Random musings and general banter.


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Can just hear Pedro Simone Claus....From Santa to claus.......forgive me....Bet......from buyer to mug......from snow to summer.......from beard to sack :oops: from Mike to Mason......from reindeer....to wheelie bin.......to just....to av a buy....from Pez to Paz........on 1 flexi pays (??? eh??) from Gammon to Cane.....Merry Easter to one and all.....have a egg tastic christmas....no matter what someone hates you....cough splutter....Mack?? from a Turkey dinner to a tomato soup..........breakfast :oops:

Harold's in......🎅
Interesting that you're accusing me of saying 'get a life', and then responding to that level of rudeness, when I never said such a thing. Ah well. Create your own arguments and come out fighting. Neither did I use the word 'nuisance'. Clearly, you're incapable of any level of reasoned discussion as to why you should spend so long watching television you dislike and then commenting on a board that delights in making photoshop pastiches of presenters, creates nicknames for presenters and products and complains about the same things for YEARS. As if you are providing some kind of service for people you think are being ripped off? You're not, really you're not. That's what the ASA are there for, and it seems to me they have long since stopped taking the endless complaints from this place seriously.


You say we're "incapable of any level of reasoned discussion" but it feels like you're yet to actually engage with the discussion points many posters here (myself included) have raised in our responses to you. It's fine to not engage with the points, but to suggest we've not provided any sort of reasonable response is… C'mon, man/lady/person.

I do feel that insisting we "despise" IW, that we spend all* our time watching something we (supposedly) "hate", and implying that we're a bit odd for doing is undermining the "good faith" aspect of your approach a little.

Continually repeating assertions doesn't make them true, I'm afraid — especially when we've explained they're not!

*I can't speak for everyone, but my impression is most of us don't spend all day watching IW but tune in and out depending on what we're doing or not doing, if nothing else is on TV, etc. Some of us have selly telly on the background as white noise, though increasingly as a form of entertainment - not as bizarre as it sounds; car-crash TV is oddly compulsive. And to be blunt: us discussing selly telly on a forum dedicated to discussion selly telly is not as odd as it seems.
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I just heard Simona (I believe her name is) talking about a blanket and she said 'I'm not going to make any claims about this being for one show only.' so they are picking up on feedback which is interesting (and a very good thing). One issue I was hoping to get official clarification on is, what does the term 'sold out' legally mean in terms of shopping TV. I know in the past, when IW had sold out, they replaced it with a similar (but not exactly the same) for a similar price. With the TJC version they say 'sold out' but the next presenter later that evening has the same item or sometimes the next day. In other words they haven't sold out at all. These kinds of tactics do need to be named and shamed because you aren't allowed to hurry people (create a false sense of urgency)
Im a tad confused, nothing new there as my current sleep pattern means I’m sometimes not sure what day it is.
anyway I flicked on IW selling gammon last night and they had a price comparison showing of £125 ish so I was looking to see where it was being sold that high. I failed but what I found was it being sold at a discount that was actually higher that the twenty something that IW were selling it for but what puzzled me was the site quoted the normal RRP as £78 so why would anyone be selling it at £125.
On the topic of my weird sleep patterns.
I have a 16 year old dog 🐶 who has developed CCD (canine cognitive dementia)
She sundowns in much the same way as humans do except that with dogs when they get confused/ anxious they tend to bark very loudly and as I live with someone who needs to sleep so they can work the next day I need to be awake when my dog is in order to keep her calm and quiet.


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Nothing wrong with selling Amazon basics fans but it does remind me of a shop in town that sells Amazon returns. Still I wonder if they will do a direct comparison on Amazon itself? No? Well I can do that for you. They are actually selling it for £79.99 with free delivery. On Amazon it is £94.17 at time of checking. So an actual bargain, credit where it is due.


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