Random musings and general banter.


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Right now I sort of find myself rooting* for ShopOnTV's success (!) if only because it would stick a richly-deserved 2 fingers up at TJC-IW and its shambolic roster of tat pedlars.

Though Pedro would likely consider it another award to add to his buckling mantlepiece of imaginary ones.

*Goodwill likely to evaporate the second Simon Lies and the big name of Piranha and/or Richard Miers and his drone-phone-phone-drones appear.
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I saw an interview this evening with one of the ex-Real Ideal World guys at some trade fair some years back. Very articulate and smart thinking guy he came over as. It would just be nice to see a professional start, with some decent products, good production values, and some informative presentational skills on show with this new start-up. That‘s all most people want from a shopping channel - at least in front of house terms. People also are I’m sure, sick and tired of the style (or lack of it) on show with this offering.
I heard the reference to cashmere scarves and Hammy on his coastal walk. So far they've got you in a full body fleece, a cashmere scarf, and bounding along with one of those super duper canes. No danger of you getting cold and you'll be rock steady on your walks. All bases covered thanks to Ideal. Perhaps 'Our Bet' could join you on your next coastal (a.k.a. product placement) walk, just to mix things up a bit.

They will have to update their system, coastal walks are temp suspended, it's now daily walk along the old deeside railway line.
I know it wont be breaching GDPR laws BUT if I was buying and they kept saying my name (very rare name) what i'm buying and where I live i'd be a bit peeved, Imagine going into a high street shop and the assistant shouting out "thats Lorna from London bought more lotions......." :cautious:

As for them reading the forum, welcome and please join in the posting, all views welcome, it would be a very boring world if we were all the same, I just hope its a two way street, the presenters say they're bit on air and we say our bit on here good and bad (y)
We know the names are rubbish, they've used our screen names as 'buyers'. Rather than saying 20 people have bought they think its more effective psychologically to use names, doesn't matter if they're genuine, just use Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It's all part of the game to pressurise people into buying, to create a sense of urgency.

As I said recently on here it's also what scammers do. But of course, to use their phrase, I'm not making a direct comparison of Ideal World to a bunch of scammers...
It is just such a shabby, childish and unprofessional thing to be doing. Clearly, they have lifted screen names from here to add in to the context that buyers or potential ones are positively contributing their views and are committed to their products. Unless, of course, there is another Muttley, another Hammy, and another Duke of Cheese texting in. Would I buy from another company doing similar? No. Definitely not. Because by doing similar to the above, I wouldn’t believe a word they said on anything at all.
Oh some more not direct comparisons for the gloves. What's the point, they're not the same?

Maybe a better comparison instead of IW's £60 these for £13.99

Capture g.JPG

I maybe wrong and sorry if I am, But when IW mk3 are showing the NOT direct comparison's do they or have they ever shown the name of the NOT a direct competitor's company name?? I cant mind seeing any of the other sellers names.....
Has he ever been likable?
I think he's lost the ability to be professional. The anarchic style of bid up etc suited his abilities because he didn't have to know much about the product. He just had to be entertaining. Whereas now people are price comparing against Amazon and Ebay where you can find a lot of information about the product. They want to see it being used properly. Sounds to me like he is a tired act and isn't capable of steering away from the cabaret act he has 'honed'. Whereas if you look at Mike Mason he is still shouty etc but his style has been very toned down because he has adapted. When I see Peter Simon now I see a man who still has potential but he can't be arsed trying anymore
I maybe wrong and sorry if I am, But when IW mk3 are showing the NOT direct comparison's do they or have they ever shown the name of the NOT a direct competitor's company name?? I cant mind seeing any of the other sellers names.....

I can't remember them mentioning another retailer either, the only time another retailer is mentioned is with the Direct comparisons where they are cheaper than their rival, ie Amazon.

I'm pretty sure they don't give the name on non direct comparisons as the viewer could find the item and realise that really isn't a fair or valid comparison for IW to be making.
I don’t mind Simona but how long until she becomes like the rest

I quite like her too, not in a presenter sense, don't think presenting comes naturally (fluently?) to her as it does with a lot of the others, but she seems to have had to overcome a few serious health issues in her life but still remains positive and comes across as a bit of a goofy, excitable, happy go lucky type of girl. Not sure being on selly telly, especially with the old IW crowd, is the best way forward for her, as you say she could end up picking up some of their bad habits.

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