Random musings and general banter.


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Something I note about Mike Mason. he does that thing. He speaks, as though he is the viewer asking Mike Mason a question. then he has a conversation with this pretend viewer who is now arguing with Mike Mason, and correcting the other side of the conversation. Arguing with himself in a pretend conversation. I noticed this and thought, very Alan Partridge. Then watching Rob Lock with an E on shop on tv the other day, I found some of his comments a bit Partridge. Next he's talking to Polti Bev and starts talking and he himself said he was now sounding very Alan Partridge and starting talking (doing his Alan Partridge impression) for the next few awkward moments. Bev was not impressed. Such a strange world. But also I'm thinking Partridge would make a great shopping TV host.
Mass panic behind the scenes, IW internal tellingbones ringing, management in meltdown..The air fryer has been brought to air massively underpriced.. I feel helpless to help them, but maybe this can assist and reassure them a little:-

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Although we've talked about it many times on here, this sort of example does nothing short of prove they outright lie about some products when it comes to pricing. I actually caught some of the presenters act last night when they first put the price up. Like you, I was straight on the Internet and found it for sale a fair bit cheaper than their supposedly too low £69.99. It made me laugh to then watch a minute or two more of the act (they're going crazy in my ear, someone's made a mistake etc) when like you I was looking at other retailers selling it for £50.

Unless they are rubbish at their jobs (the buyers, producers etc for IW) they can't fail to know their £69.99 isn't actually a ridiculously low price.

This is why I'm convinced as the months/years roll on, unless these channels find a true niche with genuinely good prices, they're doomed.
Although we've talked about it many times on here, this sort of example does nothing short of prove they outright lie about some products when it comes to pricing. I actually caught some of the presenters act last night when they first put the price up. Like you, I was straight on the Internet and found it for sale a fair bit cheaper than their supposedly too low £69.99. It made me laugh to then watch a minute or two more of the act (they're going crazy in my ear, someone's made a mistake etc) when like you I was looking at other retailers selling it for £50.

Unless they are rubbish at their jobs (the buyers, producers etc for IW) they can't fail to know their £69.99 isn't actually a ridiculously low price.

This is why I'm convinced as the months/years roll on, unless these channels find a true niche with genuinely good prices, they're doomed.
It‘s sheer unadulterated pantomime. they probably don’t even see it as telling lies. They see it as providing entertaining television. I thought it was quite interesting on the previous show to Mason last night: somebody texted in asking about the time scale for express delivery. Clearly, neither of the two presenters had a remote clue about how long it takes, and we’re asking the gallery to help them out. The point is for me, the presenters in general clearly have no responsibility or interest in the good selling. They see their job purely as a presentational one and anything beyond that they’re not interested in in general.
The tactic, if contrived, shows complete contempt for any buyers who are enticed to purchase because of it. If challenged externally, I would imagine they can somehow evidence it was a genuine mistake. Similar to them producing texts from mobiles from Hammy and Muttley if they were ever asked to demonstrate these two particular product endorsers are real or not. Alternatively, you have to accept there actually is a Hammy from Aberdeen and Huttley from Mull who really do text in gushing praise for their wares every evening between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.
The tactic, if contrived, shows complete contempt for any buyers who are enticed to purchase because of it. If challenged externally, I would imagine they can somehow evidence it was a genuine mistake. Similar to them producing texts from mobiles from Hammy and Muttley if they were ever asked to demonstrate these two particular product endorsers are real or not. Alternatively, you have to accept there actually is a Hammy from Aberdeen and Huttley from Mull who really do text in gushing praise for their wares every evening between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.
the most important thing is, it is incredibly lame
The tactic, if contrived, shows complete contempt for any buyers who are enticed to purchase because of it. If challenged externally, I would imagine they can somehow evidence it was a genuine mistake. Similar to them producing texts from mobiles from Hammy and Muttley if they were ever asked to demonstrate these two particular product endorsers are real or not. Alternatively, you have to accept there actually is a Hammy from Aberdeen and Huttley from Mull who really do text in gushing praise for their wares every evening between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.
I hope they can provide evidence of texts and phone numbers in case an investigative journalist ever gets involved. Cos it sounds fraudulent to me, saying all these people are rushing to buy this when you've made it up, and using the same names regularly to imply they're repeat shoppers.

Just saying in case any member of staff is reading this. Although I would think staff members would be too busy setting up the new studios and liaising with top notch buyers to get decent products. I'm waiting for Betamax video recorders to make an appearance. I think they'd fit in well with the current offering.
The tactic, if contrived,
I fully agree with you however we all know in reality there's no 'if' about it, they simply have to know otherwise they're incompetent beyond belief.

As others have said on here numerous times, why not just have a sales pitch that still excites over the 'reduced' price without all the GUFF about mistakes, folk behind the scenes dashing here and there in a panic over the wrong price etc etc.

Pre Internet days it maybe held up more, now it most certainly doesn't.

In addition, we've all seen scenarios when the price 'is' genuinely wrong. The presenter drops the faux 'presenter tone' and advises with a serious face 'give us a second viewers, we're just going to correct that for you ...'

When the price is genuinely wrong, they correct it VERY quickly ;)
I'm still going with my prediction of no new studio, and reduced hours on channel 51....and repeats to make up the "lost" hours.

If something fails in life and you repeat the same scenario by and large (ie the same main presenters with the same old shi.....sales patter) time and time again to me the same failings are only going to happen yet again. Then add into the mix phoney texts, etc and low rent items and graphics its set up to fail!

Ps yes I know the bosses high up carry most of the blame but that part we never see in public, so can only comment on what I see.
I'm still going with my prediction of no new studio, and reduced hours on channel 51....and repeats to make up the "lost" hours.

If something fails in life and you repeat the same scenario by and large (ie the same main presenters with the same old shi.....sales patter) time and time again to me the same failings are only going to happen yet again. Then add into the mix phoney texts, etc and low rent items and graphics its set up to fail!

Ps yes I know the bosses high up carry most of the blame but that part we never see in public, so can only comment on what I see.
We need someone like that guy who knew the ins and outs of IW Mk.II, during its dying days. Someone who knows the figures - and whether TJC are already regretting their purchase. Much like their customers do.

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