Random musings and general banter.


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Spending their evenings in a Photo-Me Booth, reading this forum, sending texts in the name of Hammy and Muttley, and with straight faces, telling viewers (the 15 of them) low rent items are causing internal panic and chaos because they have gone to air at too low a price, doesn’t sound a great recipe for long-term success. A bit like the previous two versions but without the class.
I hope they can provide evidence of texts and phone numbers in case an investigative journalist ever gets involved. Cos it sounds fraudulent to me, saying all these people are rushing to buy this when you've made it up, and using the same names regularly to imply they're repeat shoppers.

Just saying in case any member of staff is reading this. Although I would think staff members would be too busy setting up the new studios and liaising with top notch buyers to get decent products. I'm waiting for Betamax video recorders to make an appearance. I think they'd fit in well with the current offering.
I also find it like a ‘power play’.
Sort of ‘we can use your name as often as we like, and put whatever words we like into your mouth whenever we want’. I actually find it very nasty, not at all amusing, and very similar to abusive stalking. Certainly not professional, nor anything like their ‘family first’ image (not that I believe in THAT from IW).
I think Muttley, Jazzy, and especially Hammy, who are all incredibly good-natured about it, must have the patience of saints….

…and by that, I don’t mean ‘Saintslad’!!!
I fully agree with you however we all know in reality there's no 'if' about it, they simply have to know otherwise they're incompetent beyond belief.

As others have said on here numerous times, why not just have a sales pitch that still excites over the 'reduced' price without all the GUFF about mistakes, folk behind the scenes dashing here and there in a panic over the wrong price etc etc.

Pre Internet days it maybe held up more, now it most certainly doesn't.

In addition, we've all seen scenarios when the price 'is' genuinely wrong. The presenter drops the faux 'presenter tone' and advises with a serious face 'give us a second viewers, we're just going to correct that for you ...'

When the price is genuinely wrong, they correct it VERY quickly ;)
I think a culture exists in the shopping television world that it is untouchable and can say whatever it likes and when it likes. I wouldn't disagree with it.
I also find it like a ‘power play’.
Sort of ‘we can use your name as often as we like, and put whatever words we like into your mouth whenever we want’. I actually find it very nasty, not at all amusing, and very similar to abusive stalking. Certainly not professional, nor anything like their ‘family first’ image (not that I believe in THAT from IW).
I think Muttley, Jazzy, and especially Hammy, who are all incredibly good-natured about it, must have the patience of saints….

…and by that, I don’t mean ‘Saintslad’!!!
Noticed prof edited the post from Emma to Jazzy, please you can all call me Emma if you want

I’d rather always be called Emma in here than on there
Noticed prof edited the post from Emma to Jazzy, please you can all call me Emma if you want

I’d rather always be called Emma in here than on there

Emma's in, Hammy's in, Doc's in, Prof's in, Muttley's in… Don't dilly dally about, if I were you. I don't say that to rush, hurry, or pressure you. But if you want your name read out, go to your phone…
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I also find it like a ‘power play’.
Sort of ‘we can use your name as often as we like, and put whatever words we like into your mouth whenever we want’. I actually find it very nasty, not at all amusing, and very similar to abusive stalking. Certainly not professional, nor anything like their ‘family first’ image (not that I believe in THAT from IW).
I think Muttley, Jazzy, and especially Hammy, who are all incredibly good-natured about it, must have the patience of saints….

…and by that, I don’t mean ‘Saintslad’!!!
Spot on, Professor. Much as it has been suggested that they are laughing at me, you and us all collectively, I would imagine that they are quite pissed off with the some of the more cutting comments on here, and at their expense. I think they see the forum names texts thing as sticking two metaphorical fingers back at us. Like you, I don’t find it remotely amusing. I actually find it quite sinister. They would do better if they actually came on here and had a proper discussion if they are that obsessed with reading the place and taking our comments on board in forum silence, with the odd exception from time to time.
I have been watching off and on a bit of Hobbymaker TV. The way Dave Bradford explains it (because it is still new to him) that when people are buying items, whatever name they use comes up on a screen and he says he wants to give them a shout out to be part of the show. he stressed 'we don't have your address or anything' meaning that info won't be blurted out but where they are in the country is there alongside the name. A few times they cut to a camera in the gallery showing both the producer and director. And have occasionally cut to a camera showing the scrolling names on a TV screen. On top of that they were taking emails into the show where viewers were asking questions about products or just saying hello. A copy of the message was written in text on the bottom of the screen. It is just night and day from what Ideal World are doing. I feel bad for the brand, I do want it to succeed but glorified market traders are not the way to go about it. I have a feeling they are using a similar system but because fewer people are buying they just make up names. I also think they are using the fake names to create a false narrative that certain things are popular. I actually don't believe that the presenters are always aware of that.
I feel most of it generates from the more immature Gallery staff. I rarely watch at any length on weekdays days, so I don’t know if you get less of Hammy type texts thing then? Surely, on a busy shopping channel, that was focused on production in a big studio with multi-areas, and selling large quantities of goods, there simply wouldn’t be the time for them to do this. The fact they do, particularly in the evenings, suggests not a lot else is going on. Can you imagine QVC doing something like that? You know…QVC the successful shopping channel. The one that hasn’t made more comebacks than er…Ideal World.

On a current selling issue… I wish old Toilet Roll would stop saying body bags. It makes me think of corpses rather than fashionwear.
Only thing what concerns me is, Since I had a stroke at 14, I have been protected by my family, and have always been warned giving out too much info, I don’t mind you lot calling me Emma as I know I can trust you.

I’m now 47, and even though i went through Rehab, I still have walking, some talking issues, and memory issues, My folks would probably stop me from using forums If I was honest with them.

Sorry it’s not shopping related but I had to let out my thoughts
I feel most of it generates from the more immature Gallery staff. I rarely watch at any length on weekdays days, so I don’t know if you get less of Hammy type texts thing then? Surely, on a busy shopping channel, that was focused on production in a big studio with multi-areas, and selling large quantities of goods, there simply wouldn’t be the time for them to do this. The fact they do, particularly in the evenings, suggests not a lot else is going on. Can you imagine QVC doing something like that? You know…QVC the successful shopping channel. The one that hasn’t made more comebacks than er…Ideal World.

On a current selling issue… I wish old Toilet Roll would stop saying body bags. It makes me think of corpses rather than fashionwear.
I’ve noticed the strange texts seem to Happen more on Peters shifts

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