something that rhymes with it…We tell it as it is ‘ere.. Yeah..right you do. Just buy it….Just buy it…Please…Please buy it… Hoolier? How many left?? Charlie? 5000 how many? Oh…Five…Five…No..Nine..Nine..Nine…
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Hi All

I'm cold, I'm wet and totally fed up :(

I got a taxi home from my mates tonight, he lives about 10 miles away from me.

About half way through the journey and just to make conversation I said 'Nice seats, is this first layer leather?'

The taxi driver looked at me totally unimpressed and said 'You taking the p1ss mate?!? First layer what?!?!?'

He pulled over there and then and told me to get out. Middle of nowhere. It was at that point I realised my phone was out of charge so I had to walk home.

I think what freaked him out was the way I was squeezing the seat as I said it ...
In the checkout line with three boxes of Belvita soft bakes, the situation took a strange turn. The cashier, snatching one of the boxes from the conveyer belt, shot me a look of disbelief.

"This can't be right…" he muttered, shaking his head, "That price for a box of Belvita soft bakes? One could easily expect to pay 5, 6, 70 pounds for a box of these, any day of the week…”

Mentally, I disagreed. The price matched the shelf ticker, so why the shock? Plus, I'd never paid more than £3.10 for a box, not even at service station. 'Where does this guy buy his breakfast cereal bars', I mused, 'A garden center?!'.

By now the checkout man had begun holding his ear. "Charlie… has there been a mistake?", he enquired, all the while grimacing at me. While I didn't hear a response, he clearly did as face exploded with character.

He leaned in, shook the box aggressively, and whispered: "We weren't supposed to bring these Belvita to shelf at this price, okay?"

"Ok" I reply, bemused — mostly at the stench of poorly-cooked meat mixed with top-notes of blackcurrant emanating from him.

"There's been a cockup he smirked, tongue stabbing the air like a dehydrated lizard. "Oh, there'll be unhappy faces in management tonight, a-ha, kiss my anorak" he shouts, all whilst continuing to wave the box of Belvita.

Turning to the other customers, he continued.

"We'll have to honour the price on the shelf, okay? We can't—this guy's in, okay? Belvita is not only of the breakfast foods, not only of the choc or the chips. In my nigh on 30 years of working in supermarkets, okay, these are genuinely among the best I've brought to till".

As beige royalty free piano music bleeds in through the tannoy, I make the decision to leave.

The man has since perched on the edge of the conveyer belt, his face studious, his hands clasped. For all intents a vicar about to deliver a sermon of profound importance.

But I am not religious, not even about the price of Belvita.

As I approach the door phrases like "opportunity to acquire", "quite simply", "our bet", and "household insurance" buffet my back.

In the crisp, safe air outside I dare to look back. The remaining customers are congealed in a ball of violence, boxes of Belvita flying left, right, and center. The checkout man, composed, catches my eye and mouths: "I've won awards for this".

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I turned on TJC last night just before 10pm and they were selling that Proscenic air fryer. Mark, the presenter, stated that this is your last chance to buy an air fryer on TJC because the big boss has said that we will no longer sell air fryers. He had 500 items to sell, and had sold more than half of them. That means there is at least 240 for Ideal World to try and shift.
For crying out loud…Give them something better to try to sell…

He is selling a £14.99 sonic toothbrush. He says he has seen other toothbrushes on the market for £300. Does that mean if he was selling a cheap secondhand car, he would compare the value by saying he has seen other cars available for 10 times more than the price of that? Whole thing is crazy.
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They are having a hard time selling those genuine leather duffle bags. Oh no, not the cheap dash cams again. Trying to scaremonger using crash for cash as an example to buy one. C'mon Jeremy, you are better than this.
For crying out loud…Give them something better to try to sell…

He is selling a £14.99 sonic toothbrush. He says he has seen other toothbrushes on the market for £300. Does that mean if he was selling a cheap secondhand car, he would compare the value by saying he has seen other cars available for 10 times more than the price of that? Whole thing is crazy.
I commented the other day, I have a Phillips Sonicare one which was over £100. Guess I paid extra Because of the brand, I noticed that £14.99 one, isn’t rechargeable it needs batteries

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